The Trail We Blaze

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(Alexander POV)

"I suggest we take refuge a mile down the bank. They likely won't suspect us emerging from there, and it gives us a good chance for preparations."
"I agree." I concurred with Washington.
"I say we go straight in for the kill." Wilson murmured. I shot him a glare: how pathetic. He still isn't the slightest bit strategic, not even as a General.

"That's a terrible idea." I discouraged.
"Oh really?" Wilson replied, his cockiness showing itself.
"Hamilton's right," Washington backed me up, "We're too fragile to start a fight so soon. If we charge straight into it, General, we'll be forced to retreat."
"And so you'd rather us be treated like a bunch of cowards, sir?"
"I'm not saying that! All I'm saying is that these soldiers must be trained before we go forth with anything major."

"Send my respects to General Lafayette, I need to talk with him." Washington commanded. "Where is the man, anyway? He is supposed to be riding with us..."
"Likely helping the new recruits, sir!" I answered.
"Or causing trouble." Wilson intruded.
"Oh will you just shut the f--!"
"Alright, alright!" Washington interrupted me. I scoffed at him, riding off down the line.

"Lafayette!" I galloped over once I'd found him, pacing alongside his horse. "General Washington requests to see you."
"Tell him I'll catch up, I need to pull aside for a few moments." he replied. I looked over from him for a second, discovering the Miller boy again; I'd told them to stay away from him, but they presumably wouldn't listen.

He was forever up to no good, I could feel it within me. Strangely enough, his face sparked something in my mind, though I couldn't pinpoint what. Heh, how pitiful. He couldn't even look me in the eye, holding his head down in shame. "And why might that be?" I asked Lafayette suspiciously.
"I need to... dispose... of... my... urine."
"...Alright..." ...What a strange way to respond. I raised my eyebrows at such a specific answer, turning away.


"Where is he?"
"He'll be here any minute now, sir." I reassured Washington.
"It's been almost an hour!!" Wilson had been sent down to find him, to drag him up if necessary. Perhaps he'd gotten lost, or...
"He's not here, sir!" -Wilson returned empty-handed- "He and the two others... They're gone, sir."

Washington halted his horse, forcing everyone else to stop like falling dominoes. "General Lafayette!!" he screamed, a hint of fear layering his voice. "Come forth now! That's an order from your Commander!!"

No response.

I reared my horse around, trotting down the sidelines. The first person I was willing to interrogate was Burr; Miller spent a lot of his time around him. I managed to scout Lee down, implying that Burr would also be there with him. I drew closer, catching Burr's eye.
"Aaron Burr, sir."

Lee smirked selfishly, making way for our little ruse. "Seen anything suspicious recently?" I asked.
"What? No, what do you mean?"
Burr was skilled in practically every way, and I therefore couldn't whether he was lying or not. "Charlie Miller has took flight with friends of yours and mine."
"N- No, I... haven't seen a thing."

The stutter in Burr's voice caused Lee to snigger under his breath. "What's so funny, Lee?" I ordered, sharing a menacing look.
"You can't be so gullible! Are you really, Hamilton?" he sneered. "Of course we saw them! At least I did!"
"Charles..." Burr murmured, shunning his head downwards in embarrassment.
"No! For once, the man deserves to know a thing or two!"

A compliment from Charles Lee? That was something I'd have never expected. For Burr, as much as his actions of lying could result in consequences, I brushed it to one side.

He'd never cause me any trouble.

"Where is it that they went?" I asked Lee, gripping the reins to take off immediately.
"Straight to the West of you." He pointed directly to his side, smirking to the fact that they would be caught. As much as I hated to admit it, we both had our differences, but there was one thing that was divided between us both: Miller. His reason for his growing hatred was for the fact that Miller was weak compared to him; Lee had never gotten on well with new and feeble recruits. Not only that, he'd somehow managed to gain Burr's appreciation, which clearly infuriated him.

"Thank you." I nodded my head. "And Burr?" Burr glanced back at me. "I'll let your mistake slip this one time." The stallion neighed, taking off through the fields.


"So from my calculations, we should be here on the map." Lafayette predicted.
"No we're not, we're nowhere near!" Hercules disagreed, "We only just left the others, so we'd be over here!"
"But no, because the river's here an--"
"The river's miles away!!"
"Oh, if you're so smart, then why don't you do all the work??!!"
"I'm not doing anything, you stupid baguette!!"

"Alright, guys, guys, calm down!!" I interrupted their argument, using my arms to separate them. "Don't you have a compass?"
"Nah, because little Laffy over here forgot one!" Hercules mocked.
"Okay, okay!! Well, we can figure it out from here!" I enthused.
"I don't th--"
"Don't discourage me, Mulligan."

I snatched the map from Lafayette, tracing along the trail the camp were currently walking along. I hit the circle drawn on it with my finger, as it signified where we had abandoned the army and fled. "We've headed South from the forces, correct?"
Hercules and Lafayette nodded in response.
"Right. And we've been stuck out here for 45 minutes, which means..." I violently placed my finger on the position.

"And so we're surrounded by water..." Hercules observed the landscape: lakes everywhere. "You're right, Charlie."
"Impressive navigation, Monsieur. Where did you learn that?" Lafayette wondered, rolling the map back up.
"I didn't, I... It must be in my blood." I joked. "How long did you say this would take?"
"Around 10 hours, 8 if we're lucky."

I squinted at the blazing sun, questioning how it was still only the morning. By noon, sweat would be pouring from our foreheads. "Then let's get going, we have no time to waste."


I just realised how much I'd completely cripple in this situation, as my migraines are mostly caused by intense heat XD

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