History Has Its Eyes On You

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°~26th September, 1781~°


"8,000 Continentals... 7,800 Frenchmen..." -Washington slapped his hand on the table- "3,100 militia."
Men knocked on the table in approval.
"Not only do we now have transports with our artillery but French infantry from Chesapeake Bay and recently Head of Elk!"
Predominantly the French muttered in their pride.

"With the phenomenal work of Miss Sophie Hamilton and General Marquis de Lafayette, we know precisely where the British have set their defences and established their redoubts. Given enough time to speculate and we can seize straight for them."
"Enough time?" a General critisized. "Do we have enough time?"

There were an estimated 40 people crammed into this tiny room. The Generals sat vertically to Washington's left and his aide-de-camps to his right. Others stood around the table. Alexander sat beside Washington on the right and Wilson on the left. I'd heard the right hand men scoff in my direction before the meeting started, only for the fact that Washington let me sit beside Alexander before anyone else could.

"The British are amongst their defences. I'm certain that Cornwallis has no word of our position, therefore he will be complied to stay put."
"And if he does not, Sir?" Wilson questioned.
"...We will have to prepare ourselves for a possible attack." The room gossiped to themselves. "Quiet, please!" Washington silenced.

"If I may, Sir!" I intruded. Everyone stared.
"Yes, Miss Hamilton?"
"I... I don't think that we will have enough time, Sir." I confessed. "Cornwallis will stay put, of course, but what about spies? No doubt that this village is highly guarded but to be a spy, Sir, you must have stealth. They may disguise as a commoner, even a soldier of our own, perhaps. Alas, by letting our time pass over our heads, we are missing opportunities to attack."

"Miss Hamilton, you would rather our men go in incompetent rather than as trained specialists?" Wilson clasped his hands together.
"On the contrary, General, that's far beyond my aim." I declined. "I suggest that we leave immediately before we are discovered. We can travel through the night and set up our camp near their redoubts. Though, far enough that we won't be detected. We must remain anonymous."

"And to do that, we must assure that no man will use their musket?" Alexander added.
"Yes. All ammunition must be removed to prevent an accidental shot."
"You speak like you're the one commanding this!!" a man screeched. "In fact, you shouldn't have any say upon this!!"
"Shut your damn mouth, boy, before I send a bullet through your head!" intruded the aggravated Rochambeau.
"Alright! Alright!" Washington calmed. "Please, continue."

I gulped. "I'm afraid to say it but we shouldn't set up a campfire, either. Despite the darkness, smoke can visibly rise up. If we can find a way to gather as much fabricated material from the village as we can, it will keep most of us warm. The earthworks, too. We can send a group out to scout the earthworks for a secure approach."

Washington twisted his lip in neither a good nor bad matter, nodding his head approvingly. "Alright. Those in favour of waiting for our time to pass to train up our recruits, please raise your hand now." Approximately 10 or so people passionately raised their hand, including Wilson. "Thank you. Those in favour of an immediate retreat for Yorktown tonight, please raise your hand." The French simultaneously bolted their hands up. Alexander followed, and slowly arms crept up.

Washington patiently obvserved until choosing to raise his hand.

"Thank you. Then our decision is made. Tonight, we will leave for Yorktown. Gather all of the supplies you can and encourage the soldiers to participate also. Thank you, you are all dismissed. Miss Hamilton!" -I jolted back onto my chair- "Could you stay behind momentarily?"
I cleared my throat. "Of course."

It wasn't the most swift movement exiting the building. The doorway was thin and pummelled each man outwards one by one. The final left, closing the door. Washington wanted to speak but interrupted himself with a chuckle. "You really are something, aren't you, kid?"
"Everyone is something, Sir. They've just got to recognise it."
"Yet you- You are outstanding!"
I giggled. "Thank you, Sir."

"You know, I was a little younger than your uncle when I was given my first command. I was determined, I was ambitious. Just like you." Washington sighed. "But I led my men straight into a massacre. I never could have envisaged it, that my strategies just... weren't precise enough. For once, I felt shame. Even now, that shames resonates within me, even more now that I'm in control of our country's army..." He took another breath, steadier. "You are younger than I was, Sophie. Shall I be consumed with envy but I have all faith that your plans will succeed. I truly do. And for that, I wish to reward you."

Washington got up to search through some drawers in the corner. "I have been anticipating to give this to you since the day that you returned. This seems like the probable time, does it not?"
I sprung up from my chair. Washington held out a folded uniform.

"Greatness lies within you, Sophie." He handed it over to me. "I know that we can win."
"Sir, I..." I choked. Nothing could express what I was feeling. Was it glee? Again, Washington met with the drawers, this time rummaging down the side. He pulled out a sword concealed in a swordstick.

"You may not be the best fighter out there, but if anyone should be acknowledged in this battle, it's you." He piled the sword on top of the clothes. "Now I want you to treat this sword with respect, like I know you will. Only the exceptional receive one personally."
"I will, Sir... I will..." I held back a sob of joy. That was almost broken when Washington saluted in my honour. I saluted this great man back.

"History has its eyes on you...



I am so so so so SO sorry that I haven't posted a chapter since the last decade 😭😭

(But gosh diggety DANG thank you for #1 on timetravel!!)

History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now