Snowball Fight

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"I'm not meeting them." Emily argued.
"C'mon, you just need to say hi, that's it!" I tried to persuade her.
"NO! All of your friends so far are insane!"
"They're Alexander's friends, too!"
She turned to her side, ignoring me. "I don't care.

I clambered out of the bed, opening the curtains to reveal... snow. The streets were coated in a thick sheet of snow, filtering the world with a glow of white. "Emily, look!"
"What?" she grunted.
She rolled from her bed, scrambling over to my side. "Oh my God, it's snow."

"How about we call on a snowball fi-- oh my--" I interrupted myself, planting my face against the cold window. At once, I was engulfed with bitterness, but it was for a good reason. Trudging through the snow was a man, trying to escape from being dragged in; he was in a hurry. As for the other two, they tracked his footprints from behind, avoiding the submission of the snow.

"THEY'RE HERE!!" I threw my shoes on, lumbered in my nightgown still. Was there any need to dress to impress? I quickly stroked my fingers through my hair, abandoning Emily to the window.

Halfway down the stairs, I observed as a blurred figure wrapped its hand around the doorknob.

And within a flash, the door was opened.

Bouncing off of the stairs, I chucked my arms around John, ignoring the frost upon his shoulders. He was just as ecstatic, hugging me like it'd been forever. Though, it had.

We didn't exchange any words, no sign of conversation: just us two and the hug. Peering up, Lafayette and Hercules were drawing in closer. "I'm so glad you're alright." John finally whispered.
I giggled. "Why wouldn't I be?"

He departed from my arms to check me from head to toe. "You look great!" he exclaimed.
"I got up an hour ago, so I'd be surprised if I didn't." I joked. Lafayette pressed his hand against the door frame, panting from the struggle of the snow. "Lafayette!" I gave him a hug, but not like the one John and I had shared. Hercules followed, and I did the same for him.

Alexander wandered in from the living room, firmly patting his companions on the back. I was hoping that Emily would make an attempt to come downstairs, but alas, she didn't. "Where is your sister?" John asked curiously.
"Hiding." I muttered. "EMILY!! GET DOWNSTAIRS!!"

No reply.

"It's alright, mon ami. She's shy, that's all." Lafayette contemplated. "Oh, will you shut that door before we freeze?!" He slammed the door shut, as Hercules hadn't yet done so.
"Well, please come through." Alexander insisted, leading into the living room. I abandoned my usual couch, sitting by Alexander. John decided to sit by me, with Lafayette and Hercules on the other couch.

"So how are you all?" I started.
"The question is how are you?" Hercules corrected. John and Lafayette chuckled.
"Great, I guess. It's strange having a normal life again." Word about me had spread rapidly, but thankfully it hadn't reached some people. Dr Hosack, Mrs Taylor, Hugh: to my knowledge, they all still believe that David is my partner. Or was. But now with the soldiers back, news was going to spread quicker than ever.

"No one's caused you any trouble, no?" Lafayette questioned.
"...No." I lied.
John stared outside of the window, clearly thinking of something. "Shit, I uh, forgot to get something from my place."
"You're kidding." Hercules sighed.
"No way are we going back out there!" Lafayette implored.
"Yeah, John, it's freezing!" Alexander joined in.

"I'll come." I insisted. "I mean, it'll be a nice relief from the heat we've had." John nodded, and I left for my bedroom. Time to confront my sister. I turned the doorknob, finding her still at the window. "What are you doing?"
"Observing." she responded, drawing pictures on the window with the tip of her finger.

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