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°~1 Week Later~°


So Emily was drunk. From what she'd told me once fully sober, she knew that she'd never get to drink as a woman in this Century, so she downed an entire bottle whilst nobody was around. Wasn't the smartest of ideas, I guess, but at least she didn't get herself hurt.

I'd once again apologised to David on her behalf, and as the days passed by, I constantly stared at the sketch. The sketch that David had drawn specifically for me to keep. To remember him. But... why? He was starting to seem very odd like Emily had countlessly warned me. But... He trusted me, right? And he hadn't tried to hurt us yet.


All I needed to concentrate on was getting the money.

But at this rate, we were getting nowhere.

Our budget was cut short on funds towards the Dame, food, water... "We can't afford it." I stressed with my head in my hands. Mr Cogswell wasn't too impressed that I'd missed 3 of my shifts already, but I made it up to him by working extra hours.
"I'm sure we'll do it, don't worry." David supported.
After I told Emily about what she'd said about David, she'd submitted herself further away from our conversations.

"Where are we suddenly going to get around $40 from? Huh?" I'd observed over the days as money made a drastic rise, but plummeted as there was too much to spend it on. "We need a miracle, and we're never going to get one."
David shook his head. "No. I know we can do this, even if it takes us into the winter: we'll do this, Sophie."
I admired his compassion.

"C'mon, we need to go." Emily hurried, checking the clock on the wall: 6:45am.
"You're right. I'll be on my knees begging for a pay rise soon enough." I joked. David looked stern, examining the money within the jar.
"Good luck." he said, not daring to make a move.


"Oh, it's the Hamiltons!"
"Good morning, Edith..." I dismissed, tightening my apron around my waist. I brought Emily over to her desk (which was thankfully beside mine) and began our working day.
"Aww, got nobody to protect you now, Hamilton?" Edith teased.
I couldn't understand why she hated me so much, so I brushed it off. "I don't need protecting."

"Is that so? Well you must've needed it out in the war!" she exclaimed.
"Charlie Miller, was it?" she questioned. My face sank as more people were attracted to the conversation. "Hah! What a pathetic excuse to get away from here!"
"How did you...?"
"How did I know? Love, you should've known that word was bound to get out!"

I furrowed my eyebrows at Emily, who had the same confused look as I did. "At first, I thought your sister 'ere was the lunatic. But turns out I might be wrong..." Edith condemned.
"She's a crossdresser?" a lady whispered.
"She should be in jail!" another protested loudly. Edith crossed her arms, smirking victoriously at me.

"And that man's not your partner, is he?" she revealed.
Emily gulped, and ignoring the situation for now, she went back to sewing.
"Of course he is!" I argued.
"Who would go with a cross-dressing lunatic?!" she laughed.
"Maybe somebody who actually cared. Unlike you, who'll just jump onto any man who happens to pass by!"

Emily stopped her sewing, alarmed by my comment. "S- Sophie..." she murmured, recognising the horrid look growing on Edith's face.
"Oh, I'll kill y', you-"
"HEY!" Mr Cogswell bent over the railing to the stairs, watching from afar. "Leave her alone, got it? I've got a business to run, and I can't have another angry uncle runnin' at me." he warned.

Edith scoffed, returning to her post. I did the same. "Next time, Hamilton."

"Next time."


I jingled the coins in my hand, prepared to toss them into the jar once we'd gotten home. I came down the path, pulled out the keys and unlocked the door. Usually, David would be sat on the couch.

There were no signs of him.

I trotted over to the jar:

The money was gone.

"Wh-" I placed the coins carefully on the side, proceeding to check the kitchen: nothing. I rushed over to the toilet, but the door was wide open. "Nonono!" I jogged back over to Emily. "David's gone outside."
"Without telling us?" she wondered.
"Without telling us." I opened the door back up, searching around for any signs of him.


"I'll search the town. Why don't you take the shortcut to the Dame?" I suggested.
Emily nodded, and we both headed in our separate directions.

(Emily POV)

What a jerk. He knew not to leave the house, so... Why would he? There was no way he could be at the Dame, but I'd go just to make Y/N happy. I knocked aggressively on the door, opened by little Valentino. "Emily, hi!!" she greeted. "How's your day been?"
"Great, now can I please get through?"

Valentino stretched her hands out so that I couldn't enter. "What's the secret password?"
"Wh- I don't know, just will you please let me--"
"No! What's the password?!"

"VALENTINO!" Charles appeared from the stairs, startling his sister. She scuttled away into the living room, and Charles scampered to me.
"Is everything okay?" I urged.
"No." he huffed. "I went to check a- and all my money-- it's gone."

I reminded myself of a week ago:

"You don't need to pay me back. I don't buy anything."
"You don't buy anything?" I questioned.
"I just save it for... y'know, if the Dame goes bankrupt or some new medication is released that'll... improve my health."

The way David's ears perked up the instant he'd said that.

He'd stolen the money for himself.

"Thank you!" I concluded, running off to where I knew all of the funds were kept.
"You're... You're welcome...?"

I passed children playfighting, blocking my way to the backroom.

But I carried on.

Normally, the door would be locked.

But it wasn't.

I slammed it open, catching a glimpse of a figure making a run for it out of the back door.

And an open safe with nothing left.

I sprinted after them, scouting the apparent David with a bag full of money.

Enough to get him on that ship.


David carried on.


David stopped, dragging me to a halt also.

He tilted his head, suddenly storming towards me.

But I stood my ground.

We were soon face-to-face with one another, and I was just in reach of the money.

He tackled both of my wrists into his hand, wrenching them upwards so I didn't have any ideas.

I squealed in pain, and he leaned over to my ear.

"If you tell anyone about this," he whispered, "You're dead. Alright? I will kill you."

He shoved me away, and my head crashed painfully against the floor.

"You two tried, but you failed!" he announced. "I wasn't going to lumber here for months. So I'm doing you a favour, dear." -David held up the bag- "I'm leaving."

He abandoned me on the ground, turning the corner and vanishing out of sight.


Now you may have noticed that I've added 'Act 1' to the title.

Well that's because I'm gonna split this book into two parts, for I found that there's a 200 chapter limit.

So yeah.

You're in for a long ride 😂

History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now