An Empty Bottle

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Two days had passed by, and Dr Hosack was no longer monitoring me. I'd grown to have roughly 4 headaches a day now, so my health was improving. David, as I'd have expected, was bored out of his mind, for Emily hadn't come to visit like I'd hoped she would. But the next morning after I'd arrived back home...


Emily had come along with Dr Hosack and I for the morning, whilst Charles trailed back home. She unlocked the door to the house, and we stumbled upon a sleeping David. He was lying entirely across the couch, his right hand twitching as it hung from the side.

"Who is...?"
"My, um, partner." I lied to Dr Hosack.
"Right, of course. I see that you found what you were looking for."
David's nose sniffled. "Quite."

"I'll... wake him up." I concluded. I plodded over to his side, shaking his arm awake. David jolted up, eyeing down Dr Hosack with suspicion. "David, this is Dr Hosack. He'll be staying here today to observe my recovery."
"Recovery...?" he slurred, his mouth dry. "Are you... Are you d- Where have you been?" David interrupted himself.

"It doesn't matter, all that matters is that Emily is going to get you food and something to drink." -I glared at her- "Isn't that right?"
"...Mmhm." she agreed, folding her arms.
"Good. We'll be upstairs if you need anything." I told him. He nodded, falling back onto the couch.

I heeded Dr Hosack upstairs, whilst Emily departed from the house. I opened the door to the left, directing myself over to my bed. "Just get yourself comfy, Miss Hamilton." he advised. I rested my head down onto my pillow, staring up to the ceiling. "Alright. I'm just going to ask you a few questions that I'd like you to answer with all honesty, Miss."
"...Go for it."

°~End Flashback

...I felt regret. I had to make up for keeping David captivated in here if Emily wasn't going to. I finished the last few sips of my drink, going downstairs. Somehow, David had managed to find some paper and a pencil and was drawing something from memory. I didn't curse him from taking the crafts, but instead was intrigued.

"What are you drawing?" I wondered.
He looked up, almost surprised that I didn't lecture him. "Oh, just a little something from me to you."
"Oh?" I came over to check, for it seemed like he was finishing off.
"I'm not much of an artist, but it's the least I can do for all you've done for me."

He held up an exact sketched portrait of himself; it looked almost identical. The shape of the face, the eyes, the beard: it was all spot on. He quickly signed it off at the bottom. "Here." David handed it over to me. "To remember me."
"Oh, r- really, no, it's fine." I denied. "You worked really hard on it."
"Precisely why I want you to have it."

He left it in my lap, grinning with kindness. He was earning my trust quite rapidly, and I guess it did disturb me. Just like Emily had said. Nevertheless, I strived to get him back home before the war went on hold. "Would you like to come out with us today? You could visit the Dame; Mrs Taylor would love to meet you!"
He nodded. "And everybody thinks we're-"
"-Partners? Yeah."

"Right." David straightened his jacket, one of Alexander's that I'd given to him for the time being. I peered over into the kitchen, watching as Emily put down an empty glass bottle. I twitched my eyebrows, and she strutted into the living room.
"Let's get going then, shall we?" she implored, hiccupping as she went over to the front door.

"Emily, are you okay?" I asked as she pressed her head against the wall.
"Suuuuuuuuure!" she exclaimed. "Why wouldn't I be?"
I thought back to the bottle. "Hold on, I need to fetch something." I scuttled off to the kitchen, examining the bottle carefully:

(Y'all pretend it's empty, I couldn't find a picture of an empty bottle lmao)

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(Y'all pretend it's empty, I couldn't find a picture of an empty bottle lmao)

"Oh God no." I muttered under my breath. I trooped back over to Emily, thinking that this would rather be settled alone. Therefore, I'd keep a close eye on her on the way. "I don't like you, Daniel." she spat, pointing her finger at David.
"It's David." he reminded. I opened the door, scooting Emily out first.
"Fuck you, Daniel!" she shouted.

"Shut your mouth, alright?!" I warned her, hooking my arm to hers so that she didn't attempt anything.
"Sorry mother dearest." Emily shoved her head against my shoulder, laughing hysterically. I allowed David to safely pass by before I locked the door.

"Is she alright?" David whispered, but somehow Emily caught on.
"Fuck off, Daniel, I'm not listening to your bull--"
"Emily stop it!" I interrupted her sternly, dragging her along.
"Sorry mother dearest."


I knocked on the door to the Dame, Emily slouching down from my arms. She lay on the steps, blowing strands of hair out of her face. "Emily get up right now."
"PFFFFFFFFT." She continued to resist, agitated by the hair. I quickly moved it out of her face, heaving her back up.

"AGGGGGGHHHHHH!" Emily screamed at me, the door opening. Mrs Taylor peeked outside in confusion, making Emily laugh.
"Can we come in?" I asked hurriedly. Emily tried catapulting herself off of the stairs, but I held her back.
"Yes, yes, come in..." Mrs Taylor parted ways, and I launched Emily through first.

David closed the door for Mrs Taylor, bowing to her affectionately. "Miss, this is David." I introduced. We were stopped as Emily sat on the stairs, hissing at the ceiling. "...He's my partner."
"Pleasure to be here, ma'am." He kissed her hand. He quickly glanced at Emily, a smirk rising on his face. "May I ask where your bathroom is?"
"Just upstairs to your right." she directed. David tread past Emily, climbing up the stairs.

"So how have you been, since what happened?" Mrs Taylor pondered.
"I've been coping. I hope it didn't cause you any trouble."
"No, it's fine. Those leaflets weren't going to convince, anyway."

She took another look to Emily again, who was now reenacting a death scene. "What has happened to Emily?"
"Please don't tell anyone, but I found her with an empty bottle of Sam Adams." I explained.
"Where did she get that from?! She can't be--"
"Exactly. Which is why I'm keeping a close watch on her."

"I'll do the watching, dear. Why don't you go upstairs and wait for Mr Hasselhoff?" she offered.
"Thanks." I tried to cross Emily, but she tackled my ankle.
"NO!" she yelled. "He's a bad, bad man!"
"I'll be fine, don't worry." I comforted, dragging my leg away.

I turned to the right, expecting the bathroom door to be shut. But instead, it was wide open. I traced the hall, peering into every room for David. Eventually, I found him at the end in the supply cupboard, observing what was left in there. "David?" He tossed his head around to me. "...Are you alright?"
"Yes, I just got lost, heh." -He came back out- "She said to the right, right?"
"Thank you."

David trudged past me, and I watched as he balled his hand into a fist and closed the bathroom door.

History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now