The Peale Family

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you_nerd 's chapter 😂


°~3 Weeks Later~°


3 weeks on, and I still hated my job. Though, 'hate' is a strong word. 'Dislike' is the more appropriate term.

So let me rephrase.

I still disliked my job.

In the aspect of actually planning things rather than talking all the time, I would much prefer it. But the majority of the meetings were just about making conversation, which I was terrible at.

But we were progressing quickly. Wilson had recruited more men, including Cornelius, to help with the weapon handling. I was trained by Cornelius, as usual, and you could say that I was getting slightly better. But... not much. Slightly.

You could almost say that John and I were best friends by now. He didn't even treat me like a woman in any aspect, and just rolled along with the fact that I was trying to act as a soldier. What fascinated him the most was that, along with everybody else, I was 'Alexander's niece'. Obviously, that wasn't true, but he'd constantly question me on what life is like with him as an uncle.

It was a tough lie to keep.

Speaking of Alexander, he continued to hate me. And I mean hate, this time. I couldn't go anywhere near him without a sigh or anger, or just a genuinely irritated comment. His was the hardest to keep this cross-dressing lie from.

Lafayette and Hercules were the same as ever. Burr became stressed, as he had less time to read and study due to weapon handling. Poor man had no one but himself.

The women were enjoying themselves, I noticed. They gazed upon the soldiers helplessly as they trained, fantasizing whatever they could about them. It was truly disturbing to see one staring that same way towards me. I'd give them an awkward smile, and they'd skip away, screaming into a towel.

But more importantly, there were the children. They had too much time to spend by themselves that I was honestly jealous. Alas, without their mothers and fathers around, they grew overwhelmingly bored.

I glanced over to check on them, discovering a single boy sitting alone. He strangled grass into his chubby hands, piling what he'd picked on top of each other to create a nest. "Family is tough." Lafayette sighed. "You can never always give them what you want."
"I wouldn't know." I replied. "My family... aren't always around."

"Then why don't you start one of your own?" he suggested.
"I can't. It's... hard to explain, but I just... don't have the guts."
"There's bound to be someone out there, mon ami." Lafayette took my shoulder, revealing his hand out towards the boy with the other. "Why don't you give it a try? He needs cheering up."

"No, I- I'm no good around children." I stuttered, removing his hand.
"You have a younger sister, do you not?"
"Only a year younger, there's hardly any difference."
"Yet you have experience, taking care of those younger than you."
"I guess, b--"
"Then go!" Lafayette shoved me to the side, and I accidentally stumbled towards the boy.

It caught his attention. He dropped the chunk of grass, startled by my presence. I stood back up properly, forgetting that I'd looked like a complete lunatic. "Um... Hello." I started. The boy continued to stare in confusion, so I came and sat down on the opposite side of his nest. "That's a cool nest you've got there." I complimented. "Mind if I help?"

"Food." he mumbled. "You got any food?"
"...No, I'm sorry." I hadn't thought of it. Whilst we were complaining about our hunger, then children were also starving to their deaths. He began to tear the grass out from the soil once more, lumping his drained face into his hand. His elbow rested upon the knee of his crossed legs.

"Say, why aren't you playing with your friends? There's plenty of other kids around here that are your age."
"Can't, sir." he grunted.
"Why not?"
"They ain't likin' me. Think I'm weird compared to 'em."
"Well, some kids just... don't like others that are different from them. When I was a child, I too wasn't accepted. Even now, a lot of people can't relate to my differences. But that's what makes you you."

He took a moment to process my words, then went back to his nest. "What's your name?" I asked.
"...Peale. Raphaelle Peale, sir."
"I'm Charlie Miller." I leaned over and covered the side of my mouth with my hand. "But you can call me Y/N."
"Y/N?" he giggled. "Isn't that a girl's name?"
"Sure. But it's cool, right?"
He found my stupidity humorous. "Yeah. I'm just called Raph."

"Well, how about a game, Raph? You've looked bored for the past... I don't know how long." I joked.
"Would say, sir, but can't read." he sighed. "Father's tried teachin' is, but it's hard. Can only paint, like 'im."
"Ah, well, I'm quite the opposite. I can read, but I'm no good at painting. Maybe you could teach me?"
"Would if I had a canvas and some paints, sir. Haven't touched a brush in ages."

"So... What game are you up for?" I quizzed.
"Don't know any, only hide n' seek." Raph sighed.
"Rock, paper, scissors is a good one. My sister and I always liked to play it. You up for it?"
"Okay." he agreed.

After explaining the basic rules, we balled our fists into the palm of our other hand and began. Lafayette was admiring from a distance, though I pretended I couldn't see him. "Ready?"
"Okay. Ro--"
"Wait! On scissors, or after scissors?"
"On scissors."

"Rock, paper, scissors!" I drew a rock, whilst Raph drew scissors.
"So... Rock..."
"Beats scissors." I corrected. I lightly punched the scissors, guilty that I'd beat him on the first try. "Sorry."
He immediately went into the next ground, violently wacking his fist. "Rock, paper, scissors!!"

I decided I'd wait a millisecond after he'd chosen, in order for me to choose a wrong option and lose against him. He drew scissors, so I drew paper. "I win!!" he screeched, cutting my hand.
"Not quite yet!" I chuckled. "If I win this next round, I win overa--"
"ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS!!" Raph drew a final rock, so I quickly drew scissors. He slammed his fist against my hand, screeching in victory.

"I WIN!!" Raph chanted.
"You win." I repeated him.
"Raph, what are you up to?" I heard a woman giggle. Frantically, I stood up, prepared to leave. The woman came along, staring at me. "Raphaelle, come here now." she ordered sternly.
"Mother!" He jolted up, taking his mother's hand. "This is Y/--"
"Charlie Miller, ma'am." I introduced.

"Raphaelle, go and play." she shunned.
"But mother-!!"
"I said. Go. And. Play."
"...Yes mother." Raph scuttled off, leaving me alone with this woman.
"What are you doing with my son?" she asked strictly.
"He... was alone, ma'am. I thought I'd keep him company."
"And you don't suppose his friends could do that??"

I didn't respond. She huffed, looking around. "Look, thank you for making him happy. But you have no right to speak to him, you hear me?"
"I understand, ma'am."

"What is going on here?!!" A tall man came marching along, scowling at me. "How dare you speak to my wife like this!!"
"I- I'm sorry!!" I exclaimed, glancing to Lafayette. He came over to defend my side.
"Mr Miller here has done no wrong, sir!" Lafayette secured.
"How foolish! You can't even speak for your own mistakes!" the woman criticised.

"I didn't-- Sir, I beg of you! I've done no wrong to your wife!!" I stated.
"Not so much to me, but of our Raphaelle!" she lied, "Violating him by playing some childish games!"
"What?? You said it made him happy!!"
"HEY!!" -He grabbed my wrist- "Don't you dare ever argue back at her! I'll have half the mind to challenge you to a duel!!"

"D- Duel...?" I stumbled over my words.
"Mr Peale, have sympathy. He's only a boy." Lafayette begged.
Mr Peale growled, throwing his head backwards. "Fine. A competition." -He walked backwards- "If you can beat me at shotfires to a bullseye, you can go free and we'll never speak of this again. If not, I'll ruin your reputation."

He tilted his hat, giving a competitive smirk.

"See you then, Miller."


Thought I'd do a longer chapter for once.


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