Errands To Run

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°~2 Weeks Later~°


"Alright, I'll stick." I announced, shielding a Jack and an 8 of Spades in my hand.
"Twist..." Emily took another card from the pile, a smile creeping around the corner of her mouth.
"Eh, twist." David grabbed an extra card. He grunted in annoyance. "Bust..." He tossed his cards on the ground, showing a King, a 9 of Hearts and a 3 of Spades.

"Emily?" I questioned.
"I'll stick."
I revealed my cards. "18."
Emily showed off hers with a smug expression. A Queen, a King and an Ace. "21."
"Taking the risk, I see." David contemplated, shuffling his cards back into the pile.
"I only did it to try and lose." she responded.

"Oh, you're no fun." I taunted. "I earn ourselves a bit of money to buy some cards and you can't even enjoy that."
"I appreciate it, Miss. Being cooped up in here with almost nothing to do has been rather bland." David sighed.
"I know, and I'm sorry." I thought for a moment. "...Maybe we could get you out. We just need to avoid the guards."
"They'll likely be on lookout, for if my camp cared, I'd be a missing person by now."

"If your camp cared." Emily repeated, folding her arms.
"There's a high chance that they wouldn't," David continued, "But also an equal amount that they would."
"Alas, our main objective is to get you back to London." I reminded.
"Which would require a large sum of money..." he muttered.

"Where do you expect us to get that much money from?! Have you seen the state we're living in?!" Emily doubted, unconvinced by all of this.
"We'll need to start running errands to earn it." I concluded.
"We do."
"No, we need to start doing more. Achieve the most that we can."
"Oh, well that's a shame because we're the wrong gender!!"

"Cross-dressing...?" David mentioned.
"No, I'm not going through all of that again." I denied. "The only way is if... I get my job back. And Emily, you'll have to come too."
"What?! No!!" I raised my eyebrows at her. "...Fine. But can't we just... y'know, borrow money from someone who does work?"
"Any suggestions."
She shrugged. "Charles."

"But he'll help us!" she protested. "I'm pretty sure you two are secretly dating by now b--"
"We're not." I interrupted. David switched glances between the two of us frantically, trying to keep up with what was being said.
"You totally are but that's not my point. My point is that he trusts you with his goddamn life, so I'm 100% sure that he'll help."

I packed the cards away, debating my options. Charles hadn't spoken to me since... that happened. I'd wanted only to just talk my way out of his insecurity, but he just shunned himself away from me. He must've thought he'd have been rude, and it shocked him. Immensely. But I still had every bit of faith in him.

"Sure, yeah." I finalised. "We'll see Charles. Then we'll go and get my job back, and hopefully get you one too. Deal?"
"Deal." Emily agreed.
"Fantastic, so... I'm coming too?" David pondered.
"If you want some fresh air from this dump, then yes." I put the cards onto the cabinet, the three of us standing to our feet.

"Now let's get ourselves some money."


I hesitantly entered the store, scanning around for the tailor's apprentice. But instead, Hugh arrived out of the blue, notified by the bell above our heads. "Miss Hamiltons! How wonderful it is to see you here!" Hugh kissed both of my cheeks, returning the affection to Emily also. "And good day to you too, sir." he greeted David. "Could I make you anything? Tea?"
"We'll not be here for long, we just need to have a word with Mr Fernández." I informed him.

"Oh, you and that boy, always up to something." Hugh joked. "He's a strapping lad. It's a surprise that he hasn't partnered with you yet. But, of course, it's wrong for any woman to be forced into such acts."
"Haha... Yeah..." I pretended as he led us through to the back of the store.

Seriously though, people needed to stop shipping us.

He was there at the back, neatly folding clothes and placing them in the correct sections. "Charles, my boy. Miss Hamilton here would like to have a word with you." Hugh winked at me before leaving. I brushed it off, whilst Charles just kept folding the clothes.

"Charles, we have something important to ask of you." I commented.
"If it's about what happened, then I'm sorry but I'm occupied--" On his last word, he stared up to me. His eyes faded over to David, and his mouth gaped open. "W- Who is that?"

"David L/N, at your service." David bowed before Charles.
"U- Um..."
"Charles, please, I'm serious about this. We need your help."


"So you... uh..."
"The factory makes the clothing, correct?" I quizzed.
"And the clothing comes to this store to be sold, correct?"
"But only the workers in the store get decent pay, rather than the ones who actually made most of the clothing."

"So what I'm saying is, if we could have a third of your pay, it would contribute to getting Mr L/N on that ship back to London." I explained. "...And I'll pay you back."
"You don't need to pay me back. I don't buy anything."
"You don't buy anything?" Emily questioned.
"I just save it for... y'know, if the Dame goes bankrupt or some new medication is released that'll... improve my health."

David's ears perked up.

"But yes, you can keep the money." Charles allowed.
"Thank you so much." I gave him a hug, leaning over to his ear. "And don't worry about what happened." I whispered with minimal sound. I felt his head nod, and I let go.
"Thank you, boy. You're an honour to your family." David shook Charles hand, but I sensed that there was something... wrong about it. David smirked, and silently left the room. A gave him a wave goodbye, leading Emily out.

"See you later, Mr Mulligan!" I exclaimed, exiting the store.
"Now... the factory?" David asked.
"Just across the street." We left the square, and I glared out to my old working place. "Unluckily for us, it's working hours."
"Why is that bad?" he queried.
"Because there are some people in there that I'm not looking forward to see..."

We scurried around to the main entrance, and I heaved the doors open. Just as I'd expected, the workers stared at us. "Fuck me, it's Sophie Hamilton!" Edith laughed, causing a rupture of giggles. I stepped forward with pride, tempting the two forward. "Who's that you've got with you, Hamilton~?" Edith came towards David, placing a hand upon his chest.

"I suggest you wouldn't do that around my partner, thank you very much." I almost choked on his words, widening my eyes. David tackled Edith's wrist, tossing her away from him. He then paced up next to me, watching over anyone else who dared to touch him. Intimidated, they resumed back to their work.

"There's was no need to do that." I gritted under my teeth, treading up the stairs to Mr Cogswell's office.
"I'm doing us both a favour, Miss. Now they'll leave us both be."
"What about me??" Emily hissed.
"You're with me." I mentioned. I patiently knocked on the door to the office, Emily overlooking her possibly soon-to-be co-workers.

Mr Cogswell opened the door. "You."
"Good afternoon, s--"
"Don't you dare speak to her like that, you hear me?" David argued. Wow, he was desperate for this money.
"Of course, sir... My apologies." Mr Cogswell regretted, only just noticing him there. "But I suppose you're looking for your job back."

"My sister, too." I tugged Emily over. You could tell Mr Cogswell would give anything to kick us out right there and then, but he deemed threatened by David that he couldn't. After all, Emily was the reason that I was fired in the first place.

He huffed, searching through a drawer in the back corner for clothes. On retrieving them, he carefully passed them to Emily and I. "Tomorrow. Here. 7 o'clock. Got it?"
"Yes, sir." We said in unison. Mr Cogswell tilted his cap to David, slamming the door shut.

"...Well he's the biggest dick I've ever met." David contemplated.


Aahh I accidentally dragged this on for too long lol

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