A Tiny Bit

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"Well, we'll be getting back to the Dame now." I concluded, listening to the clock chime for 5 o'clock. "I'll leave the cards here in case you... you know."
"A bit of solitaire won't do any harm." David commented, grabbing the pack.
"Great, well..."
"Don't go outside. Darling, I know." he finished for me. Emily rolled her eyes at his cocky response.

I smiled, turning my back on him. "See you tomorrow."
"The both of you have a good rest. You'll need it." I listened to the cards clatter against the floor as he tipped them out. I took Emily's back, escorting her out before I could. I locked the door, keeping a tight hold to the keys.

"Don't you think he's at least a little bit creepy?" Emily insisted.
"If he was going to do anything, he would've done it by now." I protested. "So no."
"First, he has the same surname as us. Second, he called you darling. And third, he's a goddamn Redcoat for God's sake. And I don't give a shit if he's Alexander's friend or not!"

"Watch your mouth." I warned. "Just liste--"
"No, you listen. I'm tired of you trying to act so defensive over me, like, do I not have a say in anything anymore?!"
"Emily you're my sister a--"
"And what? Huh? You have to take care of me? And it's all since we magically appeared in this timeline, because before all of that you never gave a flying fuck about me!"

"That's not true at all!!" I argued, almost dropping the keys from frustration. "Do you even remember what life was like back then?!"
"Ironically, I do!" Emily exclaimed. She held a finger up for each point she made. "Everyone was slightly sociopathic, addicted to the internet, wearing ridiculous clothing, and even trying to invade Area 51 for crying out loud."

"...So you admit life is better here?" I questioned.
She sighed, holding her hands out. "It would be, if you would just let me get my opinion out." I felt guilty. If I'd have known she'd felt like that, I wouldn't have consistently tried to get her to take in my words. I nodded, submitting myself with grief.

"...So we can both agree that he is at least a tiny bit creepy?"

"...A tiny bit."

We suddenly erupted into laughter, forgetting our unnecessary argument.


I opened the front door, Mrs Taylor stood with her arms crossed. She stared at us in disappointment. "You're late." she grunted.
"Sorry, we got lost." I laughed, Emily muffling her giggles into my shoulder.
"Got l-?! You've been coming here for 4 years!!"
"Well, we got lost. Sorry, Mrs T!" Emily cackled as she slid past her, racing up the stairs.

I was about to follow behind, but Mrs Taylor blocked my way. "I need to have a word with you before you go running off."
"...Am I in trouble?"
"No, you're not in trouble." -She made way for me to enter the house- "Though you will be if you scare me like that again." she lectured strictly, slamming the door.

"So Congress is looking for one strong male and female representative from each part of New York to promote the war out on the streets." she explained.  "And, seeing as you and Mr Charles are the eldest here, I've put the two of you forward for it."
I widened my eyes. "What is it that we'll be doing, exactly...?"
"Oh, just filing out leaflets, propaganda posters."

"But... Why now?" I asked, "When the war has gone on for so long?"
She shrugged her shoulders. "Supposedly with a range of well-trained soldiers to join 'em, the war could be coming to an end very soon."
I smiled in triumph, but that all rapidly faded on remembering that I could've been apart of that. But I chose the opportunity not to, exposing myself.

At least, if I helped to recruit, that could mean a whole new section of Charlie Millers joining in with the fight.

"And Charles has agreed too?"
"He says that he'll only go through with it if you do, too." Mrs Taylor responded. "You're great friends, anyway. So why not give it a chance?"
I nodded vigorously.

"I'll do it."

°~3 Hours Later~°

"Hail, king! For so thou art: behold, where stands the usurper's cursed head: the time is free: I see thee compass'd with thy kingdom's pearl, that speak my salutation in their minds; whose voices I desire aloud with mine: Hail, King of Scotland!" -I hushed my voice into a distant tone- "Hail, King of Scotland!"
"You memorized that entire scene?" Emily questioned.
"Ah, but we're not finished yet!" I howled.

"Macbeth, I'm familiar." Charles was sat up on his bed, reading a book. We still shared that same bedroom together, and it had gotten more awkward over the years. We were all... a bit more insecure about privacy, I guess.
"Really, now?" I examined, sitting myself up. "Know the rest?"
"Does it appear that I do?" I was expecting the answer to be a no, but remarkably, he continued on.

"We shall not spend a large expense of time before we reckon with your several loves, and make us even with you. My thanes and kinsmen, henceforth be earls, the first that ever Scotland in such an honour named. What's more to do, which would be planted newly with the time, as calling home our exiled friends abroad that fled the snares of watchful tyranny; producing forth the cruel ministers of this dead butcher and his fiend-like queen, who, as 'tis thought, by self and violent hands took off her life; this, and what needful else that calls upon us, by the grace of Grace, we will perform in measure, time and place: So, thanks to all at once and to each one, whom we invite to see us crown'd at Scone." Charles performed.

Emily's face was in utter awe by the end of it. "How do you both remember all of that?!"
"I practically had a Shakespeare lesson whenever we had free time in the war." I admitted, for there were only the three of us in the room. All of the younger children were downstairs playing games, including Valentino.
"I read." Charles stated.

"Speaking of the war, you are partnering up with me for that... war promotion, right?" Charles tried to secure.
"I wouldn't leave you with a stranger; we all know how you are around those." I reassured him. He tried to smile, but accepted the truth.

"HERMANOOO!!" Valentino unexpectedly burst through the door, bouncing upon her bed. "Come downstairs, you're being boring!" Valentino had recently turned 12, and still bared that same energy she had when we'd first met. She'd luckily managed to gain herself some new friends, and her positive light was shed upon them all.

"I'm busy, Valentino." Charles dug his face further into his book.
She narrowed her eyes at me suspiciously. "Have you been talking to him...?" Since I'd came back, Valentino had placed Charles and me on a talking ban; we supposedly spent too much time together.
"No. He's too interested in that book." -I eyed him up- "Maybe you should take it off of him."

"Wh-!! No, Valentino, don't!" Charles provoked, but she immediately pounced at him, wrestling for the book.
"Aww, be a nice big brother, Charles!" Emily teased as he struggled to pull it back from her. For a young girl, she was abnormally strong.
"I'm! Trying! To- AGH!" Valentino tacked Charles off of the bed, and he rolled onto the floor. A loud thud rumbled from the clash, alarming the members downstairs.

"WHAT'S GOING ON UP THERE?!" Mrs Taylor screamed.

"And here we go again..." I sighed.


Literally almost died today because we thought one of our cats had ran away, but no we just found her hibernating under the conservatory table so we couldn't see her goddammit 😂

Also I'm so sorry for how bad this is

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