Can we talk? pt 2

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*Yoongi prov*

I watch as he just looks down and fiddles with his fingers.
A sign that hes uncomfortable, yes, i notice these things.

Cause I've been there, Jimins been there. I touch his back and rub it gently.

"Hey you don't have to tell me if your not ready. Just know that we're here, your not facing this alone. I know it might seem like it but your not. Ok?" 

(Seesaw just started play and I'm like... OOF 🤣😂)

*Rhys Prov*

He's right, i know he is.
But it's hard to accept it when almost all my life I had almost no one to be there for me.

Well, exept for Kao. But now that she's gone it's hard. Yes, I have my fans on social media but they don't really help much.

Saying, I'm here for you, You can talk to me, doesn't help much.

Sure it does a little but not much.
Fame and having fans who say they are there for you is one thing, but actually have a person who's genuinely there for you are two different things.

(I agree ⬆️I could rant about that butttt that's for another time)

I nod, theres a knock at the door and we both look up.

"Dinners ready you two." I hear Jins voice say and i hear him walk away.

I bite my lip nervously.
I don't want to eat, I'll be fat.

*Yoongi Prov*

After hearing that i know Rhys is nervous.

"Hey, it will be ok. You don't have to eat it all up ok? Just eat what you can ok? I'll sit next to you so the others won't bother you to much." I say and smile a little.

(Caring/Soft Yoongi is best Yoongi. Don't fight me on this)

Rhys nods and I can see him smile a little.

He looks at me, "You really are like a big brother huh?"
I chuckle a little at this.
"Yeah, I guess I am huh?"

I'm slowing starting to update again. 🙂

The Managers 'Son' (BTS x Trans Reader) FTMWhere stories live. Discover now