What's Your Emergency?

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"You need to stop getting yourself into trouble, y'know." As I returned to my state of consciousness, I saw Emily holding an ice pack over my head.
"Ugh... an ice pack, that's it?" Even though I'd apparently been sent home, all I'd been given was a packet of ice. Great.

"What did you do, anyway? Was it Jeffrey again? Did he steal your lunch? Did you steal his? Did it hurt, getting your head sma-"
"I don't know, Emily!" I gritted under my teeth, removing her hand from the ice pack to hold it on my own. "All I know is that I got my head smacked off of a table, okay?!"
"...I was only asking..." she muttered irritably, crossing her arms.

"Oh, sweetie!" My mum barged into the room, finding that I was finally awake. She sat on the edge of the bed, holding my hand. "Are you alright? Do you want me to get you anything?"
"No, I'm alright, mum, but thanks." I sighed. Jeez, was it just me or was my family relentless in asking questions today?

"Grandma's coming over later to see how you are." mum informed me.
"Great." I closed my eyes, resting my aching head against a pillow.
"C'mon, Em. Let your sister relax for a bit." Mum took Emily's shoulder, gently encouraging her to her feet.
"But mum I've got so many questions I wanna a-!"
"No buts, c'mon!" mum interrupted Emily, guiding her out.

I dug my hand into a pocket of my blazer, drawing out my phone. 5:56pm, wow, school had finished almost 3 hours ago. That explains why Emily was back. I plugged it on charge for now, offering myself some sleep.

Lil time skip~

I woke to the sounds of my grandma's elderly voice. "Hello, dear." Thank the Lord, her memory of close relatives hadn't faded quite yet, no! She was still able to recall my face. However, memories of past events, for example, were almost like a blur. And it was only worsening by the day. She plodded along to my bedside, handing me a 'get well soon' card.

"Grandma, you didn't have to, really! It's just a little cut!" I giggled.
"If it means brightening your day then so be it!" she responded pleasantly.

"Ah, I haven't seen you for a while, love! Thought I'd pop by and say hello." Of course. The nurses wouldn't let her outside of her own home that much, as they feared her health would be affected. But, as she says, "They're a load of tossers."

But grandma was patient. She wouldn't brag about what's happened, she'd only be there to make sure I'm doing alright. I opened the card, and to my surprise, it was attached to a familiar drawing:

 I opened the card, and to my surprise, it was attached to a familiar drawing:

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"I found it in the cabinet under my TV." she explained, "I thought that maybe I should return it to its rightful owner!"
"Aww, you shouldn't have!" I exclaimed excitedly. It brought back so many memories from when I was a young child, chasing my dreams. Sitting by the fire whilst grandma told us her stories. To her? None of that even existed.

I was intrigued. What if I could trigger a memory, something to bring grandma back?! Of course! The ring!

"Grandma?" I questioned.
"Yes, love?" she replied.
"Do you remember the stories you used to tell me?"
"Ones about magical creatures and stuff?"
"No, I... No."
"Not even the one about the ring? Remember that, grandma?"

With that, she went silent. Her eyes remained motionless, unable to focus on one thing. "Grandma...?" Slowly, her hand edged towards her heart, and her breathing turned rapid. She clutched her chest, suddenly falling on to the floor. "Grandma!!" I chucked my ice pack to the other side of the room, ignoring the pain coming from my head.

Mum then walked in. And upon finding grandma on the floor, she leapt over to her side. "Y/N, call an ambulance!!" she ordered, helping grandma sit up against the bed. She made subtle grunts, signifying the agony that she was going through. I didn't want to interfere with the situation by leaning over to reach my phone, so I darted downstairs to the home phone.

"You're up early..." Emily stated, "Anyway what was that loud bang upstairs?" I stumbled over to the home phone; dangit, I forgot it was broken! In an urgent matter, I snatched Emily's phone right out of her hands, sweat engulfing my forehead.

"Hey, give it back!!" she complained, trying to tackle me to the ground.
"Grandma's having some sort of heart attack so if you want her to die then be my guest!" I screamed infuriatedly. To my words, she hurried upstairs, leaving me to the awe of the downstairs. I moved my thumb across the screen, finding the contacts to dial 999. This was all my fault, I knew I shouldn't have let this happen!

"999, what's your emergency?"



Sorry that this one's a bit shorter than the last one.

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