A Trip Around Town

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"Here we are." Alexander announced as crowds of people hustled about the streets. Just standing there was embarrassing, as I was still in my uniform. And I stank. Really bad. Women walked with their husbands latched to their arms, glancing in my direction with disgust. "I assume you'd want to buy clothes first?"
"Please." I whimpered.

Dresses really weren't my style. I just thought they were a bit too revealing. Alas, if I wanted to fit in with everybody else, I'd be forced to wear one. We drew nearer to a shop 'Mulligan & Son'. The windows were neatly decorated with clothes to fit all men, women and children. As we walked in, a small bell rang above our heads. A tall man emerged from behind the counter, curiously eyeing us.

"Alexander!" he exclaimed in realisation.
"Mr Mulligan!" Alexander returned kindly, shaking his hand.
"Please, son, call me Hugh!" Hugh smiled.

"How have you been?" Alexander asked.
"Ah, well, without Hercules here, this place has gone to the dogs. It's not the same without his lively spirit. Though, I have been doing splendidly! I would never have expected to see you here!"
"Well, you see, sir..." He gestured his head in my direction. Hugh peered at me, twisting his body at a steady pace.
"Of course. Enough about me."

"What might your name be?" Hugh asked.
"Sophie, sir." I responded.
"Sophie... What a beautiful name." He gently took my hand, kissing it delicately.

Well... That was weird.

"And what is your business here, Miss Sophie?"
"Just... getting some clothes..."
"We're in need of a dress or two, if that's a possibility." Alexander saved.
Hugh inspected me closely, like he was analysing what was going through my mind. "I see, I see. If you step this way, Miss Sophie, we can get started on your measurements." Hugh stated.

He seriously was quite a delicate man. Throughout the process, he tried his best not to make me feel uncomfortable, which was very considerate of him. "Alright, we're done!" Hugh placed his measuring tape aside, and Alexander emerged from behind the dressing screen. "I know just the perfect thing for you!"

Hugh escorted us to a section of the shop filled to the brim with dresses, every style unique. "Now let's see here..." He traced his finger along them all, adjusting his glasses to properly inspect them. "Ah! Perfect!" He reeled out a green dress widely coated with flowers:

 "Ah! Perfect!" He reeled out a green dress widely coated with flowers:

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"No? Let's see then... How about this?" Hugh pulled out another, which this time was brighter than the previous:

"I really don't know--""How about you try them on?" Alexander cut off, "I think they'll look fine on you!" "I mean

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"I really don't know--"
"How about you try them on?" Alexander cut off, "I think they'll look fine on you!"
"I mean..." I noticed the pleading look in his eyes, like he knew that this was going to go on forever if I didn't choose. "Uh, okay..." I took both of the dresses from Hugh's hands, moping towards a dressing screen.

I dumped them on the floor, beginning to undress. It felt awkward not being in a private room where nobody could see you; all you had was a big screen to hide behind. Though I guess nobody would be so perverted, so it'd be fine. I picked up the flower dress, giving it a little twirl. "Ugh, dresses..." I sighed. "Wait... How do I even put one of these things on?"

After multiple attempts of wrestling with the devil, I finally managed to get it on. Sort of. It felt like my skin was being ripped apart piece by piece. I stepped out from behind the dressing screen, tensing my arms as I expected the two of them to turn around and face me. Instead, they continued with their conversation.

"...So it'd really help me out. She needs someone, Hugh, considering what she's gone through." Alexander murmured.
"Don't worry about it!" Hugh reassured, "She'll be in safe hands."

I cleared my throat impatiently, finally drawing them away from their conversation. "Wow." Alexander gasped, lifting himself away from his chair.
"It's perfect!" Hugh exclaimed dramatically. He clasped his hands together, satisfied with the outcome.
"It's uncomfortable." I complained.
"Oh don't be so brash, Miss! Now, let's try the next one!"


"Now we'll look for a school to enrol you into." Alexander confirmed. I'd settled with the blue dress, as it was more abstract for my liking. Finally, nobody looked at me like I'd escaped from prison.
"How're you planning to do that?" I quizzed Alex.
"I know a place." Funny. How would Alexander Hamilton know where a school was?

We continued further down a winding street, and the chaos of civilisation died down as we carried further. Alexander stopped outside of a regular household, with a young boy and girl playing hopscotch. They playfully teased each other as one hopped across the tile, careful not to slip.

"Excuse me, boy!" Alexander called. The boy drew away from his game.
"Yes, sir?"
"Is your tutor Mrs Taylor present?"
"Yes, sir. Right through that door and down the hall!" The boy pointed at the building.
"What a fine young lad you are, thank you kindly!"
"Anytime, sir!" He smiled proudly, returning to his game.

We strolled to the door, and, not to be rude, Alexander knocked instead of barging straight in. On opening it, a pale boy with scruffy, dark hair blocked the way. A painful scar was engraved down the back of his neck. "Good morning, we are here to see Mrs Taylor." Alexander started. He nodded, guiding us through the household.

It wasn't much more elegant than Alexander's house, just stuffed with more furniture and accessories. Dust was coated along the stairway railings and on top of cabinets, as if it hadn't been cleaned in weeks. Months, perhaps. The boy turned the doorknob, allowing us to pass through. "Thank you." Alexander expressed. I grinned at him, backing Alexander. He'd appeared around my age, though I could've been completely wrong.

"Oh, Alexander!" the woman, who I could only suspect to be Mrs Taylor, screeched joyfully. She squeezed him into a tight hug, making him chuckle nervously. "Oh, we only thought the worst for you! Out there at war: it must be terrifying!"
"Quite so, ma'am!" Alexander choked. He released himself, brushing down his clothes.

"What brings you here so early?" she pondered.
Alexander rested his hand on my shoulder. "Unfortunately, ma'am, my niece's parents passed recently. I thought it only probable that I adopt her."
"Well, that's very considerate of you!"
"Of course. I couldn't let another orphan astray. Nevertheless, seeing as I hardly have any money to spare and a war to fight, I was hoping that perhaps you could accept another student into your care? If that's no trouble!"

"Oh of course!" Mrs Taylor agreed, "Anything for you, my boy! And at no cost at all!"
"R- Really?" Alexander stuttered.
"Why yes! With all the money you've provided to us for the orphans, I wouldn't expect another penny from you!" she laughed. So Alex was giving his money away to orphans instead of spoiling himself? Now that's a charitable man right there.

"I'll help her get settled around!" Mrs Taylor concluded. "Charles! Here! Now!!" she yelled, making me jump. A fragile hand slowly peeked around the door...



Okay so umm I just read that after Hamilton moved to New York, he lived with Mulligan. God dangit XD. So we're just gonna pretend he isn't for the time being.

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