Questions And Commands

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°~2 Weeks Later~°

Dear Y/N,

Yes, I know, and I'm sorry that I set my phone off and hid it in your bag. Shitty move, right? But be honest, it was funny! So basically when I first got here a few years ago I thought "Huh. No real point in using this anymore." and hid it away so nobody could find it. Then when I was searching for some clothes, it just appeared like... poof! So it got me thinking. "What if I set an alarm on the phone to go off at a random moment and get Y/N into trouble?" And, obviously, my brilliant plan worked. You've probably got all of the lads now, thanks to me <3

So who's this Jon Lawrence? You freed him or something... I dunno, you speak really weird now and I can never understand you. Why can't it just be like back in the olden days... future days? What even is past and future anymore? Well, you know what I mean. When we were kids. Hey, remember that time when I pushed you into the Christmas tree and you somehow broke your leg? Those were the good times.

Anyway, don't die!

From the bestest and beautifulist sis in the world,

Emmy xx


So guess what?

I'm still alive.

Crazy, right?

Out of everything I could hope for, Wilson hadn't yet exposed me about saving that family. God, I hope they're alright. Strangely enough, he'd grown more introverted, and by more I mean by about 5%. Not a whole lot. What happened that day must've struck a nerve in him, to the point where he even refused to help me train. Therefore, Cornelius was obliged to take over.

As for the gang? John seemed thoroughly intrigued by me, therefore we talked and talked until the sun set. Everyone could tell he was extremely close to Alexander, way closer to him than me, but I just couldn't put my finger on why he was so obsessed with our conversations. Perhaps that's just the way he was. Lafayette and Hercules continued to stick around me, as usual, however I never really saw Burr anymore. I can't blame him; he really doesn't like us bunch.

"Emerge from your dreamland, Miller, and blossom into the reality of war!!" Cornelius lectured.
"Sorry, I was... thinking out my tactics!"
"Of course, of course! Like I haven't explained it to you 100 times!!"

I aimed the musket at the target, hitching my breath for precision. I lapped my fingers around the trigger guard, holding the trigger with my forefinger. I'd became considerably better with my anxiousness, so that I could now fire a weapon without jumping out of my skin. The bullet skidded through the air, impaling the hand of the wooden human figurine.

"That would do absolutely nothing to the enemy." Cornelius sighed. "Here." He came up next to me, locking his arms around my shoulders and placing my hands into the correct position. He was surprisingly gentle with his touch, guiding the weapon to a comfortable yet precise position. He carefully let go, allowing me to adjust to this new tactic.

"Try now."

I violently pushed my forefinger against the trigger, sending another bullet off. It hit the figurine directly in the throat, a bullet hole gauging its way through.

"Holy shit, Charlie, that was awesome!!" John praised, smiling like a freak as he came over.
"Admire him, not me." I insisted, pointing at Cornelius; he tried to hide a smile.
"Well, get going. I won't be held responsible for strangling you into weapon tactics." Cornelius took my musket away without any further question, John imploring me to follow him.


"Why don't we play a game?" John asked.
"A game, you say?" Lafayette repeated eagerly.
"Yeah! Like... Questions And Commands!"
"What's that?" I wondered, still unfamiliar with most 18th Century games.

"So say I was the Commander. I would ask you, my Subject, a question, and you would need to answer. If you refused, you would have to do a forfeit, where I would command you to do something, well, embarrassing." John explained.
"Oh! So it's like Truth Or Dare?" I questioned.
"What's that?"

"So if you were on, you'd have to ask, 'Truth or dare?' and I would choose between the two. Truth, you'd ask me a question. Dare, you'd dare me to do something to embarrass myself." I explained to them all, "But I like your version more."
"Hey, Alexander! Wanna play?" Hercules called to Alexander, who was passing by holding a pile of papers.

"No, I'm busy." he excused.
"You're always busy, mon ami!" Lafayette complained.
"It'll be fun! C'mon, just one round!" John implored.
Alexander grunted, trudging over. He dumped his paperwork onto the bench, shoving it aside. "What's the game?"
"Questions And Commands!"
"Oh. Great."

"I'll go first!" John declared. "Lafayette!" -Lafayette rolled his eyes- "What's the most awkward situation you've ever been in?"
"Ugh..." Lafayette chuckled nervously, "When I met my wife, Marie. We were children, pressured into an arranged marriage. And, obviously, I had no clue how to act around women." he joked. "But anyway, her mother insisted that we were too young to marry and that it would be delayed for a further 2 years. But I suppose it was a good thing, for we wouldn't have grown the family we have now."

"Alright, enough with the love stories, pick someone!" Hercules urged, covering his ears.
"Oui, oui. Hamilton!" -Alexander rolled his eyes- "When are you planning to marry your daughters off?"
John whistled seductively, causing Hercules and Lafayette to laugh. I covered my face to hide my embarrassment, one from the fact that I was one of the 'daughters', and two that Alexander believed I, or Charlie, was in love with Emily.

"One of them is my daughter. The other my niece." Alexander corrected. "And I... I don't know. Soon, perhaps."

John nodded at him, signifying that it was his turn."Right. Uh..." He inspected the four of us around the table, eyes landing on me. "You know what? We don't really know each other that much. So Charlie."
I gulped nervously, bracing for an answer.
"Is there a woman that you're interested in?"

My God. He was trying to taunt me. "No." I stated straight up.
"Is that the truth?" he interrogated me.
"Yes. I just... haven't found anybody special yet."
"Ah, but that's a lie, isn't it?"
"Tell the truth, Miller."

"Guys, how about we just move onto a different quest--"
"You were willing to ruin my family name for the sake of your own." Alexander interrupted John. "You snook behind my back just so you could get to my da--"
"I HAVE TO LEAVE!!" I screamed, standing up furiously. "I... I have to leave..."

I took my bag, scrambling off towards the river.

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