Dining With The Lafayettes

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"Papa!" Anastasie called, pointing at the window. Adrienne went to inspect, peeking out across the garden.
"Our carriage has arrived." she informed us. We arose from our seats, Lafayette struggling to put a shoe on.
"Dépêcher, papa!" Anastasie urged, tugging her mother's hand towards the door.
"Je vais aussi vite que possible." Lafayette replied irritably.

"Clearly not, Monsieur." John joked. Lafayette grunted, making Georges giggle.
"Here, let me help." Adrienne passed Georges over to Anastasie, who struggled to hold him up, whilst she wrestled Lafayette's shoe on for him.

I tilted my head at Anastasie, watching Georges gradually slip from her grasp. "Need help with that?" I asked. She didn't seem to know English, so I relied on my actions to carry me through rather than words. I knelt on the floor, despite my dress attempting to restrict me from it, holding my hands out. She immediately handed him over to me, thankful to bare the weight off of her hands.

"Uh, hello there." I greeted. Georges stared in confusion, but soon turned face-to-face with me.
"Brace yourself, mon ami..." Lafayette warned. Georges planted his hand onto my cheek, squishing it violently. He mumbled nonsense to himself, fascinated by my face.
"Emily, John, heLP--" Georges held my mouth open, inspecting my teeth. He laughed to himself, mimicking my ridiculous look by gaping his mouth open as wide as he could. Even Anastasie was snickering.

"Lafayette!" I tried to call, although it sounded along the lines of 'ah-hi-eh'.
"Alright, alright, that's enough." Adrienne chuckled, picking Georges up. Anastasie hopped over to Lafayette, holding his hand.

"The coachman will become angry if we wait any longer."


The restaurant was huge. I hadn't ventured around this part of town, for it was accompanied by upper class folk. Restaurants were unheard of near us, so it was a rare sight to see. John helped Emily out of the carriage, supportively allowing her to hook her arm around his. Lafayette walked arm-in-arm with his wife, as she held Georges, and Lafayette held Anastasie.

I walked alone.

Lafayette kindly greeted those who passed by in the respects of all of us, entering into the restaurant. I smiled at the glimpse of the chandelier from the dining room, Lafayette readying our table for us. Emily softly tapped on my shoulder, hugging my arm. "Isn't this amazing?!" she squeaked.
"Yeah, it is."
"Oh, just wait until Alexander and Eliza are married, we can come here every da-!"
"Sshh!" I alerted. "Nobody needs to know that yet."

Once Lafayette was finished, we were led over to a 6 seated table. "I'll request for a high chair, sir." the man said, leaving us to it. Emily, John and I sat on one side, whilst Anastasie, Lafayette and Adrienne sat on the other. I waved to Georges, sitting upon Adrienne's lap.

"I think he likes you." she admitted.
"Oh, I wouldn't think so." I dismissed.
"Why not?"
"I've never been good with children, and-"
"That's what you said about Monsieur Peale's son." Lafayette interfered. "Therefore, you are proving yourself wrong."
"That was Charlie Miller, not Sophie Hamilton." I defended.
"And yet they're both the same ambitious person. I see no change between them."

The high chair arrived, placed just next to Adrienne at the end of the table. "Thank you." The man bowed his head, leaving once again. Georges was placed into it, gaining the sudden urge to slap the table.

Lafayette passed out three paper menus to each pair and a fourth for me. Of course, Anastasie's and George's options were simple, however ours were endless. I wouldn't want Lafayette to be spending so much of his money upon us, so I picked a cheaper yet edible meal. The waiter came in no time, and we made our orders.

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