Be True

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(Emily POV)

John had decided to escort me home, whilst Y/N went to visit Charles. He didn't speak, but smiled with fright the entire way. At the door, he took my hands, facing the ground. "Emily, there's... There's something that I... I need to tell you."
"Have I done something wrong...?" I questioned.
"No, no, you haven't done anything wrong..."

His eyes glinted with sadness. "John?"
"I've, uh... My wife's, uh..." He rubbed his nose onto his sleeve.
"Is she... okay?"
"Yes, she's okay. She just... uhm... thought it was better if we parted ways."
"I... don't-"
"AllI'msayingisthatsheknowsthatyoulikeme,butIcan'tbewithherbecauseIwasforcedtoloveherbutherloveformewastrueandshedidn'twantmetobeunhappysoshetookoffherringtoletmebewithyou." John stammered.
"...I'm sorry?"

He sighed. "I like you, Emily. More than I've ever liked anyone."
"...And so you said that your wife-"
"-Parted ways to that we could be happy." he finished. I turned away, taken aback by the news. "Emily, please!" He leaned over to catch my eyesight. "I know you've had the same feelings for me this entire time, but you just couldn't show it. You wanted to hide it for the sake of saving my marriage. But the truth is... Martha and I were never meant to be, but this," -He kissed my knuckles- "This is. I love you, more than ever."

I never thought words could affect me so much. I wanted to break down and cry, but at the same time, I didn't want to let John down. Every word he said spoke the truth, and it was an unbearable truth. "And your- Martha is... okay with this?" I sniffled.
"It's only what she wanted. But..." He let my hands go. "...If this isn't what you want, or you're not prepared for this sort of thing, then... I- I understand, I j-"
"No." I hugged him, looping my arms under his and reaching to his shoulders.

"It's all I could want."

°~The Next Day~°



As I kid.

I never would have thought.

In my wildest dreams.

That my very own sister.

Would someday be dating.

John Laurens.


And it was going to be hard to get used to, I was sure of that. Alas, if both of them were happy, then I should have no means to interfere. Emily was surely startled by these turn of events, but with time, she'd grow to love him. Just like, I suppose, I would for Charles. Of course... I'd disapproved of marriage months ago. I guess I still do. But seeing her so cheerful...

...I wished the best for them.

In other cases, there was Charles. I'd promised him that I'd spend the night at the Dame to take care of him. He murmured to himself over 'the book', but never actually showed it to me, whilst rocking on his bed. I didn't leave that room, not once, for he was far too emotionally unstable. Not to mention Dr Hosack asking me to keep an eye on his health.

But let's focus on the main thing right now: Alexander was engaged. He was going to ask Mr Philip Schuyler for his blessing this very afternoon, to which Eliza had invited me along to meet her family. Emily was also joining us.

Eliza knocked on the door for us, excitedly leaning against Alexander. A boy, about 15 or so, opened it up. "Sister!" he exclaimed with a smile. He turned to Alexander, bowing his head for him. "Uh, come in!" Emily and I trailed behind, the boy's grin widening once he'd seen us. "Miss Hamilton!" I went to close the door, but the took it for himself. "Allow me."

"It's great to see you again, John." Emily started.
"W- You know him?!" I questioned.
"John Bradstreet Schuyler, Miss." He kissed my hand. "Who do I have the honour of meeting?"
"Uh, Sophie Hamilton." I introduced awkwardly.
"Sisters, I suppose?" He kissed Emily's hand.
"You could say that." Emily responded.

"John!" Angelica called from the top of the stairs, making her way downwards. "Stop bothering our guests!"
Looking around, it turned out that Alexander and Eliza had already left to meet Mr Schuyler.
"I was merely introducing myself!" John defended.
"We all know how your introductions go!" she joked. "Now get yourself upstairs and help Rensselaer study. We don't want you causing trouble."
John grunted, listening to his sister.

"I'm so glad you both came!" Angelica pulled us both into a tender hug.
"You were expecting us?" Emily wondered.
"Eliza told me about the engagement, and that you both planned to visit." She glanced at a closed door with a sigh. "Hopefully my father will spare some mercy on him."
"Yeah." I agreed, knowing exactly what was going down.

"I hope so."

(Alexander POV)

Eliza waited outside in the garden, tending to some flowers as I sat with Mr Schuyler. He was intimidating, to say the least. On separate couches a couple of metres away from each other we dined, sipping cups of tea. He repeatedly scanned me, for any subtle hint that would throw him off from marrying his daughter. I couldn't tell if he had found anything, so I talked my way out of the situation.

"Your home is ravishing, sir." I complimented. "A life of luxury, I could imagine."
"Is that what you desire?" Mr Schuyler asked suspiciously.
"Of course not, sir. I've lived penniless for my whole life, and I could never foresee anything other than it."
"But would you like to?"
I took a deep breath. "The reason I marry is not for the wealth, sir. Your daughter has dearly stolen my heart, and I wish to earn hers in return. I crave the ability to satisfy her needs, in any way possible. For I know that we can both learn to support each other."

Mr Schuyler nodded, setting his tea on his desk. He observantly got to his feet, and I repeated respectfully. He held his hands behind his back, pacing back and forth. "You know, Mr Hamilton..." -He traced every footstep with precision- "You are... something I have never witnessed before in my lifetime. You're attractive. Intelligent. Skilled. Sophisticated. And to earn that from a suffering family, you've done well for yourself."
"Thank you, sir."

"However, there is one flaw..." Mr Schuyler approached, looking me directly in the eye. "You've obtained the appreciation of my precious daughter." He firmly shook my hand, flashing a smile. "Be true, son."
"I will, sir. Thank you, I will." Eliza was peeking at us from the window, covering her mouth with excitement.

We were to be married.


As I finished writing this, it's 1:02am.

I should probably sleep-

History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now