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°~One Week Later~°


"Mr Miller...?"

"Mr Miller!"

I jolted my body up in alarm, accidentally knocking my head harshly against Cornelius'. "Good morning, Mr Miller..." he greeted, rubbing his head vigorously to relieve the pain.
"Sorry..." I sighed, "A- And good morning..."
"You were struggling to wake up, sir... I just wanted to reassure myself that you weren't... like most other men here."

"Oh, so you do care!" I joked, though it didn't seem like a good time to him.
"Since when have I not?" he asked, taking it seriously.
"You're usually just a heartless man, always keeping to yourself!"
"Oh, heartless, eh?" A smile crept along his cheek as he crawled out of the tent.

"What are you planning, Corne-!!" Our tent came down at once, flopping in top of me. I dragged my way out using my hands, shoving the tent away forcefully once I was out. Cornelius stood with his arm crossed, smoking his papelate as usual. He snickered as I faced him irritably.
"Oh come on, Miller, you were begging for it!"
"No I was not!!" I argued.

"Uh-huh. So how about you put it back up?" How the tables had turned. Whilst Cornelius was trying to tease me, I was not amused.
"Wh-- No!!" I turned away from him, looking around to check if anyone was watching this. To my surprise, nobody was around. Apart from the sick ones, everyone was down near the benches.

"Ugh, I slept in..." I grunted.
"No kidding." Cornelius commented sarcastically.
"Look, if you're not going to put it back up, th--" I piveted back around, finding that the tent was perfectly back in shape. How... did he do that? I stood in shock, but Cornelius only took the papelate out of his mouth and shrugged.

"You should get going, Mr Miller. Your friends are waiting for you." He slid the pipe back into his mouth, strutting away with casualty. I glanced back at the tent, shaking my head in confusion.


"Monsieur Miller, alive at last!" Lafayette cheered.
"Have we got some good news for you!" Hercules added. I sat alongside John, observing the curious amount of soldiers gathering outside of Washington's tent.
"Must be something good. Go on."

John tackled my shoulder, swinging me around so we were facing the outside of the bench. He lowered our heads closer together. "You see that crowd?" he asked.
"Well, apparently General Washington is looking for another aide-de-camp."
"A right hand man?!"
"If that's what you like to call it, yeah."

"Well... What does it have to do with me?" I whispered.
"...We think he likes you."
"Not like that, dumbass! We think he's interested in your work!" He scanned around, inspecting the variety of faces among us. "This place is full of jerks who think they're tough. You've got everything compared to them!"

I scrunched my face up. "Like what?"
"Think about it: you were the one who thought of the plan to free me. You were the one who persuaded yourself to carry it out. You were the one who succeeded on your mission. You're a born leader, Hamilton."
My face heated up from the overload of compliments, but I nodded away. He was right. This entire time, I'd never even realised how much that entire scheme was thrown upon me; it was why John was determined to be my friend.

He admired me.

I grinned at Lafayette and Hercules, bringing myself back up to my feet.

"Alright. I'll do it."


I reached the end of the queue in a matter of minutes; many were being dismissed from the lack of intrigue or interest. I just couldn't believe it... That was two people so far that had told me about Washington's curiosity: I must have made myself look so dumb last week...

The tent opened, emerging none other than Charles Lee. He scowled at me as I prepared to make an entrance, shaking my hands off. I was commanded inside, and therefore did so.

I stood before the General, saluting him to address my honour. He didn't seem to notice, as he was too busy filing through a stack of papers on his desk. His eyes were switching motions rapidly, expressing the fury within them. However, that all seemed to be forgotten when his eyes were led to me.

"Miller! How wonderful to see you here!" Washington exclaimed.
"You too, sir!"
"How's the shoe polishing going?"
"...Good, sir...?"
"Hah, I'm just messing with you!" he laughed. "So I'd assume you're here just as everyone else has been?"
"Yes... sir. If it's causing you any trouble, I can leave!"
"No, no! You're just the man I need!"

"I... am?" I questioned him.
"Of course you are!" he regarded, "Why wouldn't you be?"
I twitched the corner of my mouth with relief.
"You see, I've been analysing your documents, and it's intriguing, really, as I cannot find any records of you throughout the years." Washington explained. "Therefore, I've been perceiving you around camp, which I hope you haven't found uncomfortable in any way, have you?"
"No sir!" I insisted.

"Good, good. As I was saying, you write a tremendous amount of letters, don't you?"
"Heh, yes, sir." I admitted.
"If you don't mind me asking, who is it that you write to?" Washington wondered.
"Just my family back at home, sir. My father and sister."
"Right, yes, yes. And you write music?" he quizzed.
"Yes, sir."

His smile widened in disbelief, and he faced me like a proud father. "How old did you say you were again, sorry?"
"Seventeen, sir." I answered.
"You're seventeen, and you managed to conduct and lead a group of soldiers to safety with barely any help!" Washington rejoiced.

"Look, kid, what I'm saying is that you're remarkable. You have some strong potential within you. And you've been here for what, a month? You just need to let it all out, and I am willing to give you the opportunity to do that.


How would you like to be an aide-de-camp?"


I've decided that I'm going to put a stop to the warnings at the beginning of chapters, because first off it's a bit too repetitive and I don't want to spoil anything (e.g. a death). Therefore, there's a warning in the description, if you haven't noticed, which will apply to all of the chapters from now on.

Alsoalsoalso I've made a quiz over on Amino for you to try out! Each question is based on a single chapter from this fanfic, so in total there are 45 questions so far:

History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now