Catchup With Burr

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Music's a funny thing. The element of being able to rearrange several tones and sounds to your will is truly remarkable. Being at the Dame didn't just inform me that I can't dance, but how to read and write music. My skills with the piano had advanced immensely, which I was proud of. Music was always my one advantage in life.

"So if we went up an octave, that would make it a...?"
"C." I answered John. "You're just jumping to the higher version of that note."
"So what if you went down?"
"It's the exact same, just... lower." I laughed.
"Mmhm, yeah, I completely knew that."

"If you still want to remain my friend, Mr Laurens, then I advise you pay attention to what I'm saying." I lectured.
"Well I'm sorry, Miss Ha--" He stopped himself, clearing his throat. "Mr Miller." he replied teasingly. I snickered, reminding myself of how well he'd managed to keep this secret so far.

Ever since I'd told him that I was 'Sophie', he wouldn't leave me alone. You'd have thought he was clingy before all this, but now he was practically attached to my hip. Alexander didn't mind as such, as John had managed to talk his way out of jealousy. If not, I'd have been dead right about now.

"Now if I remember correctly... It's D, D... up an octave, another D, an A, Ab, G, F, D, F, G..."
"You may need to get back into school, Miller, because I'm pretty sure that's not how the alphabet goes." John joked.
"Shut it, I'm trying to concentrate." I said sternly, as I didn't want him to see that I was amused by his stupid sense of humour.

Food was scarce now. Our stomachs were the only melody rumbling throughout the camp. I'd witnessed soldiers being carried from their tents, screaming on death's door.

We never saw them again.

Of course, with little food meant little enthusiasm; it had been suggested that a few of the horses are slaughtered for food, but we can't reduce our cavalry. Therefore, we were made to suffer in the scolding heat. It could've been worse, I mean, I couldn't have had friends to speak to.

When Washington wasn't doing his duties, he'd patrol the camp to check that everyone was in shape. He was a very considerate man, and I was thankful we had him as our commander. Wilson acted as if all of this was nothing, though you could see his face draining day by day. And Alexander... most of the time, he was inside writing to Congress.

I took a moment to observe the people around me; we were all lifeless. Even Sammy was lying carelessly on the grass. Behind us was Burr himself, addressing a letter to somebody. I signed off the sheet of music with my fake signature of 'C. Miller' at the top left corner.

"I'll be right back." I informed John. I got up from the bench, stumbling
over beside Burr. "He--"
"Been a while." Burr mumbled.
"...I know, I'm sorry."
He sighed. "It's fine. Nice to finally see you again, Mr Miller."
"And you, sir. I just wanted to check in, see how things are going."
"We're all suffering, Mr Miller," Burr stated, "And if you are to take pity on me for that reason only, then I implore you do not."

"Of course not!" I exclaimed. "You're my friend, and... I didn't want you to be alone."
"Then I'll apologise." Burr agreed. "What about you? You seem to be up to a lot lately, especially in recent weeks."
"Yeah, heh, uh... I've been managing. Gained some friends, some... enemies..."
"That's just how life works." Burr said. "You'll have the moments that lift you up, and the moments that drag you down. It's what shapes you into you."

"Why don't you sit with us? It's only me and John, the others are... somewhere." I offered. "I can grab you a drink?"
"I've mentioned to you countless times, Mr Miller, I'd really prefer not being around them. Me, my quill and my paper is enough."
"Not even a drink?" I questioned.
"Not even a drink."

Burr looked up from his writing and straight towards Washington. "You know, he is very fond of your skill, Miller."
"Who? The General? Skill??" I asked frantically.
"Yes, the General."
"I don't understand 'skill', I mean, we don't even know each other!!"
"Oh, he knows you, alright. He's intrigued by how much you're able to write on a daily basis. You... remind me of Hamilton, honestly."

Well that's no surprise.

I always tried to be like him in every way, understanding how far it got him. But then I realised that I'm a woman. So I basically can't do anything.

But by disguising as a man, perhaps I could.

"Talk to him. He'll be delighted to hear from you." Burr advised.
"A- Are you sure? The last time we spoke was when I went out to free everyone..." I stuttered nervously.
"And did he take it well?"
"...I... I guess so, yeah..."
"So talk to him. He's the most open man you'll ever meet."
I took a deep breath, standing up. "Alright."

I marched on forward towards him, but I was stopped by John calling out in the distance. "Sheesh, where are you going now??"
I scrunched up my face at him, continuing on.

I restrained from meeting Washington's eyes as I approached, awkwardly staring at his boots. "Good day, Mr Miller!" he started.
"Good day to you, too, sir..."
"What brings you along?"

I cleared my throat, fiddling my thumbs. "I've, ah, heard from a friend that you, um..."
"What?" he questioned.
"You... have nice boots, sir..."
"Oh! Well thank you! They're leather, as you would probably know. I like your boots, too!"
"T- Thanks...?" I was both confused and concerned that he was interested in talking about boots.

"Would you like to know some tips on how to keep them clean? Of course, it's not entirely useful as we're always hard at work, but..."
"No, no, it's fine!" I stopped him. "I actually have some writing to do right now, but thank you for your time, sir!"
"Of course you do. And it's no problem!" Washington nodded, a delighted smile stretching across his face.

I sat back down with John, grabbing my pencil. He'd apparently tried to make up his own tune on the paper whilst I was gone, and I shook my head with a smile. He laughed under his breath, gazing curiously as I started on another stave.


Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been trying to get them out every Saturday at the least. Hopefully, they'll get more frequent as we're on half-term holiday right now.

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