Stick Together (Reprise)

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Miss Hamilton,

We are delighted that you have made the decision to accept our offer, and we anticipate your arrival. I suggest that we discuss your duties once you have joined us, for words within paper would not serve its purpose. Know, Miss, that you shall not be sent into combat for your safety.

A short letter, but simply a reminder of the gratitude you should pay towards General Lafayette. If not for him, we would never have came to this. He eagerly awaits you.

We have organised a carriage to take you and Mr Hamilton from your home to our current location. This carriage shall arrive about noon to 1600 of July 1st. No fee is needed; we are prepared to pay all costs. Your uniform is not required and you may bring with you your every day clothing. Pay no mind to the glares of the soldiers.

Safe travels, Miss.

- G. Washington.

°~1st July, 1781~°


No doubt my hair had grown since last year.

I gazed into the mirror, scanning myself with caution. My hair was now to my shoulders. A twisted a strand around my finger, but it quickly detached itself. Sighing, I moped back over to my bed. 

Emily wandered through, fully dressed. She tread over to hand me a satchel, rather light. "If you've put your phone in there again-"
"I haven't, I swear!" she giggled. She sat herself down beside me. "It's finally dead, anyway."
"What did you do with it?"
"Well. As I was taking the cover off, I found this hidden inside of it."

Emily reached into the pocket of her dress to withdraw a folded piece of paper. It was covered in yellow stains and pen markings. Some ancient Maths equation, the ink spluttered across the paper. Emily unfolded it; somehow, the image was still intact. It was a photograph of the two of us, apparently at a zoo. I must have been 5? 6? I checked the bottom right corner: dated 27/08/2012. 7. Close enough.

"Look how chubby I am!!" Emily pointed to her cheeks, squashed against mine as she embraced me into a forceful hug. I gave an awkward smile to the camera, begging to be set free.
"I've got hair." I joked.
"I've got no teeth..." she noticed. Inspecting closely, Emily's two front teeth were missing.

"It's so... so unusual to see a real photograph, rather than a portrait..." I commented observantly. "I don't even know if I can look anymore..."
"But think about this, Y/N: that embarrassed kid right there? She'd grow up to be a soldiering, war-ridden, ass-kicking machine in -200 or whatever years."
"-200?" I chuckled.

The door. In a panic, I hurried to my window to check if the carriage had arrived: no sign of it. "Just the mail, pr--"
"Sophie!!" Alexander beckoned.
"...Or not."

I swept down the stairs. Charles was invited inside, flashing a quick smile at my hastiness. Of course... He promised he'd be here to say goodbye. Alexander dismissed him over to me with the bow of his head. He returned back into the living room with Eliza.

"I'm glad you could make it." I said in relief.
"Anything for you." Sally jumped up Charles' leg for attention. He stroked her on the head. "Hello there, Sally." he greeted.
"You should find yourself a dog once you've moved away. Your sister would be delighted." 
"I've never had a passion for animals, unlike many." he admitted.

"Animals are fascinating. You never know what they're going to do next, or what's going on inside that brain of theirs."
"Peculiar. Alas, enough about animals." -Charles stared at me- "I'm here for you."

"The carriage is mere seconds to hours away..." I confessed. "I'll be whisked away into... who knows where."
"But I will write. Every day, I promise you that I will write."
"The amount of promises you make, I'm afraid you won't be able to keep all of them." I teased.
"On the contrary, I believe I will."

"I'll settle a deal with you. If you fail to write for one day or more, you owe me."
"Owe you what?" Charles questioned.
"Something that will repay for the trust I've lost in you." I taunted further, knowing that it would unnerve him.

"I would never--!" he exclaimed in disbelief.
"Then prove it to me!" I induced. Charles tapped his hand at the sides of his legs. I laughed, holding them both to a halt.

"If..." I let him go to give him time to think. "I- If a kiss shall satisfy..."
I wasn't going to see Charles for possible months. So to pass up this opportunity would be foolish of me. He pressed his hand against my arm, frightened to look up. Nevetheless, as soon as he mustered the courage to step forward, he couldn't help himself. He explored me with his steel blue eyes, but not like that time at the store. Or the ball. Or at Doctor Hosack's.

This was what he was trying to hide.

This was love.

The seconds grew into days, and the air grew heavy with his presence. My own eyes must have been betraying me, but I swore I witnessed a tear creep from the corner of his eye. There was no time to check, for he had already locked his lips in with mine. He caressed my arm with delicacy and his chest rose and fell ever so slowly. He'd been waiting for this for so long, yet he was too shy to ask for it. And I was too self-absorbed to realise it.

I thought he would pull away after the first: again I was mistaken. He slithered his hand to the back of my neck and made his promise. He claimed his trust with actions. He glided away, leaning his forehead against mine. We both had our eyes closed tight in the arms of one another.

"I will never leave you." Charles swore in a whisper. "Never. You have my word."
"And you have mine." He planted another kiss on my forehead, suddenly looking away. He rubbed his sleeve against his eyes. "Are you alright?"
"Quite, quite..." He sniffled. "Symptoms."

Another knock. "The carriage!!" Alexander declared.
"Oh, well, um-"
Emily bolted downstairs, interrupting Charles. She tossed me my satchel and gave me one final hug. "Break a leg." she murmured.

Alexander came through with Eliza. I embraced her. "Take care of each other, alright?" she said.
"We will." I agreed for him. He opened the door, pecking Eliza on the cheek before making a march for the carriage.

I glanced back at Charles.

Helping myself, I hugged him again. "I love you." I whispered.
"I... love you, too..." He contained himself remarkably well, though I could feel that he was whelming up.

And finally...

I let go.

Waving my last goodbye, I joined Alexander into the carriage.


Meet the new addition to our household: Phoenix!

Meet the new addition to our household: Phoenix!

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She's so cute I can't cope-

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