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"Will she be alright, Doc?"

"Judging by what I can predict, she will be completely fine. It'll wear off in a day or so."

I fluttered my eyes open, scanning around a room that I'd never seen before. It was quite similar to Alexander's bedroom, but far richer. I was on a brown bed, which was surprisingly comfy. On opposing sides of me were Charles, to my left, and Doctor David Hosack, to my right.

Dr Hosack rested the back of his hand upon my forehead, releasing a quiet "Hmm.".
"What is it?" Charles asked frantically.
"Her temperature is still high, but I'm sure that a lukewarm bath could fix that rather easily."

He stared down gently at me. "Miss Hamilton, are you with us?"
"Yes..." I grunted. My head hadn't necessarily calmed down, but the pain had simplified. Though, I still felt overwhelmingly sick.
"Okay, good. How are you feeling, Miss?"
"Ugh." I sat up, resting my back against the bed frame. "Like my head's about to explode and my stomach's going to cave in."

Dr Hosack had always been a great family friend. He and Alexander were close, and if at any point any of us felt sick, he'd immediately jump in to help. He was the one who helped Emily combat the flu, to which she is extremely close to defeating. All thanks to him. So I could never lie to him, as much as I wanted to.

He leaned over, grabbing a bucket and setting it upon my lap. "Just in case you need it." he told me. "I'm going to run you a bath. It'll make you feel a lot better. There's some tea to your left; you'll feel much more at ease." Dr Hosack left, shutting the door on Charles and me.

"You gave me a fright." he joked, rubbing his hands together. He was perched on a wooden chair, reaching out for the tea. "Here, drink."
I took the cup from him, taking small sips. "Thank you." He took the cup back, placing it onto the desk. Besides the tea, I saw a plant of some kind, emitting a strong smell. But the more I breathed in the scent, the more relaxed I felt.

"How long have I been here for?" I queried, suddenly remembering about David back at home.
"6 hours." he informed, checking the clock.
"Not too long, then." I stated. "Hopefully I'll be out of here soon."

"I... wouldn't get your hopes up." Charles uttered.
"Why's that?"
"You, uh... You collapsed pretty suddenly... It's a good thing I caught you before you, uh..."
"Thank you." I expressed. "Without you, I might've ended up in hospital. How is it that you're so nice?" I joked.

Charles turned his blushed face to the side, exposing the scar he'd received as a boy. Without thinking, I reached my hand out to closely examine it. Charles didn't even flinch, but his smile faded. I took my hand away at last, sighing in regret. "I'm so sorry about... all the terrible things that have happened to you." I apologised. "I can't even bear to think that your childhood has been stripped away, leaving you with the things that haunt you."

Charles took my hand back delicately into his, closing his eyes thoughtfully as he kissed my knuckles. He raised my hand up, leaning his forehead into my knuckles with his eyes still closed shut. "They'll use all their strength and might to tear my mind apart, but one thing they can never tear apart is my heart." He lowered my hand, kissing my knuckles again. "And as long as my heart thrives, my affection for you thrives with it."

He laid my hand back upon the bed, gazing tenderly into my eyes. It was as though the pain didn't exist, and I was intoxicated by his presence. How his voice hummed as he spoke; his eyes glittered with curiosity.

No... I couldn't do this.

If I did this, history would be ruined.

I had to resist...

I... had... to... resist...

But I just couldn't.

Charles snaked his hand onto my shoulder, leaning his head closer.

But soon...

The door opened.

Charles rapidly sat back into his chair, acting as casual as he could when Dr Hosack stared. "Your bath is ready, Miss Hamilton." he invited, the pain seething back. "If you'll allow me to escort you there." He came up to the bedside, hooking my arm around his shoulder to haul me up. Charles smiled patiently as I stumbled out of the room.

"Here we are." Dr Hosack opened the bathroom door, helping me inside. "Would you like me to help you undress? I don't mind, I-"
"Nonono, it's fine, I've got it." I stammered.
"Alright. Just call me if you need anything." He left me to myself. I stared cravingly at the water, beginning to undo my dress.


Dr Hosack had slipped a nightgown around the door for me to wear for the night. As Charles predicted, I was staying here, but for how long I was unsure of. Drying off, I hauled the nightgown on. The migraine had shortly transformed into a reoccurring headache, coming back every 5 or so minutes. But Dr Hosack was skilled, and I'm glad he knew what he was doing.

I came out of the bathroom, moped down the hall and arrived back into the bedroom. Charles was still there, waiting for me. "Where's Doctor Hosack?" I asked.
"He's... um... somewhere." Charles replied uncertainly. "Are you feeling better?"
"Yeah..." -I eyed him down- "Have you been sitting here doing nothing this entire time?"
"I mean... m- maybe..."

I brought myself back into the bed, leaning my head upon the pillow. The scent from before filled my lungs. "Miss Hamilton, there you are!" Dr Hosack exclaimed as he walked into the room. He was studying a file of papers, but put them to one side when he saw me.

"Due to your current circumstances, I've decided to keep you here for another day to ensure your safety." he explained. "I hope this hasn't disturbed any plans you had in mind."
I thought back to David: poor man wasn't going to have any company until I came back (that is, unless, Emily goes to see him, which I highly doubt). I couldn't just leave him in there like he were a dog. "I... No, I'm sorry but... I can't stay here."

"Miss Hamilton, you must understand that you will only worsen with limited rest." Dr Hosack protested.
"Then can't I rest in the comfort of my own home?"
He thought for a moment, slightly nodding his head. "Yes, I understand. If that's what you require then that's what we shall do. Though, I do implore that you are monitored."

We sat silently, but Dr Hosack soon carried on. "Would it be possible for you to stay for the night, at least?" he almost begged.
I sighed. "For the night. But We'll go straight to Al-- Mr Hamilton's home tomorrow morning."
"Then we have reached an agreement." -He faced Charles- "Mr Fernández, I wouldn't want you to be held up, so why don't you get going?"

"Actually, could I stay here for tonight?" Charles asked. "I wouldn't want Miss Hamilton to get bored. I'll sleep on this chair, if that's--"
"No, I have a spare bed, don't you worry." Dr Hosack offered.
"T- Thank you, sir."

I caught Charles' gaze once again.

He smiled.

I smiled.

...What was I to do anymore?


I got sunburnt for the first time (because I usually never burn) and goddamn does it sting

History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now