My Duty

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The carriage rolled into a sort of abandoned farmland. No doubt the soldiers were here; horses were confined within small pens. Among the fields were blurs of blue heading towards us curiously. "Just stay close." Alexander pre-warned.
"They can't do anything to me." I stated confidentially. As Charles had said, 'Only a dishonest man would mock a woman'.

...There were many dishonest men here.


I shook my head, straightening my dress. I peered out to my right this time, where people were closer than I'd thought. They could almost lean their heads inside of the carriage. Thankfully, we were held at a stop. Alexander beckoned the men away with a simple glare and faced me again. "You'll be fine."
"...I know."
"You might want to..." He gestured at the hood on the back of my coat.
"Right, yes."

Alexander opened the door on the left. As he stepped out, I shielded myself within the hood. He offered out his hand, but I was too distracted to take it. I didn't want these soldiers to think me any different than Charlie Miller. Alas, I knew they would. Still, I marched out of that carriage with pride. Alexander took my shoulder and heeded the coachman away.

"Monsieur Hamilton!!" called Lafayette. He spread out his arms and toddled over.
"Monsieur Lafayette!" They patted each other on the back with a hug.
"And of course! Mademoiselle!!" Lafayette kissed me on the cheek. "It feels as though years since we have met!"
"Only January, if I remember correct."

"Oi! It's Charlie Miller!" someone mocked. A few laughed with him. I drew the hood further over my head.
"General Washington will be astounded by your arrival!" Lafayette exclaimed. The crowd closed in.
"Where would he be?" Alexander asked eagerly.
"What you got under that pretty dress of yours, Charlie?" another proclaimed from a distance.

Alexander and Lafayette were on the verge of seizing the man, but were stopped.

"I'm. Right. Here."

The crowd parted at the sound of Washington's looming voice. I sighed in relief as he scowled at his men. "Does anyone else have anything to say?" he questioned. "Because if you do, I suggest you speak up. Now."

Nobody moved.

"Good. Let it be a warning to all of you that this young woman is not to be ridiculed. Especially in front of me. Do you understand?"
"Yes, sir!"
"Yes, sir!!"

Washington shoved his way past them, bowing before us. "I suppose we should take this somewhere quieter." The soldiers began to depart back to their training grounds. "This way."

Keeping a grip of my hood, we followed Washington. All but one person had left, who was still gazing into my eyes. Cornelius. He nodded to me with the flash of a smile.

I grinned back.


Lafayette closed the entry to the tent. Washington took his cap off and placed it onto the desk. "So Alexander... How is your wife?" he wondered.
"She is progressing wondrously, Sir."
"Progressing?" Lafayette queried.
"We'd hoped to have kept it a surprise, but... My wife and I are expecting a child."
"Oh, that's fantastic!"

"We are in high spirits that the child will be alike their mother." I teased.
"So long as the child is in good health, there is no worry. You'll make a great father, Alexander." Washington reassured.
"Thank you, Sir."

"Anyhow... Miss Hamilton. I would like to discuss matters with you firstly."
"Should we leave you alone?" Alexander asked, already taking a pace backwards.
"No, no, Hamilton. I'd like you to hear this.

As you have read, General Lafayette suggested that we brought you back here. Nonetheless a brainless decision, as we originally thought. However. We discerned your successes, predominantly your lead of The Battle of Monmouth. It contrasts with the moral ways we view women, and the patriarch that has been for so long.

Not just that. There have been previous notable women with a similar ideology. Anna Maria Lane. Hannah Snell. All representatives alike yourself, except... You stood out. You led batallions. And at seventeen.

As a result, we questioned Congress. They didn't think of it so lightly, either. Despite that, we persuaded them of all of your accomplishments. We assured them that you would not be in dangerous hands, and if we wanted a country, we were going to get one with your help."


"What do you need, Sir?"

"Strategies, Miss Hamilton, we need strategies. We cannot allow you to fight under any circumstances, for it is compulsary that you return home unharmed."
"So I shall be in charge of the organisation?"
"On the contrary. We were also intrigued by your transformation of going under a new identity."
"That being said, Sir?"

Washington leaned closer.

"How would you like to become a spy, Miss Hamilton?"

"S- Spy?!!"

Alexander widened his eyes. "You can't be serious, Sir-"
"I'm serious, Hamilton. Your niece has skill. And we are determined to give her this chance." He searched over a stack of papers. "You will be shipped to England under your new identities."
"Identified?" Lafayette interrupted.
Washington raised his eyebrows. "A woman needs to be accompanied by a man, does she not?"
Lafayette pointed to himself in question, and Washington nodded.

"You want me to join her? But Sir, what about the French-?"
"Rochambeau has got this. It will only be for a month or two." He jolted up, having found the paper he needed. "Whilst your friend Hercules Mulligan works in London, you'll be working in the North near Newcastle." He passed it to me:

" He passed it to me:

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T- This is all too much, Sir, I don't know if I can-"
"It's alright if you choose that you don't want to." Washington comforted. "We would be eternally in your debt if you did, but so would we if you chose to stay."
Alexander rubbed his hands together and turned to me. He gave me a look that told me to choose for myself.

A ship to England. The place that I used to live, around 200 years from now. It would be remarkable to witness it all again, in a style that I've never seen before. If only I could take Emily along, but... That wouldn't happen.

I had a duty.

"I'll go."


The cats aren't very happy about the new arrival 😂😂

The cats aren't very happy about the new arrival 😂😂

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History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now