Thief Against Fire

719 46 11


°~7 Years Earlier, 1773~°

(Charles POV)

"Why must you go again, brother?" Valentino spoke in Spanish, quivering under the night sky.
"It's my duty, for how else should we survive?" I picked out a few coins from my pocket, enclosing them within her hand. "Buy yourself food from the market. Fetch water from the well. And remember, stay-"
"-Uptown at all times, I know."
"Good." I ruffled her hair, preparing to leave.

"And don't talk to strangers!" I reminded, carrying myself away.
"I can't talk to them." she joked. I snickered, emerging into the streets. A year after our arrival in New York and Valentino wasn't progressing as much as I'd hoped. Her knowledge of the English language was exceedingly limited, though she'd grasped a few words to make sense of what she was saying. I'd urged from that first day we'd gotten here that we communicate using English, but she persistently denied it. I was fluent, thanks to mother.

How I missed her.

Mr Humeston's house was a few blocks away now. Folks were already gathering in the streets to set up their market stalls, though it were nearing 4am. I hadn't eaten in days, for all my earnings had gone towards Valentino and her survival. I'd kept myself strong, relying strictly on my work. But at this direct moment, was the scent of food aching my lungs, I couldn't take it anymore.

Peering to my left, a gentleman was setting up a bread stall. I slowed down my pace, creating a slight diagonal to stroll near it. The gentleman was distracted, opening up a box with his back turned. An arm stretch away, I struck at the stall, stealing a single loaf of bread away from it. I hid it beneath my shirt, until- "BOY! STOP!!"

Another had witnessed without my knowledge.

I wrapped my left arm around my chest, preventing the bread from falling, and ran. My stamina rapidly began to reduce, as I felt the sudden urge to cough. I held it in, choking myself. Looking back, the man who'd caught me was sprinting at full speed. To catch him off guard, I skidded into an alleyway, figuring I could make my way to Mr Humeston's from the back.

"THIEF!!" I heard him yell from a distance away, but I didn't stop. I ran. And I ran. And I ran. Drastically, a wall, well over 6 foot, made an end to the alley. For reassurance, I checked back, hearing the footsteps draw closer. Using what I'd learnt from climbing chimneys day to day, I used the 90° corner of the wall to climb up. I made the sudden jump to the top, hauling myself over and onto the other side.

I was exposed back on the streets, with the man making his charge over the wall shortly too. Mr Humeston's was in sight, so I kept my legs running. I banged fiercely on the door, cowering up against it as the man bolted at me. He grabbed the hem of my shirt, lifting me off of my feet and slamming me against the wall. The bread fell onto the ground. "YOU DARE STEAL FROM US, BOY?!" he screamed.
"N- No sir! I'm sorry, sir!" I pleaded.
"N- N- No, sir!"

"HEY!!" Mr Humeston opened the door, lunging towards me. He dragged me away from the man's grasp, keeping a tight grip of my shirt. "You dare touch what is MINE?!"
The man became startled, knowing Mr Humeston's authority across the town. "Sir, your boy is a thief!"
"And what are you to deal with that?!" he hissed. "He belongs to me. And I shall deal with him my way, do you understand?"
The man's face drained from fear, eventually tipping his cap. "Yes, sir." He scowled at me, walking away.

Mr Humeston shoved me aside, inspecting the piece of bread. He glared down shortly after, stepping forwards. I remained still, for I knew that there was no point in trying to escape this. He struck me across the face, my cheek throbbing from the pain. I rubbed it sorely. "Don't you ever humiliate me like that again, y'hear me?"
"Yes, sir..." I murmured.

He gripped my shoulder, tossing me towards the door. "Now get inside before y' fucking wind up dead with y' parents." I obeyed, carrying myself into the building.

It was going to be another long day.


I trotted across the edge of the building: another chimney cleared. I wiped the remaining soot from my face, though it only made matters worse, smudging within my skin. I gazed out across New York, observing the sun set above the horizon. This was truly a view that I'd never forget. But I couldn't always sit and watch, for there were chimneys to sweep. And if I didn't do my job, I wouldn't get my pay. Therefore, Valentino would starve, and I couldn't bear to see her unhappy.

I leaned across to inspect the next chimney: sizeable, but I could manage. If I wanted this money, I'd work hard to get it. I steadily crept down the chimney, using my legs for balance. I swept at the sides, the soot invading my airway. I coughed violently, feeling the inability to breathe.

Halfway down, I began to smell a familiar scent. Peering down beneath me, the owners of the home had started a fire. Thankfully, Mr Humeston had trained us what to do in a situation such as this, and I'd experienced ones like this previously. Therefore, I made a swift retreat, clambering up the chimney. I coughed the smoke away vigorously as it made its efforts to suffocate me.

But I slipped.

My foot failed to hit the wall from the battalion of smoke, plummeting downwards. My heart skipped a beat, for it unexpectedly caused my other foot to lose its balance. I tried to grip onto something, anything with my hands...

...But of course, there was nothing.

I twisted my body around to the side, plunging through the smoke and towards the fire. Frantically, I spread my arms out, scraping my hands against the brick and spilling blood. It grew closer through the thick abyss of grey, as though it were coming to attack me instead.

Instantaneously, I recovered my strength, leaning the top half of my back against the wall. I placed my hands at the corners of the chimney, with my feet primarily holding me up. I sighed in relief, trying to figure out a way to get back up.

Alas, that all stopped when I felt a monstrous burst of heat strike at my neck.

I shrieked in pain, my instincts forcing my way around the situation. The flame burned strong for a terrifying few seconds, until I was able to return to my original posture. I dropped my sweep into the fire, making it easier for me to scuttle back up. I winced at the pain inflicted on my neck, holding back tears. The fog began to part ways, and I finally collapsed onto the roof.

I latched my hand onto the burn, praying to God it would soothe the pain.

Though, staring back out at that horizon, I knew that there was no going back.

I was to be scarred with this for life.


I thought I'd do a bit of insight into Charles' backstory

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