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(Emily POV)

I wrestled the hood over my head, fighting against the wind as it battered my freezing skin. I fiddled with the photograph in my hand and submitted my head downwards. The photograph of my sister. My sister who disappeared a year ago to this day.

The search parties, newsagents, advertisers; they had all forgotten about her. Presumed her dead. And so did I. But it wouldn't mean I'd give up searching like they had. I wouldn't lose another L/N. I'd show those cowards how foolish they were for abandoning her, pretending as though she no longer existed.

Someone passed by on a skateboard, deliberately knocking their shoulder into me. "Watch where you're going, dumbass!" he taunted. Two more went past, sniggering under their breaths. I took out the photograph, leaning against a bus shelter. She was clearly recognisable with that h/c hair and e/c eyes, so... Why hadn't anyone found her? They just... weren't looking hard enough.

There was no way she'd just disappear without a trace.

"Emily?!" Someone called. They were looking for me. I kept my head low, securing the hood further over as not to reveal myself. "Emily?!!" They were desperate. Calls started ringing out, one after the other, men and women alike. Why were they looking for me? I wasn't the one that needed to be found! I hurried my pace, accidentally barging into someone.

"Watch out, you little brat!!" he hissed, trudging away. My walk turned into a jog, and I stumbled upon a fence. A piece of wood hung solemnly from it, insisting I slip through the gap. I did just that, lifting the wood out of the way to squeeze through. I'd entered around the back of a store, as they unloaded a truck full of supplies.

I slumped down against a wall, their voices echoing around my head. They ventured closer with every "Emily", getting louder by the sound. I covered my ears to block them out, yet they were still as apparent. They were screaming in my head, begging for me to come home. "Leave me alone!" I repeated under my breath "LEAVE ME ALONE!!"

And they were gone.

I turned to the truck, checking if anyone had heard me. They hadn't. Nonetheless, I noticed something shimmer in the sunlight beside me. I crawled closer to inspect: a ring. "Was that there before?" I thought to myself. I dusted the dirt from it, admiring its enchantment. "Someone must have dropped it..."

If my quest was to find Y/N, then this could be my start. I could sell this ring, guaranteeing me a surprising sum of money. With the money, essentials to survive out here alone. If no one else would, I was determined to find my sister.

But first, I had to try on the ring.

I glided my finger onto it.

And with one second, I was knocked unconscious.

°~End Flashback~°

°~The Next Day~°

(John POV)

I shook my thoughts away, preparing myself for the upcoming events. This would either go marvellous, or horrendous. Alas, I straightened my collar and jacket out, softly knocking upon the door. Who was willing to answer my knock, I wouldn't know. But as long as the man I was searching for was on the other side, I couldn't care.

To no surprise, Sophie was the one to answer. "John!" She lightly hugged me, hiding a smile. Clearing her throat, she continued. "I suppose I know what you're here for."
"Indeed. Is Alexander present?"
"Yes, come in."

Sophie guided me through, and I peered around at this new environment. "This home must've come to such an expense..." I contemplated.
"I wouldn't know." Sophie joked. "But I agree, it's fantastic."
Startled by my voice, Emily gazed down from the top of the stairs. I grinned, detecting that she hadn't taken the ring off. She scurried down, unable to express her emotion.

"I'll give you two some space." Sophie left for a different room.
"I hope this goes well..." Emily sighed nervously.
"Of course it will, nothing could possibly go wrong!" I reassured.

Alexander entered from the living room, bowing his head for me. We were the closest of friends, but if this were actually happening, we'd have to treat each other with much more dignity than usual. I bowed my head back respectfully. "Come this way." he permitted. I caressed Emily's hand before I followed Alexander.

I closed the door for him, being lead over to a couch. "Have a seat." he insisted. I took my place, as he did too on another. "So..." Not even he could say anything.
"I know it's absurd," I confessed, "But Martha only wanted the best for us."
"So she gave up her marriage for your love?" he questioned.
"Yes. And I take full responsibility for any wrong I have done to her."

"No, no, you haven't." Alexander appeared tense, unsure where to look. "Would you like some tea?" he offered.
"That would be very kind, thank you."
"Elizabeth, my dear!" Mrs Hamilton responded to Alexander's call, peeking across the open door. "Would you mind making us some tea, love?"
"Of course." she obliged, closing it again.

"It's just that..." -He shook his head- "I never thought this would've happened. And the worst thing is that you're not at fault. Neither of you are."
"It doesn't mean we can't still be friends, Alexander."
"No, I know that. It's just... that I'm the one you have to come to for Emily's blessing. It's so strange..." he chuckled.

"Do I have your blessing, then?"
"Oh come on, John, we must be professional." he joked.
"But how shall we be professional in a time like this?"
"I don't know, John, which is my point!" We erupted into laughter, smirking to ourselves up until the tea arrived.

Mrs Hamilton laid the dish on a small table in front of us. "Thank you." I said.
"You're welcome." She left once again.
"So now that we have our tea, we must take things seriously." Alexander took his mug, instantly regretting taking a sip as it was still hot. "Why do you intend to marry her?"
"I'll be honest with you, she's a rarity. A true ruby lurking in the dark, waiting to be found. When we first met, there was... a connection. One that I'd never with Martha."

"I see... You had no choice but to marry her, though." Alexander stated. "Therefore I'm glad that you're willing to marry for love."
"...Are we done?"
"You could say that." he murmured. "Just pretend that we're bickering as the professionals we are whilst we drink our tea."

"...Thank you." I was more relieved than ever.
"You really thought I wasn't going to let you?" he questioned. "John I've known you for years. Your happiness is my happiness. So take her."
I drank, burning the roof of my mouth. "You're so literal about this."
"Like I said, I'm a professional. Now act like I'm being strict so they get suspicious."

History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now