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"Is she going to be okay?"

"Don't worry, she'll be completely fine."

Whilst we were in the bakery, Emily ran off and somehow managed to find an injured dog. Apparently she "saw a lady who led her towards it, but she disappeared". I couldn't say if I believed her or not, but the main thing was that we had to take care of this dog.

"Do you know what happened, Doctor?" I asked Dr Hosack. He didn't have much experience in taking care of animals, but he used his knowledge of human anatomy to adapt to the dog.
"From the wounds left on her body, I can only assume that she has been attacked." Dr Hosack predicted.
"By a man?" John questioned.
"No. No man could inflict marks such as these. My guess would be a much larger dog, or possibly a fox." -He faced Emily- "But all you need to know is that she'll survive."

"Poor thing..." John sighed. "Do you know how old she is?"
"Like I said, I am only intrigued by human nature." Dr Hosack scanned her body attentively. "But by the looks of things, I would say she is around 5-8. Your safest bet would be 6."

"So... What do you plan on doing with her?" I wondered.
"Well, once these wounds have healed and the stitches are out, I'll adopt her into a family."
Emily's face lit up, as she looked at me.
"We are not adopting a dog." I disallowed.
"Oh c'mon! It'll be fun!" she persuaded.

"We don't even know how to take care of one!"
"I can help." John offered. "I love dogs."
I sighed. "You're seriously not encouraging this, are you?"
"I think it'd be great if you took her in." Dr Hosack agreed. "She'll need a loving family, such as yourselves."

"We'll call her... Sally!" Emily announced. She scratched 'Sally's' head as she slept peacefully. We would need to work hard in order to afford the expenses of a dog. Does Alexander even like dogs? Heck if I know. He'd have to get used to them, because Emily sure wasn't going to let this one go.

"Well, you three had better get going. I'll take care of her." Dr Hosack implored. Emily planted a final kiss on the d- Sally's head, putting her coat back on.
"Thank you, Doctor." I concluded, following the two out.
"Uhm, Miss!" I turned around. "Could I talk to you for one second?"

I sat back down on the chair, comforted by the rhythm of Sally's breathing. "You might want to go over and see Mr Fernández." he suggested.
"Of course, why?"
"Well... He refuses any treatment that I try to provide for him, and he denies any symptoms. Do you happen to know if anything has been troubling him lately?"
Charles trusted me. I wouldn't want to break his trust by exposing him on that night at the ball. Therefore, I shook my head. "No."

"I understand that he has been suffering with this condition for quite some years now, and it is compulsory that we keep a close eye on him at this moment in time. So please inform me if there is anything... unusual."
"I will, sir..." I mumbled. I stroked Sally, curtsying for Dr Hosack as I left.

"What was it?" John asked.

"Nothing, just...



"Sophie, you're back!" Valentino wrapped her arms around my chest.
"How's your brother doing?" I asked, hugging her back.
"Fine, I guess. He won't come out of the bedroom."
"Not even for food?"
"Not even for food. And he won't even talk to me! Or play any games!"

I rubbed her shoulder. "I'll have a word with him."
"He won't talk to you!" She folded her arms.
"Then I'll make him talk."
"You can't make him talk, you know how he is."
"I'll find a way."

I reached the top of the stairs, opening the door as quietly as I could. As Valentino had said, Charles was sat alone on his bed, drawing. He couldn't even spare a quick glance at me, but continued to draw. I closed the door behind me, walking up to him. I sat at the top of his bed, leaning against the bedframe. "What are you drawing?" Looking at this page, he was roughly colouring the entirety of it black.

 "What are you drawing?" Looking at this page, he was roughly colouring the entirety of it black

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"Charles...?" He went rougher on the pencil, his fingers burning red. Finally, the led snapped, and he launched the pencil across the room. It smacked off of the window, clattering to the ground. He held his head in his hands, tears falling onto the sketchbook. "Charles, please, just talk to me!" I urged, placing my hand onto his back. "What's wrong?!"
"Oh everything, everything, EVERYTHING IS WRONG!!"

"Charle-!!" I winced as he shakily grabbed both of my wrists, squeezing them painfully. He let go seconds later, feeling guilt in himself. He hooked his fingertips in with mine, kissing the red marks away from my wrists. My heart was pounding, and I was unable to express any words. He slid his hands up my arms and to my shoulders, panting heavily.

He couldn't even look at me.

"All of this... and..." -He sniffled- "I can't... I can't even be there to... to protect you..."
"Protect? C- Charles, what are you talking about...?"
He shook his head frantically. "The book, the book, it's all in the book, IT'S ALL IN TH--"
"Charles, you're sick, you need t-"

"N- No, you're in danger, and there's nothing I can do about it Y/N, there's nothing-"
"Charles..." I held him close to me, letting him sob into my shoulder. "I'm not in danger, you don't need to worry about me."
"But the book-"
"Forget the book." I played along with whatever he was talking about. "Forget me. You're the one that we should all be worried about, Charles. You've not been yourself. And Doctor Hosack, he can help you. You just have to trust him as you trust me, can you do that for me?"

He sobbed harder, nodding into my shoulder. "I'll be here with you." I comforted. "I'll be here with you forever."

"I'll never leave you, Charles."




*Violently shoves love and happiness your way*



History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now