Miller No More

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I unlocked the door to the house for the first time in months, familiarizing myself with the stench. I shrivelled my nose in disgust, but continued on inside. Emily carried ahead and sat herself down on the couch, whilst David observed his temporary home.

"It's not the best," I admitted, "But it's enough for us to survive."
"Mr Hamilton lives in poverty?" David asked, with a hint of sadness in his voice.
"Not such bad poverty. We receive help from his friends, and it's what keeps this house on its feet."
"I see."

David sat himself down next to Emily, and I stood before them. "I'll need to go and change out of these clothes." I informed the both of them. "There's food in the kitchen if you need anything; Emily will show you around. Make yourself at home." I frantically left, desperate to reunite with my old bedroom.

(Emily POV)

Heck no was I showing him around. He was a Redcoat, a sworn enemy. And Y/N was just going to leave me with him here? Pssh, whatever. I can handle myself.

I got up, preparing to leave for the kitchen. "You know, there's no need to show me around." the Redcoat told me with a smile.
"I wasn't planning on doing so." I replied fiercely.
"You have quite the attitude, Miss. I like it." He casually leaned back on the couch. Scoffing, I tread into the kitchen.

On the side were a neat basket of apples, which I'd bought the day prior. Examining them closely, I picked out the freshest one and took a bite, making my way back to the entrance of the living room. Peering around the archway, I noticed the Redcoat placing his hand onto the drawer beside the couch, as though he were looking for something.

"Hey, um..." I distracted him. His hand bolted away, originating to his previous posture. "Would you... uh... like an apple?" I asked, thinking of nothing else to say.
"That would be delightful." he accepted, as though nothing had happened. I quickly rushed myself into the kitchen, grabbed an apple and went back into the living room before he had any other ideas.

"Thank you." He gently took the apple from me. I perched on the other couch from him, getting even more of a suspicious vibe from him. I observed worriedly as he ate, gobbling it down. I took small bites.

"So," -He swallowed the food in his mouth- "I heard that Mr Hamilton took you in."
"Yes." I confirmed shyly.
"Such a great man, and always has been. We were children together: brothers, more like. We vowed to always stay on each other's side, and yet here we are. The world has brought us to hate."

Finishing off the apple, he stared at me deeply in the eyes. They reflected just like Y/N's, with that same solemness centred in the pupil. It was as though I were seeing a clone of hers, just...


"He always had that soft spot for orphans..." he commented. "Are you satisfied with his presence?" I distinguished him leaning forward slowly, eager for my response.
"Y- Yes, sir." I uncomfortably shifted backwards. Nevertheless, to my luck, Y/N emerged into the room wearing her old dress.


I trudged upstairs, remembering to turn to the left in order to reach my room. I turned the doorknob, grinning as my bed came into sight. "Home sweet home." I whispered to myself, taking my first steps into the coldness. Emerging past my surroundings, I stopped at the wardrobe. I shakily took a breath, opening it to reveal my old clothes.

I chose a dress at random, unbothered to pick through a variety; besides, I'd been wearing the same clothes for months. I found my old corset huddled in the bottom corner, scrunching my face up at it as I remembered the excruciating pain. "Well, at least it's better than a bullet to the chest." I contemplated, closing the wardrobe and setting my clothes upon my bed.

The jacket; the shirt; the breeches; the boots; they were all gone in a flash. I stared longingly at them, but regarded them to the side. I was part of the real world now. I fastened the corset around my chest, careful not to disturb the stitches still in place. I winced in pain, but it was enough for me to muster. Slipping the dress and shoes on finally, I examined my old self in the mirror. That same mirror that I'd used to examine Charlie Miller. But now, Charlie Miller was no more.

I was Sophie Hamilton once again.

I neatly folded my uniform, feeling that same awkwardness I'd felt when I first started having to wear dresses. I kicked myself out of it, treading downstairs with the clothes in hand.

Upon turning the corner into the living room, David was gazing at Emily. She noticed me firstly, sending a message for David to look too. He sat back, giving Emily some space. "Is everything okay down here...?" I questioned.
Emily gulped. "Yeah, everything's fine."
David nodded in agreement.

"Great. Well... I'm going to visit Charles for a short while, if that's alright with you tw--"
"I'm coming." Emily interrupted, standing up and hurriedly pacing over to me.
"I haven't seen you in months, alright? I just want to spend time with you." she protested.

I sighed impatiently. "But Emily, what about David?" She turned to him, but he slouched backwards. He hung his arms over the sides of the couch.
"You can go. I can handle myself." he concurred.
"Are you sure?"

I led Emily to the door. "Just remember not to go outside." I warned David. "We were lucky the first time."
"Please don't worry of me, Miss!" he giggled, "Worry of yourself. There are plenty of treacherous men lurking about out there."
"Thanks for the reminder." I replied sarcastically. Emily tensed up in fear of his words, as though she'd encountered citizens as such.

I pulled open the door, Emily and I leaving David to himself.

"I don't like him." Emily muttered.
"Because he's a Redcoat?"
"Because he's a creep!" She kept her voice down to restrain him from overhearing.
"He might be on the opposing side from us, but he's no threat."

"You don't understand, he--" She suddenly gave up on what she was about to say, massaging her temples. "Why did you bring him here, anyway?"
"He was a war prisoner, but we helped him to escape a--"
"A prisoner for what?"
"Look, he shot me, b--"

"HE SHOT YOU!! EXACTLY!!" Emily spat, her voice still husk. "Wait wait wait... He shot you?!!"
"It wasn't his fault, he was only doing as he was ordered!"
"But you could've died!"
"Well I didn't. And I was sent home because they caught me out."

Emily's face dropped on realisation. "They... They found you out...?"
I nodded.
"Does that mean we go to prison...?"
"No. General Washington, he's... He's a good man. Despite everything that has happened, he's only doing what he thought was right." I smiled, trying to keep myself happy. "But hey, now we're together again, right?"

Emily didn't respond, looking down.

I patted her on the back. "Let's go. Charles needs to know about this."


We're finally out for summer! I'll have a lot more free time now, as little ol' me has 3 friends that live locally cri

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