Stick Together

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We entered the shop, the all-so familiar bell ringing above our heads. "Sophie!" Charles stepped over our way, pardoning a woman and her child from his service. "Oh, and, umm... Emily." he corrected. "It's nice to see the both of you!"
"And you, Charles!" I greeted. He edged forward, but whatever he was planning on doing, he stopped himself.

"So why are you here? New dress, I presume? Let me take a lo--"
"Actually, that's not what we're here for." I intruded.
"O- Oh, umm... Alright."
"Can we talk about this somewhere private?"
"Sure, I'll just deal with these customers, then I'll be straight to you." He stumbled back to the woman and child, rubbing his hands together frantically.

"I can't believe we're doing this." I gritted under my teeth.
"It'll work. He's your friend, he'll understand." Emily replied. She had initially dragged me out of the house prior, just to get an army uniform. She had also forced a wig on to my head, but I persuaded her to wear one too so I didn't feel left out. Honestly? It felt like thousands of flees were shredding my hair to pieces bit by bit.

"Thanks for coming, miss!" Charles finished up, opening the door for the pair. They didn't respond, not even thanking him. "Okay, um, let's go into the back."
"Where's Hugh?" I asked, following him into a spare room.
"Off sick." He dragged two chairs over for us, grasping another one for himself.
"Thank you."

"So what's going on?" Charles interrogated.
"It's going to be hard to explain, but--"
"She wants to join the army." Emily stated for me.
"What?!" He stood up in shock, mouth wide open. I removed my wig, revealing my shortened hair. "Sophie, this is suicide, wh-- What were you thinking?! A crossdresser, seriously?!"
"I know it's ridiculous, but Charles, I have a good feeling about this!" I defended.
"A good feeling about what, winding up dead?!!"

I pouted, clasping my hands together in a pleading matter. "Uggghhh, how can I say no to that?" Charles sighed. "But no!"

I teasingly pretended to put my head in my hands in distress. "Okay okay fine!! I'll do it!" Charles gave in.
"Good! Now where do you keep the uniforms?"


"Hey, Sophie?" Charles came over to me as I made an attempt to shove the uniform into a bag.
"Erm, I'm just really worried about you. I don't think this is a good idea... What if you're hurt?" he theorized tensely.
"Charles. As long as we're all still here, nobody is going to get hurt. Not one of us." I gave him a comforting smile. "We've got to stick together, have trust in one another."

"But you're the closest friend I've got, I..." He pulled away, gazing at the bag. "What do I tell Valentino?"
"Tell her the truth," I insisted, "She deserves to know."
"O- Okay..." Charles turned away, preparing to return back to his desk. "You should get going before your uncle finds y--"
I strained him into an aching hug, melting into his arms.

"You stay safe, alright? And don't let that illness of yours get you into any havoc! You're like a brother to me, Charles." For a slight second, he loosened his grip. But once he realised he was doing it, he only hugged even tighter.
"...I will."

"Hey! So are you coming or not?!" Emily urged. For that brief moment, I'd completely forgotten that she was there.
I let Charles go. "I guess this is goodbye for now."
"Hah, yeah..." he giggled. "Goodbye... a- and good luck!"
"You too..."


"Sheesh, why don't you two just get together already?" Emily questioned, placing a hand on the doorknob.
"We've talked about this, Emily. I don't plan to be with anyone."
"I do."
"Well you shouldn't, because you can't guarantee we'll be staying here forever."

History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now