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"How would you like to be an aide-de-camp?"

"Me? An aide-de-camp, s- sir?" I questioned, widening my eyes in surprise.
"I mean, if it causes you no offence, you are far more skilled in commanding a team than the actual battle aspect of it all." Washington admitted.
"Mm, you're not wrong, sir." I snickered.

Washington got up from his seat, pacing towards me. "You know, Miller, I'm going to get into so much hassle due to this," he joked, "Only Lieutenant Colonels are to be permitted this status." -He smacked a hand onto my shoulder supportively- "But you, kid? You have guts. And I have strong faith that you'll work well with my staff and I."

"Well, is there anything specifically you'd require me to work on?" I asked, just in case I didn't like the idea of it.
"We have the majority of our men focused on writing letters to Congress, asking for supplies, extra troops, etcetera. However, I do feel as though we need some more batallion commanders." Washington insisted, going back behind his desk.
"Batallion commanders, sir...?"

"Yes. For example, when you organised the plan to take charge on the prison camp and successfully completed that task. We never asked for you to do it, of course, and it could've gotten you all into great trouble. But you did it anyway for the sake of helping us, didn't you?" he contemplated.
"Oh, it wasn't just me, sir. My friends participated to it, probably more than I ever could." I admitted.

"And that's what any true man would say, Miller." He threw his hands into the air, as to prove his point. "Which is why I am offering you this." Washington slid out a sheet of paper, with the title 'Aide-de-camp' written in bold at the top. There were listed paragraphs after paragraphs following, and printed at the bottom was a space for a signature.



"So I signed the form, and suddenly I'm his aide-de-camp now." I finished explaining to the group.
"No way, that's fantastic!" John exclaimed.
"Perhaps you'll be able to join in with our meetings now, Monsieur!" Lafayette suggested.
"You never go to them anyway." Hercules grunted.

Out of the blue, Wilson appeared almost right next to us, patrolling around with his hands behind his back. He glared down menacingly at me, carrying on forward. He most likely was the first to know about my promotion, for he was Washington's second in command. If anything ever happened to him, Wilson would be required to take charge. Which, especially in my case, would not go down well at all.

"The nerve of him." John mumbled. "Hah, remember that day Alex's niece wandered in? Wilson was shook!"
Lafayette and Hercules laughed along in remembrance, but obviously John had forgotten that that niece was here.
"Oh? What was that all about, John?" I asked in a sarcastic tone, raising my eyebrows at him.
Suddenly he was reminded of the fact, his face drooping. "Well, hah, you see--"

"Miller!" Washington called. I turned in response to my name, finding two other soldiers accompanying him. He tilted his head upwards, signalling for me to follow. I jolted up, carrying myself over to them. "Now I'd like you all to meet the others."
"There are others?" a strapping man around Cornelius' age wondered.
"Of course there are. You can't be the only 3 I appointed, can you?"

We tread inside of a tent, this time larger than Washington's. A circular table was set up in the middle, with some more soldiers sitting around it.

One of these happened to be Alexander.

"Gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to," Washington straightened his arm out, starting at the left side of the table. "Lieutenant Colonel Richard Kidder Meade." He gave a polite smile, pushing his flowing blonde locks behind him.

"Mr Pierre Penet." Pierre adjusted his glasses, taking a greater look at us. He appeared older than the others, and his face softened as he saw me. I looked down, avoiding eye-contact.

"Captain Caleb Gibbs." Caleb seemed genuinely uninterested, focusing on a pile of documents. He had short brown hair, yet a fringe that shielded just about half of his face.

"Doctor James McHenry." A plump man, wearing the smartest uniform out of them all. But he was no soldier. It was almost like an aristocrat had just randomly wandered in. However, he gazed up at us, his face beaming.
"It's nice to meet you all!" he exclaimed. Irish, I assumed.

"And finally, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Hamilton." I gulped, feeling his eyes instantly fall onto me. He scoffed in disgust, leaning back into his chair.

"Men, this is Lieutenant Colonel David Humphreys, Colonel Tench Tilghman and Mr Charlie Miller. I hope you all treat them with the proper respect as they venture further into this path, and that you will encourage them to continue on." Washington peered at Alexander, as if to specifically lecture him; he rolled his eyes in response.

"Pull up a chair, you three." Washington ordered, grabbing one for himself. Two of the three chairs were between Pierre and Caleb, with the other inbetween James and Alexander. To spare myself from potential murder, I scrambled over to the one beside Pierre. Tench sat by me, and David by Alexander.

"Great. Now, I'd like to establish some things before we start." Washington stated.
"Do the new guys get say in this?" Alexander asked, almost irritably.
"Of course they do. Have I not chosen them for a reason, Lieutenant Colonel?"
"...Yes, sir."

Tench shook his head, probably expecting a better attitude from this. "Now. Under no circumstances are actions to be carried out, whether that being a letter to Congress or an attack, unless I have approved." Washington proclaimed. "I understand this has been carried out in secret, and it was a huge success. However, the risks are far too high, and it mustn't be carried out without the appropriate supervision." I nodded my head, knowing for certain that it was aimed at me.

"Alright. And if there are any major concerns, regarding the camp, meeting such as these will and must be carried out. It is to ensure one's safety, and I know that all of you present here today are capable of doing this. It is why I put my entire trust into you, as I'd hope you do with me." Washington spoke.
Caleb sighed, sitting up in the chair. "Okay, sir, so what are we actually here for?"

Washington withdrew a map from beneath the table, laying it flat across the table. He stuck a red pin in the centre of New Jersey, pointing at it cautiously.

"The British are planning on an attack."

History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now