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You'd think pretending to be someone you're not was easy, huh? Going under a fake identity, meeting folk who barely even recognise the real you? Hah, who am I kidding? My name is Y/N, but of course, you'd already know that, wouldn't you?

See, you may think I'm fooling around or being "too overdramatic" about this entire situation. But I assure you, I'm not one to lie.

Now, where was I... ah, yes. I was brought up in a little town to the North of England, with my mum and younger sister, Emily. My older sister, Meg, moved to Australia when I was merely ten. Yeah, I'm the middle child. My dad passed away shortly after Emily was born from stomach cancer, and considering I was only one at the time, I don't seem to remember a thing.

With my dad gone, my grandma soon became a major part of my life. She'd tell us stories, fantasies about magical creatures and objects lurking about the earth. Specifically, one that captured my infant eyes the most, the one about a ring.

It didn't have a fancy name or anything ridiculous like that, it was just... a ring. "Long ago," grandma would start, "Our family was wretched and murderous. We would seek only to destroy, turning society vile and corrupt. It was like a plague, spreading among civilisation. One day, however, our family lost its power, and it only resulted in its downfall. The society that they had created turned their backs on us, leaving us hopeless.

But that wasn't the end, oh no! Sons and Daughters of Mother Nature herself, sworn to protect the human race, created a ring. This ring was bound to reconcile our family, that when we're living on our knees, we can rise up. No one knows where this ring is, as it only reveals itself to the most worthy of people. Maybe someday, you, Y/N, will be given this ring. And so, I preach to you: it's the only thing that can bring you true happiness. Use it wisely, Y/N." With that, my tender heart would grow with the determination to succeed in finding the object.

Some years later, grandma developed dementia, from which she was predicted to never overcome. But her words never faded from my mind, encouraging me to carry on with her journey.

°~Present Day, 2019~°

Obviously, what I just told you was complete and utter rubbish. Grandma's legacy will carry on, of course, but for now, I must focus on building mine.

School was rough. Being the socially awkward kid at the back of the classroom who didn't utter a word... yeah, it sucked. Others around me took advantage of it, mostly. For example, they'd send footballs flying across the classroom towards my head because they knew that the teacher wasn't looking and that I wouldn't complain. I repeat: footballs. Those circular objects that are supposed to be kicked into a goal? Them. Though, to be fair, I too took advantage of my quiet self. In PE, 40-50 kids would be asked to form groups of at least 3, and not one would turn to me. I got to help the teacher out, thankfully, instead of running 30 laps around a sports track.

But on the most side, school was hard. Nothing positive I can honestly say about it.

One person in particular stuck out among the crowd, though: my bully, Jeffrey. Jeffrey sure doesn't sound like an intimidating name, I'll tell you that, but he sure was one to go over the top to appear better than anybody else. He deliberately trapped my arm between these heavy metal doors we have at school; as you can guess, it broke. Yes, yes, in every story like this you have that one kid who's being bullied, bare with me here, but at least I don't rant about it as such.

"Y/N!" Jeff called from across the lunch hall. If I remember correctly, there were about two or three other Y/N's in the school, so I politely kept my head down. Being one year below me, my sister Emily kept to her friends, so I rarely ever saw her around. "Y/N!" he repeated once more. He was really looking for a reply, wasn't he?

"Y/N." God. I saw him walking towards me, his friends curled up laughing like a cackle of hyenas. Besides the name, his posture was menacing- it seriously felt like I was in the middle of a boxing arena by this point. He sat down next to me as the friends once again couldn't contain themselves.

"Can you tell them to stop?" I whispered anxiously.
"You're gonna have to speak up, dipshit." Jeff spat.
"Will they stop?" I asked louder.
"Who? All I see are a load of kids being kids." I once again ignored him as the giggling continued. I turned my face to the opposite direction, grabbing my sandwich.

"Don't ignore me, dumbass!" he ordered, stealing my lunch box in an attempt to threaten me. Great job, dude.

I kept eating my sandwich, hoping that he'd simply think I'm boring and leave. But nope. He just stared expectantly.

Finally, with the silent treatment paying off well, he grappled my hair and slammed my head off of the edge of the table. I dropped my sandwich on the floor, as he too dropped the rest of my food. "Jesus, the teacher's gonna kill you for that!" one person exclaimed, peeking to see the damage he had done.

The edge of the table was covered with some of my blood, dripping on to the sandwich. An echo of, "Oh my God!"'s spread across the hall, altering my mind. I started to go dizzy, but before I presumably blacked out, I saw Emily rush in with a teacher. Jeff and his friends scurried out laughing before anyone could catch them. Luckily enough for me, the footage would've been caught on security cameras.

"I saw what happened." Emily said. Heh, of course she did. She's good when it comes to spy work.
"It's alright, Y/N, we got you!" the faint voice of a teacher mumbled as I began to black out. "We got you..."



Hey guys! So this story may not seem like much at the minute, but I assure you, the Hamilton content will be here soon! I just need to get through all this first.

But can I just quickly say a big thank you to HerseyLou for inspiring me to make this. I just finished reading one of her stories, and can I just say that it was absolutely amazing. Even though she didn't finish it, it was fantastic! So just thank you, again.

In regards to this chapter, I guess I chose Jeff because... why the heck not XD

Ah, and this story will definitely be suited more for a female reader, but I'm not saying male readers can't give it a try! :)

History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now