Take Care

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"You may now kiss the bride."

Alexander and Eliza shared a passionate kiss, making the crowd cheer. Lafayette and Hercules started whistling seductively at them. I giggled, smirking at Charles. John patted Alexander on the back, smiling to Emily. Guests stood up to leave for the ballroom, whilst others congratulated the couple. A small boy toddled up to us, a confused look upon him.

"Does that mean I'm your uncle?" he questioned, furrowing his eyebrows. He must've been one of Eliza's brothers.
"I... suppose so?" Emily answered. "But not... exactly?"
"...Okay." He slipped away along his father's side.
"Who was that?" I asked Emily.
"Rensselaer Schuyler."

Charles wandered up to me, disturbed by the rabble of people. "Perhaps we should... carry into the ballroom." he suggested.
"Sure, whatever you like." I dismissed myself from Emily, walking arm-in-arm with Charles. "I didn't expect Alexander to choose you out of all of the possibilities."
"Neither did I, honestly." he chuckled, "But we were in quite a rush."

We followed wherever the rest of the crowd were heading, leading into the ballroom. It wasn't as large as Washington's, but just big enough for us all to fit. Circular tables were set out, with a slightly bigger rectangular one for the bride and groom. "Excuse me! Miss Hamilton!" An apparent servant bowed before us. "May I escort the both of you to your seats?"
"Of course, thank you." We weaved through the room, approaching the main table. "Thank you." I repeated to the servant.

Charles scuttled behind a chair, pulling it out for me to sit down. "Thank you." I laughed for the third time.
"My pleasure." He pushed the chair back in, hurrying to the opposite side of the table. He sat down in front of me.

"So..." Charles sighed, fiddling his thumbs. "I suppose that means you'll be moving away."
"Not far." I reassured. "We'll stay in New York."
"And you'll be safe?"
"Put that behind us, Charles." -I took his hands- "Let's just enjoy ourselves while we can."
He nodded.

John and Emily tread over, followed by Alexander and Eliza, and Mr and Mrs Schuyler. Eliza sat to my left, and Emily to my right, with Mr and Mrs Schuyler at the ends of the table. Alexander smiled at Charles as he sat down next to him.

"Thank you for joining us here today." Mrs Schuyler stated, gesturing to the four of us.
"It's no problem, ma'am. We're all honoured to be accompanied by yours and General Schuyler's side." John responded for us all. Mr Schuyler tipped his head in respect to him.
"Well, we shouldn't lumber around here all day. Let us get things started!" Mr Schuyler stood up, tapping his readily made drink with a spoon.

The room fell quiet, paying attention to him. "Apologies for the disturbance, but I hope you are all having an adequate time so far. As you observe, drinks are currently being provided, with food awaiting preparation. Alas, to pass time, I proclaim a dance for the bride and groom!"
"Dance?!" John strangled an unwilling Alexander up to his feet, passing him over to Eliza. She encouraged him out to the dance floor as the band prepared a piece for them.

"Now this could go one way or another." Emily murmured, "It could be an elegant dance, or a total mess."
"Elegant? That's a big word for you."
"I have a brain, y'know, and it's expanding!"
"Just shut it!"

The music began, and Alexander was expected to take the lead of the dance. He did to the best he could, gliding across the room with uncertainty. John leaned on the back of Emily's chair, amused by the 'dance'. As I turned to speak with him, I saw a familiar face near the back door.

"Uhm, I... Excuse me." I dismissed myself, flooding to the back of the ballroom. With closer inspections, it was definitely him. "...Cornelius?"
"Hello, Miss Hamilton."
"Wh-" I was in bewilderment. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to check on the party. Magnificent venue, isn't it?"

History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now