An Unexpected Visit

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Spending time in the war meant I had time to practice writing music, as I often did. It became a hobby, blending together randomized notes to see how well they'd fit together. John still hasn't grasped it, as much as he'd tried. He was far too fascinated in drawings... mainly of turtles, for some strange reason.

I crossed my legs, using my knee as a rest for the paper. I scattered notes across it, paying no mind to what I was doing. John and Emily were quietly sipping cups of tea, worn out from the ice skating incident. I'd eventually managed to skate my way back over to them, after around 5 minutes of a pure struggle. Nobody was willing to help, and I couldn't blame them. I looked like a lunatic.

I glimpsed at Emily- the eerie quietness was becoming quite startling. She was staring at John, trying to get his attention. Once they'd fully caught eyesight, she hooked her fingers around the mug, lifting her pinky into the air as she sipped the tea. John repeated, tagging along with her. Suddenly, they both drank at the same time, lifting up their pinkies as high as they could. They both spat out their tea from laughter, staining their clothes. I rolled my eyes at their stupidity, concentrating back on my music.

"You're still writing music, are you?" John questioned.
"Yes I am, thank you for asking." I replied sarcastically.
"I bet I could play it."
I scoffed. "Not this. This is trash." I took the paper, opening the cabinet to all the other pieces of music. Some were my doing, and some were not. I pulled out a copy of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star I'd scribbled down once I was bored, leaning it upon the piano.

I tapped the seat, persuading John to come over. "I picked a simple one for you."
"How foolish!" he exclaimed in a posh voice, making Emily giggle. "Only the most strenuous are compatible for I!" He sat down at the stool, readying his hands on the piano. "Behold!" His movements stopped as he closely inspected the first note. "That's a... a C- no wait it's an E!" He scanned the piano, thankfully knowing at least where the E note was. Despite it being completely wrong, he pressed it anyway.

"So now, uh..." He counted the spaces on the page, presuming that each space meant a separate key (including sharps and flats). He counted up four on the piano, reaching a G# and playing it. He quickly played an A after that, slamming his hands onto the piano suddenly. "This is impossible!!" John sulked.
I chuckled. "Really, it's not. Watch." I played the piece for him, using my right hand.
"...I was close."
"You really weren't."

Emily smirked as he got up, noticing the distraught look on his face. John sat down beside her, instead, as I resumed to the other couch by myself. "We all have different talents," Emily reassured, "Maybe piano's just not one of them."
"I could teach you." I suggested.
John shook his head. "I think I'll stick to art."

A knock at the door. Peering out of the window, there was a flurry of snow ceasing to fall. So whoever it was, it had to urgent, hadn't it? I made my way steadily over to the door, the force of the snow belting it open at once. Charles stood at the entrance with a black scarf wrapped around the bottom of his face: only his eyes and whitened hair were visible. "Charles, what are you doing here?!!" I tugged him inside, forcing the door to a close.
He shook off the snow, pulling the scarf down. "I just wanted to make sure you were all okay."

"By potentially risking your life out there?!" I hugged him, scraping the remainders of snow from the back of his coat. "We've never had snow like this!"
"Precisely why I came here." He hustled his coat off, hanging it upon the rack. "This house really isn't safe."
John poked his head around, standing straight once he'd realised who it was. "Mr Charles, it's great to see you again!" he greeted, shaking his hand.
"A- And you, sir..." Charles shook bitterly, his hands turning blue.

"I'll make more tea." Emily insisted, leaving for the kitchen. We sat Charles down on the couch, and I rubbed my hands upon his to warm them up slightly. But he let go, shakily reaching within his jacket and pulling out two blankets hidden beneath.
"Here." He placed them on my lap.
"No, you need them more than we do." I refused.
"But of course that's no- not true, is it?" He sneered as to prove his point.

"I'll help your sister in the kitchen." John said, leaving the room.
"That jacket's not going to make you any better." I unbuttoned it for him, hanging it over the edge of the couch. I hauled both of the blankets over his shoulders, wrapping them securely around him. "You're an idiot for going out there." I sighed.
"If it makes me an idiot, then so be it." -He checked around- "Where's Alexander?"
"Schuyler Mansion."

Charles raised his eyebrows. "Schuyler Mansion?"
"Believe it or not, he's managed to woo Elizabeth Schuyler." I explained.
"That's... That's fantastic!"
"I guess so."
"And I know so. She's the daughter of one of the richest men in New York, you won't have to live here anymore!"
"This is the most excited I've seen you in a while!" I laughed.

"You get the life that you deserve, what more should I be grateful for?"
I smiled for him, though remembering what had happened at the ball, I couldn't stress enough. "Charles, just... Please reassure me that you're alright."
"...I'm sorry?"
"You've been... unwell. And considering that you were willing to go out in that storm, it's not good for your health.

So please... We can't lie to each other. We know so much about one another at this rate that we're living two lives at once. So just... Tell me if anything is wrong. Please."
Without hesitating, he shook his head. "Everything is fine." -He took my hand- "I promise you, I'd tell you anything. And you know that. So don't let me weigh you down, alright? Because I'm fine, and there's no use in  questioning over nothing."

He hugged me gently, planting a kiss on my cheek. "I care about you more than anyone, Y/N. So don't waste your time worrying, because I'll always be here by your side." I could've sworn that a tear slipped down my cheek. Charles was right. I had to focus on myself, rather than fret about others. It could only drag me down further.

"Tea's ready." Emily notified.

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