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Dawn was arising in the east. Had I have known why I was there in the first place, I would have carried out my duties. But alas, I had no recollection of anything. All I knew is that one minute, I had been fighting a battle, and the next I was in the midst of a field. I supposed that I would never know why.

However, the American and French camps weren't too far of a walk. I'd followed a rise of smoke, despite that it was approximately 5 o'clock in the morning. My assumption was because of the profound cold, adding a sharp chill to the air. I crossed my arms and watched my own breath drift away from my mouth.

Climbing up a small hill, I was stopped by two guards holding their muskets out towards me. Behind them was that very fire that led me here; pacing up and down beside the fire was Alexander. "State your name." one of the guards ask cautiously.
"I- I'm Sophie Hamilton! Captain Miller...?"

Diverted by the name, Alexander swivelled around. His eyes were bloodshot, engulfed by a pit of black sags which made them droop. "Y- Sophie-!!"
"Stand back, General, w-"
"She's my niece, you fools, don't tell me to stand back!!"

Alexander pulled me into his arms; his hands trembled over my shoulders. "I could only think the worst of what had happened to you..." he sighed in relief.
"I don't know what happened..." I admitted.
He kissed my forehead. "All that matters is that you are safe... But your guard?"

My... guard. Yes. General Wilson had assigned himself to protect me, hadn't he? When we attacked Redoubt 10, Wilson and I were sent to the back to fight the escaping Redcoats. During the battle (who knew how many days it had been since then), Wilson and I kept to the back, where we slaughtered anyone in our path. As far as I could remember, though my memory seemed... weirdly unrealistic, Wilson had brought me through this. Alas, as we ran to the next boulder for cover, my memory of all events appeared to... shut off. And then I was in a field, alone, gazing at the stars.

"...General Wilson?"

The two guards took their caps off and looked down.

"...General Wilson was found dead. In the wood."


After all he had done for me, it was a tragedy that this man had his life fatally stripped away. At the beginning, when I really was 'Charlie Miller', he was a pure embodiment of cruelty. When he discovered my 'true identity', Sophie Hamilton, he treated me with the respect of any true gentleman. He even took the role of being my 'guard', despite that I seemed to recall... someone else...

...Not to matter, that is.

This man was dead.

°~2 Hours Later~°

I bowed my head to Wilson's grave, giving my final salute to the wooden cross marking his burial site.


"A noble man." Alexander admitted. I inspected the flowers handpicked from the fields and put upon his grave. "If it were not for him, you may..."
"Yes..." I could not say any more.
"Do you recall going with him into the wood?" he interrogated me.
"...No." I confessed. "No, I don't. I remember the battle, but... But then I was in a field. It was peaceful... yet cold."
"Well, you're here." -He patted his hand on my back- "That's all I need to know."

"REDCOATS!!" a guard screamed. Every man was on high alert, jolting at a nearby musket, even if it did not belong to them. Soldiers joined the front lines and aimed for the intruders. On edging forward to determine what was happening, I was stopped by Alexander forcing me back.
"I ju-!"
"No, we don't want any more d-!"

"He's-!" A drumming effect rang out. Defying his own rules, Alexander came forth to examine the scene. Instinctively, I followed him.

"...Oh my gosh."

Not even the scenes of war compared to the impact that I felt at this moment. Indeed, there was a drummer. Nevertheless, beside that drummer was a man. Another Redcoat, waving a white handkerchief into the air.

A white handkerchief.

Four soldiers rose from their crouched position, jogging over to tackle the two men and blindfold the one in surrender. Out of the blue, Washington stepped beside me to observe.

"This surely couldn't mean-"
"Or rather it could." Washington corrected me, his smile widening. "It most definitely could, Hamilton."

I latched to Alexander's arm. "Is this really it?" I questioned. "The war is over?"
"Negotiations will begin to establish the terms of surrender." he sniffled. "Then we can return home."

Washington took the Redcoat at the shoulder and dragged him out into the open. Hundreds were gathered, a couple even throwing rocks at the drummer who'd ceased his playing. The Redcoat officer still held the handkerchief in the hands of the General.

"Speak, what is your business here?!" Washington ordered. The officer jumped, not expecting the sudden burst of noise through his ears.
"From the orders of General Cornwallis!" he began, "The increase of artilery on the rivalled lines have overwhelmed that of our own. Henceforth, on behalf of His Magesty the King, we..." -He gulped- "We must proceed with our surrender."

Quicker than I could think, hands flew into the air victoriously. The tone of sadness in his voice was distinctive, and although the officer could not see, he tilted his head downwards shamefully. "FREEDOM FOR AMERICA!!" Lafayette lunged from the crowd and swung his arms around us.

"I- I'm going to meet my child!" Alexander exclaimed hysterically. The sight of freedom was mesmerising, although it hadn't been declared just yet. It was a mere glimpse into the future, what was there not to be joyous about?

"I'm going to meet my child!!" he repeated again. Alexander disconnected from Lafayette and embraced me. He laughed into the side of my shoulder, probing a laugh from myself. Chants rang out, starting with one, then another, then another, and then the entire camp. Soldiers screaming "WE WON!!" from the very top of their lungs.

Only now did I realise that our fates had changed. Our nation was to be free. I was free, Emily was free, Alexander was free, Eliza was free, Charles w-

Charles was free.

And I loved him.

I loved him.

History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now