Protection pt2

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*BTS Prov*

As the day went on, the members got worried as Rhys didn't come home yet.

Here they are, sitting on the couch waiting fir him to come home.

They all knew where he was. Jungkook told them when he woke up

Just said Rhys went to practice so he wouldn't ruin anything. Which made the memebers feel bad.

They didn't blame themselves, but they felt bad. By now it's almost midnight and Rhys still hasn't come home.

"What do we do? He never stays this late." Jin says obviously worried.

To this, Namjoon rubbed the elders back to reassure him.

"Yes he does..." Chul says blankly while looking at the ground. All of them looked at the male.

"What?" Yoongi says.

"He.... He'll usually stay late there..." He says frowning.

"When does he usually come back home?" Jungkook asks look at him. Chul just keeps him gaze on the floor.

"Sometimes never. He never liked going home. He'll practice till his..... 'dad' came.

"All-nighters. Practicing kept his mind off of what will happen at.... Home..." He says him voice cracking at the end.

He takes in a raspy, shaky breath, "He's like a little brother to me..." He says and quickly gets up and goes outside on the balcony.

He slams the glass door behind him. The members just watch as he crys.

You can see his shaking fidgue, as he rocks back and forth trying to calm himself down.

"I'll go talk to him.." Namjoon says and gets up and walks to the balcony, carefully closeing the glass door behind him.

Soon enough the others started talking again.

But that all soon stopped when Yoongi told then to be quiet.

"Guys! Be quiet! Listen..." He says and they all go silent.

Since they left the windows open, they can hear whatever goes on outside the dorm.

It's faint but....

They can hear screams of pain....

Not just anyone's.....

They're Rhys screams....

The Managers 'Son' (BTS x Trans Reader) FTMWhere stories live. Discover now