Alexander Who?

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"You suspect that they will attack from New Jersey, or...?" Richard queried, chewing on the end of a pencil.
"Likely not." Washington claimed. "They've currently set up camp down there. Providing they also know our location, they will travel closer towards us to attack."

"Unless we attack them first." Alexander proposed. "We march to the South, at the point when they are most vulnerable."
"Like at midnight?" David, one of the other new guys, suggested.
"Midnight onwards. Preferably before 0200."

"Thank you for the suggestion, Hamilton." Washington stopped him, holding out his hand dismissively. Anything I'd learnt from the musical was that Alexander desired to lead a batallion. And that Washington continuously disallowed it. I can only see now how frustrating it was. "Anyone else?"

"We leave as soon as possible." Caleb spat. "You've seen those soldiers, sir! They've been scraped from the bottom of a tin!"
"And do you expect me to be dealing with that right now, Gibbs?" Washington demanded.
"No, sir, b--"
"Then shut up and focus."

"This may be silly, sir, and improper of me to participate as such, but I--"
"Anything right now, Doctor, is worth my patience." Washington replied to James.
"Right. So..." -He cleared his throat- "Why don't we split soldiers up into groups? In order for us to..." James tapped the table, completely losing track of all thoughts. "Uh..."

"Three groups." I continued. "We all head South. Our strongest soldiers in two of the three groups who, when we detect the enemy, will go either side of them. The third group will charge straight at them, therefore they are forced to either fight or retreat. If foolish enough, they will fight. If not, and they retreat, the two groups on either side will be there to trap them. They can't escape from it."

"And what if their supplies prove superior to ours?" Pierre asked, obviously being a merchant.
"Then we'll need a strong Commander to lead them all. Our tactics are of dire importance, and if we fail to achieve our best, we cannot win." I explained. I had no idea how I was just spitting this all out at once.

"Psh, are you hearing this, sir?!" Alexander shouted, thinking it propostrous. Washington, however, seemed to have a different idea. "Sir?" He sat in silence, head within his mighty hands. After seconds of deafening tranquillity, he slowly began to nod. It became more frantic as he looked up at me in delight.

"And we find a way to attract them to us?" Tench wondered.
I hummed. "Through gunshots, smoke: anything. If we can find a way to draw them in, to successfully trap them into one position, we can win this."
"Are you listening to what you're saying at all?!" Alexander cried. "How do you expect us all to even trust you?! How do we know you're not a spy?!"

"I don't expect any of you to trust me." I stated. "I just want you all to have faith. To have hope that this will turn out okay, and that God will show us fortune throughout."
Caleb slouched back, portraying a face that I couldn't decipher. He was either starting to become convinced, or was bored by the whole scenario. Alexander, on the other hand, was not convinced in the slightest.

"Who is it that you have in mind for such a role, Mr Miller?" James asked intriguingly.
"I think I have someone in mind." Washington concluded.


"I'm a General?!!" Charles Lee exclaimed.
"You're a General." Washington replied.
"I'm... A General! I'm a General!!" Lee hopped around with excitement, laughing out of selfishness.

"That... was not a good idea." John admitted, observing Lee's motions.
"Yeah..." I agreed.
"Lafayette doesn't seem too happy, either..." Lafayette stood next to Lee, trying not to crumble away in embarrassment. Him and Lee had been handpicked by Washington to lead a group of men each at this battle: Washington and Lafayette on the sides, Lee charging headfirst.

"To much of my dissatisfaction, we have no say in this." Hercules sighed. "You've done your part, Miller."
"I... guess...?"
I peered over at Lee jumping onto the benches, catapulting himself off and screaming, "WHEE!!" Washington wasn't the slightest bit interested, talking out things with Lafayette.

"I'll get you both a drink, clear our minds out." I said. John and Hercules nodded, and I got up. Poor Sammy was trying his best to stay alive at his usual spot, sitting cross-legged on the ground. He fiddled with some pencils, ignoring the chaos around him.

Feeling sympathy, I came and sat on the grass next to him. Sure, I'd get a huge stain on my breeches, but I didn't mind. He didn't look up, concentrating on the pencils. "...So how you doing?"
"Alright, um... I hate to ask you at this moment, but do you have any drink--"
He pointed immediately at a bottle of whiskey by him.

I crawled over, reaching out to grab it. Nevertheless, I was blocked yet again by Alexander, who took it for himself. He poured the whiskey into a small cup, staring down at me pitifully. "You want some?" he asked.
I nodded, but he only smirked cruelly. He tipped the bottle upside-down, and the whiskey jugged out immensely; the grass with moisturised with a scent of alcohol.

"Too bad." Alexander threw the bottle to the ground, landing at Sammy's feet. It was enough for him to glance at it, infuriatedly snapping one of his pencils in half. He glared at Alexander, ready to charge. Knowing this, I quickly dodged myself out of the way, scrambling back next to John.

"What's going on? Where's the drink?" Was the first thing he asked.
"There was... none left." I lied.
"Yeeeeeah. It's best if you don't go over t--"

Next thing I heard was screaming. Alexander came bolting past, hiding himself away somewhere. As Sammy was about to pass also, Burr emerged from behind a book, lobbing a dozen pencils at him. It immediately calmed his nerves, and he stretched out to grab them, walking joyfully back to his corner.

"He is one strange man." John contemplated. "Alexander's always getting into trouble with him. But we all know he loves pencils, for whatever reason." John stood up, cupping his hands over his mouth as all of the soldiers around us were still stunned by whatever just happened. "THANKS, A. A. RON!"

Burr's thumb peered from behind the book.


If you haven't seen on my profile, the reason I haven't uploaded in 2 weeks was due to exams. However, they finally finished today and I can get back into my regular uploading schedule. So I'm sorry for the long wait.

History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now