Pistol Fire

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"They'll be here any moment now." I said expectantly. We may have arrived at the riverbank too early from the anticipation, but we found no trouble in waiting.
"Shall he bring a second? A doctor?" Lafayette questioned. For once, he seemed nervous. "I bring neither."
"It was his decision to do this, therefore he is fully accountable. I act as a second, don't I? A witness?"
"...I suppose."

Lafayette threw himself against a tree in frustration. "So long as we are not caught out, all will be well." he comforted. "I cannot shoot upon him, as gratifying as that would be. It would potentially raise suspicion. As any honourable man would, I will throw away my shot. Alas, this is a competition of who is more powerful enough to encapture you. I fear that he... That you may..."
"Don't you dare think like that. He wouldn't shoot you, he is a well known and prosperous man." I took his shoulder. "If Monroe doesn't want to damage his legacy, he won't shoot."

Lafayette nodded, solemnly.

From a confident soldier who sought pride in himself to a fearful man cowering against a tree. This wasn't Lafayette. Washington responded within an instant, having heard word of our letter. A ship was to take us back to New York on August 28th, so we were limited to our final few days in this country.

"Mr Hurst! I was hoping to see you here today!" Rufus emerged from the distance, two men opposing his side. One carried a leather bag. I inspected the two objects, which appeared to be pistols, held in Rufus' hand. The final man scowled as the wind roughly hit against his wrinkled face.

"And, Miss Olivia." Rufus greeted. "How pleasant." He licked his bottom lip and appeared quite suddenly before us. Lafayette stood straight from the tree. "No second to attend, sir?" Rufus mocked with his hands locked behind his back.
"My beloved wife is the only source I need. I'd like to keep matters short and concise."
He scoffed. "So be it."

Rufus handed Lafayette a pistol of his own. "No words, no speech, just a count of three." Rufus concluded.
"Three it is, then."
"Come." The wrinkled man, who I assumed was Rufus' second, escorted me over to the sidelines. I glanced to Lafayette and gave a gentle nod of reassurance.

Rufus perched himself at Lafayette's original spot near the tree, forcing him over to the left side of the duelling grounds. The man beside me cleared his throat. "Ready your pistols!" he declared. Lafayette held his up against his chest; for a second, he looked confused.


Both clutched their pistols tighter.


I heard a rustle in the bushes. Fox, perhaps.


I screamed in terror.

The bullet hit.


Not at Lafayette.

It penetrated the ground quicker than I could even interpret, metres from Lafayette's foot. What stopped the bullet from hitting was a diversion, as the gun had leapt from Rufus' hands and far enough so he couldn't reach it.

He came face-to-face with Eric's pistol.

Lafayette steadily lowered his pistol, having aimed it at the sky.

"Good day, sir." Eric began. "Mind telling me what is occurring here today?"
"Is it your concern, boy?" Rufus spat.
"Oh I believe it most definitely is, let me tell you. I suggest that you and your comrades leave before I lodge this bullet through your skull."
"Is that a threat?!"
"Oh no, just some friendly advice from a commoner."

Rufus leaned forward with his head pressed against the gun. "You wouldn't dare."
Assertively, Eric tilted the pistol at Rufus' foot and shot directly through. I covered my mouth from the sudden impact. Screeching in pain, Rufus collapsed to the ground. What must've been the doctor ran to his aide, followed by his second.

"Now leave this woman alone."

Rufus ripped his bloody shoe off and on to the field, falling into the arms of the doctor. He carried him away using his ultimate strength. Once they had vanished, Eric then turned to Lafayette and held the pistol to him. "No please, wait!" I begged.
He glared at me.
"Please... Not him."
Eric rolled his eyes. He latched the pistol back into his pocket.

Lafayette tossed his pistol away from him, paying close watch to Eric's movements. He started to move closer and Lafayette edged forward in defence. I pardoned him away with my hand, hoping I'd grant myself control of the situation.

"T- Thank you..." I stammered. "How did you-?"
"As I said. I come here often. I hear commotion and I am attracted to it."
"O- Oh, y-"
"Let me tell you something, Sophie." He leaned in towards my face. "Someday, I'll have you. If so, I'll murder Fernández, I'll murder anyone who tries to provoke us."

"Eric, understand that I don't li-"
"You will. You'll see. I'll do whatever it takes for you." He strutted away with the pistol rattling in his pocket. Not one more word. Just one last glare of oppression.

"The... The pistol!" Lafayette sighed. "It... wasn't loaded. He planned to kill me. If it weren't for the boy, I'd have been a dead man."
"Good thing he stood up when he did, then." I reluctantly admitted. "...I just wish I never see him again."
"What did he say to you?"

"He said that..." What if he wasn't lying? What if I was going to return to find Charles, the only man I ever truly loved, dead? What about Valentino, she'd be stuck without a home until an unlikely opportunity of marriage. I had the comfort of knowing that Eric didn't specifically know where either I or Charles lived.

...Though, what if he did?

"No- Nothing... We should go home."


I'm crying at how utterly idiotic I am.

So as I was writing that paragraph about Washington, it suddenly came to me that this was the frickin 18th Century.

How on earth does Washington's letter get from, like, New York on a ship journey that lasts a goddamn month to England in a couple of days 😂😭😭

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