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(Charles POV)

I sat upon the steps, watching the rain fall from the skies. Droplets dribbled across my face, onto the surface of my eyelashes. The world was no duller than it had ever been, nor any brighter. Just me and the rain to make my world a satisfactory abyss.

Puddles formed upon the steps, water grazing down into a melancholy dance. They rejoiced as one, staining the grass with its refined purity. Not too deep to drown, yet not too shallow to survive. I was lost in its enchantment, representing my entire life flooding before my very eyes.

My hands rested upon the steps, curling with such emotion that I could not simplify. Was it anger? Sadness? Or nothing at all? Had I become an emotionless wreck? Did I sit upon these steps just to feel? Or was this overwhelming love I felt corrupting my soul?

My hand slipped away, as I coughed vigorously into it. It was the Lord's punishment for the way I was, to be damned into the rain. To see, but to be blinded. To listen, but to be deafened. My insecurities were abolished, but my love overruling. I must've been a sinner.

I took a handkerchief out from my pocket.


And when I looked back.


Truth be that I were, indeed, spluttering my wrong onto right.

I tucked the handkerchief into my pocket.

And I sat upon the steps, watching the rain fall from the skies.

°~2nd November, 1780~°


They were arriving home today.

Several weeks ago, the Redcoat smuggled money. Money paying towards our food, medicine, rent... He smuggled it all for his own selfish needs.

I should've known better.

And with it, the Dame suffered. Charles, Emily and I had to work extra hours in order to earn enough money to survive merely the day. Medication became an expense, so illness spread quicker than ever. Especially for Charles, who was already weakened due to his condition.

Emily's flu had whisked away just in the nick of time, and she was brought back to full health. As for me, the minor headaches continued.

A side effect from the gunshot?

I don't know.

But we sat at the window, waiting for Alexander to come into our sight.

"What if there's a delay?" Emily pondered.
"There'll be no delay. John confirmed that they'll be back by today, and--"
"How do we know we can trust this John?" she interrupted. "I don't know him."
"But I do, and I know we can trust him."
"...It's just what you said about him..."

I understood that she was referring to the Redcoat. "Don't tell me that you blame me for all of this?"
"I tried to warn you, Y/N, but you wouldn't listen." Emily urged.
"I did listen, I just..." I took a breath, staring at the sketch. "...Couldn't pay attention."

Emily's breath hitched as she jolted closer towards the window. She scurried away to the door with excitement, and I looked out to see what she had seen. Meeting my predictions, Alexander was walking down, carrying a bag over one shoulder. I hurried to the door, observing as the pair reunited. I'd never seen her so happy to see him before.

It would've been disrespectful of me to merely stand and watch, so I fled out also. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, sharing a delicate embrace. "It's good to see you again." Alexander whispered. I couldn't express words: barely gaining any letters from him over the weeks made a drastic impact, one to which I wanted to resolve. So I brought him in tighter.

"How are the others?" I asked, stepping away.
"Well, they're as they've always been." he reassured me. "They're coming to visit tomorrow."
"Greeeat..." Emily slurred sarcastically, provoking a laugh from us.

"They're not too bad, trust me. Anyway we'd better get inside, it's freezing out here." The winter was settling in rather quickly, burning the summer into a crisp. Winter was a nice season, though: you got to stay indoors by the fire. Except, we didn't have that here. There was no heating, nor any fire. So it slowly tore us apart, I guess, but not as harshly as the summer.

Alexander and Emily sat down on one couch with me on the other. He cupped his hands together, preparing to say something. "General Washington has asked me to attend the ball at his home next Thursday." we were informed.
"That's good, right?" Emily questioned.
"He says that we can bring along whoever we please, so I was wondering i--"

"Yeah!" Emily cheered. "I'll come! It's like a party, right?!"
"Not... exactly a party." -He looked at me expectantly- "Y/N?"
Everyone there would know about what happened to me. I'd be scouted upon like prey. There was also the factor that there were bound to be four times as men than women attending, so it'd be tremendously awkward to have to dance with somebody from the war. "Would I... be able to bring someone along with me?"

"Of course!




"Charles, please just-"

"No way! I can't go to a ball, I've lived in poverty most of my life!"

"Won't you do it for me, Charles? Please?"

He glared downwards stubbornly. "Think of it like this: if you don't go, I'm going to be sent off with any random man to dance. And you know I can't dance."
"Well neither can I!" he doubted.
"Charles, if you can't dance, then I must not be able to walk." I ducked my head under to face him. "All I need is that one favour. Just for the night."

"What if... they try to compete a- against me for your hand?" he considered anxiously.
"They won't. Everyone there either have wives of their own, or they hate me. Apart from Alexander." I clarified. "Besides, it'll be fun! I'll likely be tripping over your feet, but it's fine because I know you won't judge."
Charles let off a small chuckle.

"Fine. But don't expect me to talk to anyone." he gave in.
"You've got yourself a deal." I took his limp hand and shook it.
"I could get you and your sister a dress, or..."
"No, we'll be fine in what we have." I refused.
"Are... you sure?"

"Okay, well... I'll see you then, then." Charles concluded.
"Yeah..." I took a step back from the door. "We'll meet at Alexander's place, 5:30, got it?"
"Got it."
"Great! See ya!" I stumbled out of the gate, leaving Charles at the door.

(Charles POV)

"...See ya."


Goddammit that lil monologue at the beginning has my heart swelling up feck--

Also I'm so sorry for changing the dates around from the letter John sent a few chapters back, I did an extremely big oopsie (an extremely big oopsie) and it was the only way to resolve it.

So now the ball is on November 9th, rather than November 23rd.

History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now