Meeting The In-Laws

577 26 49

°~1 Month Later~°

(Emily POV)

Dear John,

I am glad to hear that your brother and sister shall be arriving today. I am fond to meet with them, and I'm sure that we'll get along just fine. Although, I wonder where you venture off to. Lieutenant Colonel Hamilton doesn't speak of you, and it makes me worry. Still, your letters are frequent, so I should have no means to worry. My obsession grows with every day that passe

I flicked my quill across the page as Sally barked viciously. "I'll get it!" Eliza announced. There must've been a knock at the door. I stared back to the letter. "Ugh, it was terrible anyway..." I muttered, crumpling it up. I tossed it to the side, heeding Sally along with the tap of my leg.

((Once again, I'm changing ages. 👏I👏KEEP👏FORGETTING👏TO👏CHECK! So Henry Jr remains 17, whilst Mary has been shifted up to 16))

Peering around the stairway, a man and woman stood at the door. Eliza invited them inside. I hid beside the wall, but Sally had other ideas, charging straight downstairs to meet them. "Okay, you've got this..." I straightened my hair out, picking small dog hairs from my dress. "You've got this."

"Emily!" Eliza called. I appeared into view, smiling to my future in-laws. The man smirked, with his sister crossing her arms. Attempting not to trip, I hurried downwards. "She's all yours." Eliza left for me to introduce myself.

I curtsied before them. "Emily Hamilton. I'm grateful that you were able to make it today!"
"Pleasure." the man replied. "Now where are your slaves, girl?"
"Oh, we don't... have slaves."
He scoffed. "Of course. You're my brother's betrothed." His sister laughed along, both taking their coats off.

He unexpectedly tossed his over to me. "Now show us around. I don't want to deteriorate here all day." He held his hands behind his back, walking away with pride.
"Don't worry," -The girl dumped her coat on top- "As long as you remain submissive, he'll be content." She strutted away after him, a cocky grin upon her face. "Oh, and my name is Mary. This is my brother, Henry."
"Mister Laurens." Henry chose to refer to himself.

I hung their coats upon a rack, following them into the kitchen. Sally came bounding out after eating from her food bowl. She barked at Henry, warning him away. "Ugh! What a repulsive creature!" he mocked.
I scooted past them to beckon her away. "I'm sorry, my dog can be overly defensive sometimes..." I apologised.
"Yes... Learn to get that thing under control..."
Mary giggled at him.

"I'll... show you around, then..."


"And finally, the living room." Y/N and Eliza stood to meet them. Henry was instantly distracted by Y/N, strolling by to kiss her hand.
"I've heard much of you, Miss." he commented.
Y/N sniggered. "Of course you have. Hasn't everyone by now?"
"Oh, but my brother talks of you so passionately."
I stared at my sister with a remark of jealousy. "Is that so?" she questioned, checking back to Henry.

"Join us for dinner!" Eliza offered. "We'll be having chicken!"
"Oh no, I don't th-"
"That would be wonderful!" Mary interrupted her brother. "Wouldn't it, Henry?" she gritted.
"Yes, yes, that would be great..." Henry corrected.
"I'll check the stove. Make yourselves comfortable!" Eliza concluded.

Henry and Mary sat with their arms crossed. I took my place beside Y/N. "So Miss Sophie, your war efforts." Henry started, denying my existence. "It violates the law, but still your audacity is stupendous! If it not for you, both my father and brother would be enclosed away! Which, I suppose, could have been a good thing. John was always a pest."
Mary laughed at him, leaning against his shoulder. I scowled at his words, but dismissively shook it off.

"Thank you. I'm grateful to General Washington for my freedom, as if it were anyone else, I could've been executed... Alas, it wouldn't have been a success if it weren't for my sister." She knew that this arrangement was mainly about me, passing the conversation over. The pair stared at me.
"Yes, I... persuaded her to chase her goals..." I wasn't good at talking when put on the spot. "And... Her decisions resulted in where we are today." I tried laughing, but nobody laughed along. Y/N awkwardly smiled.

"It's extraordinary to how you and John met!" Mary resumed, peering back to Y/N. "Who would've thought that a cross-dresser he had never met would conjure up the plan to save him?"
"Or did you use another one of your clever disguises meaning you've seen us before?" Henry joked.

They clearly weren't interested in seeing me. Only Y/N, as people always did. Never Emily; nobody made a fuss about Emily. Just Y/N, the cross-dressing badass. But what was Emily?


"If you'll excuse me, I must tend to the kitchen." I hastily escorted myself out through the hallway, closing the door behind me. I knocked the back of my head against the wall and glared at the ceiling. Eliza was busy at cutting the cooked chicken, but not too busy enough to notice me.
"Are you alright, dear?" she wondered.
"Great. I'm great, can't you see?" I scoffed. "Of course you can't. Nobody can, only-"

I turned away mid-sentence. Tears wanted to jerk themselves out of my eyes, yet they were mixed with anger. So much anger that they refused to submit. "Emily, please tell me what's wrong." I pulled away from her hand upon my shoulder. "...I understand that I am married to Alexander, making me like a mother to you. But... that doesn't stop me from being your friend, as we once were.

So please, talk to me." Eliza rested her hand onto me once more, though now I was more accepting. John was the only one who could understand... On our wedding day, I'd tell him everything. About the future; the abolition of slavery; the rights for women. But as much as I cared for Eliza, there was nothing that I was willing to say.

"Try asking the man that you call your husband." I lifted her hand away. Sally scraped at the back door, whining to be let out. I edged away over towards her. "The chicken's getting cold." I reminded Eliza.

I opened the door, flourishing in the winter heat.


Hello! Sorry this is late, but if you haven't seen on my wall, chapters will be slowing down a lot. They'll possibly speed up in the holidays, but that depends on homework. Man I hate homework and we're only 3 days into the year.

Also, the one-shot has been momentarily removed, if anyone who was possibly reading it was wondering. I'm sincerely sorry about this, but we have hope that it'll be dealt with.

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