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°~One Week Later~°


"Ready your aim..."



The bullet edged straight past the target, deserting itself into the field beyond. "Great! You're getting worse!" General Wilson exclaimed sarcastically. "Just-- Give me that!" He snatched the musket straight from my grasp, firing all of the ammo directly at the target. When all the rounds were wasted, he went to drop it onto the ground, but I caught it in my arms before he could. "Useless, Miller. When will you learn?" Wilson marched away in dissapointment, shaking his head furiously.

Slow clapping emerged from my side, like that unmeaningful one you'd after hear at the end of a school play. "Marvellous, Mr Miller, absolutely spectacular!" Cornelius teased.
"Like you could do any better!" I challenged, though I knew he was far more skilled. He'd claimed to have joined the revolution in 1775, and therefore was tremendously accurate.
He snickered, drawing his gun from his side. "With pleasure..."

He drew his position, aiming for the precise middle of the target. Bullet holes were scattered everywhere, but he was sure that his was going to leave the biggest mark. He pulled the trigger was force, almost instantly smacking the target. And right in the centre. "Wow, I knew you were good, but I didn't know you were that good." I admired.
"All it takes is practice." Cornelius advised, "I started off like you a long time ago. Scrawny, unqualified; you'll learn, Mr Miller."

"Why do you call me that?" I commented.
"'Mr Miller', why do you call me that? I don't call you 'Mr Jackson'."
"To me and my reputation, it's considered impolite. You do as you please, but I will merely use your surname for all cases." -He unloaded the ammo in his musket, setting it with the others- "Of course, if someday you achieve a higher rank, we will not be permitted to use your first name."

"And you really think that's possible?" I contemplated, crossing my arms.
"Nothing is impossible, Mr Miller. With the right positivity and attitude to create a healthy mind, 'impossible' is just another word in the English language." On that note, he left me and my musket to ourselves.
If what he said is true, then there's no chance it's going to be me, I thought, abandoning my weapon with the others.


Dearest Y/N,

Based off of recent reports from Gen. Washington, our troops are expected to leave for expedition some time soon. Therefore, it may be harder for us to write to one another. I am tremendously sorry about this turn of events, but alas, we must all follow orders. I cannot wait to hear reports of how your factory work is going, as I'd expect top standards from such a quick-witted young lady. It would be delightful to hear that Emily has taken interest, too, as she is outstanding with her crafts work.

Please take note also if your sister is acting strange lately. I suspect that an arrogant man is exploiting her without my knowledge, but I dare not point blame. He is to remain anonymous for the time being, until I am able to determine what his future actions may be.

Farewell, and take care of Emily for us both.

A. Hamilton.



So how's it going? Are there any hot guys there? I hope so, maybe you can bring one home for me ;) Just joking! You better be having fun, otherwise I'm going to come over there and kill you to death. Charles is hyperventilating a lot (I like that word 'hyperventilating', Charles taught it to me) since you've left. That letter you sent really took a blow on him. But other than that, he's cool. I'm cool. We're all cool.

Okay bye.

- Emmy <3


An expedition, Alexander says. What kind of expedition? Nobody had mentioned anything, so it must've been kept private between the Generals and their staff. It could explain why we had to do so much work this week, training day-by-day for hours on end.

I sat on the bench, smiling down at the letters before folding them up and placing them into my pocket. "Family, yes?" Lafayette questioned curiously.
"Indeed." I answered.
"You seem to really care about them by the way that you react to their words. Got a wife?" Hercules intruded.

Now was my time to lie. The only person who knew of 'Charlie's secret relationship with Emily' was Alexander. As long as nobody knew, I was completely fine with lying. "No, and I don't intend to look out for one, either. Not yet, at least."

"What about those beauties over there?" Lafayette pointed at the camp followers, swarms of women sowing crops. A group of three caught Lafayette's glance, blushing and turning away the instant he caught their eyes.
"Yeeeeeeeah nope." I finalized.

Being with these two made me really think back: Alexander no longer appeared. There was only three possible reasons I could conclude of this. One, he's busy with assisting Washington. Two... I'm here. And three... Laurens isn't. Over the week, he was nowhere to be seen, not even with Burr. I'd checked up and down the camp, and even though I'd never met him (well, briefly when I first arrived), I couldn't help but worry about him. And nobody would mention his whereabouts.

It was time for answers.

"Hercules, Lafayette, be truthful with me here: do you know where John Laurens is?" I asked finally.
Hercules shook his head around, searching for some possible answer to the question. Alas, Lafayette relented, tapping his knuckles onto the table. "Monsieur Laurens was taken captive by the British in May..." he sighed. "He is... a prisoner of war."

"What?!" I demanded, jolting up slightly. "Then why is nobody doing anything about it?!"
"There's nothing we can do!" Hercules admitted, "We just have to await his release."
I stared in awe, transferring my eyes between the both of the simultaneously. I got up, pacing around with anger. I had to think of something, anything that meant he would be safe.

A conclusion hit my mind. I couldn't say it would be the most thought it, but it might just work. I sat to the edge of the bench. "Don't mention this to anyone, but I heard there's an expedition occurring soon." I informed. "When we're travelling to our next camp destination, the three of us will go off trail and to the camp that holds Laurens hostage!!"
"And what makes you think it'll be that easy?" Hercules quizzed.
"If we can pinpoint exactly which camp took him prisoner, based on the last place he was seen, we can make our way there during the expedition!"
"And no one will suspect a thing...?" Lafayette questioned doubtfully.
"Yeah, well, no! We'll distract them! They won't even know we're gone!"

Hercules observed the soldiers around him, estimating how many he'd have to fool if this went ahead. "Charlie, this--"
"Please, just trust me! Do you want your friend back or not?" I almost begged him.
"...I could find one of General Washington's maps, it locates exactly where some of the enemy camps are for us to strike. And, if I'm correct, we could find his precise location..." Lafayette explained, "...I'm in."

We both looked directly at Hercules, who was tensing up from all of the attention. "Ugh, I guess I have no choice..." he relented, "I'm in. I'll collect three of the strongest horses, as well as smuggling in some extra food and water."
"That's great! I'll make sure no one uncovers us."

"We're going to get him back."

History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now