Dating Advice From A Frenchman

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°~1 Week Later~°


Powdered waves crashed into the sides of the ship. Though I couldn't take my eyes from them. I'd stared hopelessly for the last hour, the wind battering against my face. We were bound to be miles away from shore by now. In the middle of the ocean. The air seemed fresher than usual, a pleasant surprise to all this sea sickness.

Lafayette was busy in his cabin- who knew what he was up to. And although I wrote every day, I gathered no responses. It was a lonesome world out here, and there was nothing I could do about it. All I hoped for was that Charles had sent a letter to Alexander. In the meantime, I could suffice with some new company, if anyone would allow it.

And indeed someone did.

"Good morning, Miss." a man, sounding supposedly around my age, greeted.
"Good morning."
He too leaned over the side. "I've seen you about alone, over these days. Who is it that accompanies you?"
"Oh, my husband, Mr Nicholas Hurst. He's a man of business, with little time left to spare."
"I see. Then you must be Mrs Hurst?"
"Yes, that's correct."

"I'm Eric Harrison." I looked over to him. He had a shockingly smooth face and curled, light brown hair. Definitely around my age. His eyes displayed sympathy, gazing straight into mine.
I turned away with a smile. "I'm Olivia Hurst."

His hands tapped along the ship. "Who is it that accompanies you, then?" I repeated from him.
He chuckled. "Just me. I plan to return to England, to my family. This war has truly ruined me..."
"You wish not for freedom...?"
"I wish not to fight, Miss. Men have been slaughtered before my very own eyes, and for what? A country?"
"A nation. These soldiers are fighting for the independence of an entire civilization. Families will raise their children, and their children will raise their own children. All because of what these soldiers fought to protect."

He sniggered. "I like you. You have spirit, unlike many of these old tarts you often see around."
"Tarts?" I giggled. "No, Mr Harrison, tarts are what you eat with your dessert."
"Please, call me Eric." he insisted. "I would hate to be viewed as another dispassionate gentleman."
Eric scuttled slightly closer. "Then you can call me Olivia."

"Olivia!" Lafayette called from behind. Startled, Eric twisted himself towards him. They locked eyesight for one moment, before he resumed back to me. "Good day, Miss." He strolled past Lafayette, who gave him a rather stern look. The instant Eric was below deck, Lafayette jogged to me.

"So, who was that~?" he teased.
"Some boy only flattering himself." I brushed off. "And anyway, you didn't appear happy when you saw him."
"I'm your husband now, mon ami, I've got to act cautious."

"So who was he?" he asked again.
"Someone named Eric Harrison. Fought for the colonies, I assumed. He's returning to his family."
"And do you take any interest in him?"
"Wh-- No! Of course I don't! I'm already-"

I stopped myself. Lafayette edged closer with an eyebrow raised. "You were saying?"
I rolled my eyes. "Okay, maybe there is someone."
"Just because you're a woman now, mon ami, doesn't mean I can't assist you and your love life. If anything, I can help you even further."
"Love life!" I remarked sarcastically, throwing my head into my hands.

"Tell me, is he handsome?"
"That's a yes. Is he intelligent?"
"Lafayette, I don-!"
"Also a yes. Is he fairly tall?"
"I don't see why that's a necessary ques-"
He gasped. "He's the boy you took to the ball, isn't he?"
"Wow. You guessed it."

"He's certainly not of the aristocratic sort, I'm sure of that-"
"No... He's an orphan. He and his sister immigrated from Spain."
"Oh, español, I like it. Let me tell you a little secret about men, Madmoiselle." He took my shoulder. "They like it when women make them feel vulnerable. Some find it... rather alluring. Try talking to him, in a way that he may talk to you."

Charles most definitely expressed himself through words than actions. And Lafayette was right: it worked. I just didn't want to creep him out, or... give him the wrong idea... It was obvious he wanted marriage. I only relented from giving into it.

Suddenly, I heard a sharp clatter above my head. "HELP! HELP!!" A sailor had fallen from the crow's nest nearest to me, his foot tangled within the upper rope. If he moved even the slightest, he would plummet to his possible death.

Alarmed by the cries, passengers emerged onto the deck. "What's happened?!" Eric seemingly called out to me.
"A man, up there!" I pointed directly to him. The sailor waved his hands about in a panic.

Noticing this, Lafayette took action. "If we gather beneath him, we can break his fall!!" he suggested, rounding others up.
"It's too high, he'll never make it!" another man proclaimed. Instantly, Eric sprinted off and began climbing the rigging.
"Sir, you must come down this instant!!" an abnormally large sailor bellowed.

Eric didn't back down. Didn't even flinch. He continued nearer to the topsail, determined to save this man's life. Using his elbows and knees, he crawled along the branch-like structure that pointed outwards from the mast: there the man hung upside-down.

Using the rope to his advantage, Eric tossed the man another part of the rope to secure his grip on. He lifted both ends up, encouraging the man to grip to the branch. Finally, he spun himself around, where Eric could safely detach the rope from his ankle.

The crowd clapped vigorously as the two made their way back to the deck. The sailor hugged Eric in thanks, and he was soon met by a cluster of astonished people. He paid no attention to them, however, and looked straight to me. He bowed his head with a tender smile. I grinned back.

"What a strange boy..." Lafayette observed. Eric left back to his cabin. "Impressive... but strange..."
"Indeed. He bares a personality I am yet to discover."
"You are to befriend him?"
"I don't see why not? He seems fascinated by me. If I shall make at least one friend out here, I suppose it should be him."


Lord, Wattpad's gone all emo on me.

Lord, Wattpad's gone all emo on me

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