📖Insecure Writer📖

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Dear Boo,

I need advice or some wise words.

I'm an insecure writer. I always feel like what I write isn't interesting, even if I had 3-4 good hits on Wattpad.

I update daily, even multiple times a day and interact with my readers, but it doesn't seem like it's enough.

I took a break and came back, and now I have fewer readers than before I left.

I feel the need to start a fresh new account. Even though my little brand isn't doing much, I love and enjoy it. I feel like the things I write do not fit into any genre.

Now I feel like I am rambling. In short, how can I battle my insecurities and self doubt about my talent? Am I being needy?




Dear A.J.*,
For anyone to be a good writer they must put one thing above the rest....

★Write for yourself!★

Don't right to have a fan base, write for yourself and for the love of writing.

If you love your writings, you'll write better and feel more confident about it.

People really do enjoy your books, don't think otherwise. This is a time for exams so readers have slacked in a lot of places.

I have read a couple of your books, and I like them, you really shouldn't put yourself down.

You're a really good author. What bothers you most about your writing? Is it your reader count or  your book content?

If you would like to start a fresh new account, start one. But I also would keep the main one as well. That way, you can have this account and write new material under your other.

Lastly honey, you're not needy at all. Never think that. You're a strong, awesome friend who is really good at what you do.

Don't give up! Keep pushing forward.

Love Always,

Love Always, ★Boo★

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*Name has been changed to protect the identity of writer

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