Ten Steps

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Warning - A whole lotta references

°~1 Month Later

°~30th May, 1781~°

(Alexander POV)

"And remember, John. Do not throw away your shot."

John had returned from South Carolina for around a month, for he had no matter to deal with for now. At least, over there. His matters were occupied here, by a certain someone: Charles Lee. He used his rank in arrogance, taunting his fellow soldiers. But most importantly, General Washington. Neither of us could stand for it, and John hereby challenged him to a duel.

"Why would I?" John questioned, loading his pistol. "He's the one responsible for Sophie's wound that day, for if he had only shot that man dead, all would be well."
I sighed. "Mr L/N was once my best friend, John. He had no intention of specific harm to her."
"Yes, but if Lee had kept an eye out, nothing would have happened. You wouldn't even know of his death."

((I'd just like to point out that I know the duel was just over 2 years ago at this point, but this is an instance where I go by the musical, and not historical accuracy))

"Lieutenant Colonel Laurens?" The doctor came towards us. "General Lee is ready for you."
"I'd keep him waiting, but I'd rather get this over with." John taunted. I cackled along, following his side. We hadn't left too far from camp, as distant gunshots would cause suspicion. Though, far enough to ensure the duel commenced with no distractions.

Meanwhile, the sun peaked over the horizon. Lee was on his knees with his hands held together. He stared at the ground, muttering something to himself. "He's confessing his sins!" John mocked. "Only shows how much of a coward he really is." I caught sight of Burr, Lee's chosen second. The day prior, together we'd arranged the time and place of the duel. Burr disliked the idea of it entirely.

But now was our last chance to negotiate. Charles confronted John, a hint of fear in his face as he turned. I nodded to Burr, signalling him away. "Mr Hamilton."
"Mr Burr."
Burr shook his head. "Can't we agree that this is a puerile arrangement?"
I shrugged. "Sure. Though understand that the man has to answer for his words."
"And with his life? We both know that's absurd-"

"Burr, how many men died that day because his actions were illogical?" I argued, stepping forward. "My niece could have been killed that day. If Lee had kept watch, or was smart enough to command an army, those soldiers would be standing here today."
Burr scratched the side of his nose. He glanced over at Lee. "...Okay, so we're doing this."

I bowed my head to Burr, departing to the middle of John and Lee. I smiled at John with reassurance. "Gentlemen. On this day, the 30th of May, 1781, we have pursued our duellists' decisions to refuse a reconciliation. Henceforth, the duel shall commence. Ready your pistols!"
John appeared rather surprised, though hid his excitement.

"On the count of ten, you are to take your final steps. May the Lord be with the both of you.


The men took their first pace.


John grimaced.


Lee faced the ground shamefully.


John tried to catch eyesight with our shared rival.


The duelists crossed paths.


John smirked back at Lee.


I balled my sweating hand.


The doctor noticed John's eagerness.


Burr covered his mouth with his hand.


No hesitation. None. John rapidly spun around to shoot Lee, hitting him in the side. Lee accidentally fired his in startlement, though it missed John by at least a metre. "B- Burr-!" He clutched his side and collapsed to the ground. Burr hurried to his aide, as did the doctor.

"Lee, do you yield?!" I proclaimed. John leaned onto my shoulder in a fit of laughter.
"You shot him in the side! Of COURSE he yields!!"
"N- No, it's just... just a scratch-AGH!" Lee tried to stand back up again, but instantly fell down.
"Another round!" John announced proudly.
"No, we've got to clear the field." Burr concluded. "The duel is over."

A silhouette appeared not too far off, marching in closer. "The General..." John warned.
"Go, John, we won!" I claimed. I beckoned him away, for I wouldn't allow him to take responsibility for this.
"Great..." Burr sighed.

The doctor stood to explain the scenario to Washington; alas, he forced past him. "What is the meaning of this?!!" -He got upon his knee- "Burr, accompany the medic!"
"Yes, sir!" Burr hooked his arm around Lee's, helping the doctor to carry him to his feet.
"Lee, believe me when I say that these young men do not speak for me." Washington exclaimed. "You are dismissed from your service." Lee fluttered his eyes as he tried to stay awake.

"Meet me inside!"


Washington couldn't rest, pacing around his desk like a pest. "Son, you know that this war is hard enough without infighting!"
I rolled my eyes. "Lee called you out, we were in defence of your name-"
"I am no maiden in need of defending! Don't you see? You aggravate our allies to the south!"
"Then you're absolutely right. John should have shot him in the mouth. Perhaps that would've shut him up-"

"Son, j-"
"I'm not your son."
"You'd better watch your tone, we are both grown-!"
"Think of the men who have taken your name and takes it through the mud! Charles Lee! Thomas Conway!"
"My name has been through a lot, I can take it!"

I threw my hands into the air. "Well, I don't have your name! I have nothing compared to you! But sir, all I ask is th-!"
"All I ask is that you give me a batallion! A group of men to lead, so I can fly above my station after the war!!"

"Or you could die, and we need you alive!"
"I am more than willing to die!"
"Your family needs you alive! Your wife, your niece- son, I need you alive--!"

Washington and I were face-to-face. I could feel his breath upon my steaming head.

"Go home, Alexander. That's an order from your commander."

My face relaxed, turning cold.

"S- Sir-"

"Go. Home."


100 chapters...


1.17K votes...


Y'all are insane. Love you all. 

And sorry if updates slow, I've had my grandparents visiting over the weekend and my niece is staying for 2 weeks on Monday. Funnnn.

History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now