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°~16th October, 1781~°



We took the bombardment down rather swiftly. Well, the French did. Wilson brought his troops over to stop them, alerting the French of their sudden residence. They were able to spike three of our guns before being driven out of our allied lines. Thankfully, by morning, repairs were made and both Americans and French engaged in a game of 'Who can cause the most damage to the enemy defences?'.

Alexander had more fun than anyone, laughing like a maniac whenever it was his turn to set a cannon off. I stood on the sidelines with Cornelius and watched the chaos unfold in front of us. Even Burr, who rarely showed himself, was intent to observe the event. It wasn't every day that games were played in circumstances such as this, if you could call it a game.

At a moment's glance, it appeared as though we were about to engage into battle. Alas, the British had made a retreat to the York River before we could even charge at them. "Captain!!" Washington plunged towards me; he powered through the gusts of wind with a hand supporting his cap. "Sophie, follow me."

He led me through the trench and into a dug-out hole within the earth, covered by a sheet of cloth. It reminded me of when I first came here, except that I didn't feel the enormous pressure that I had at a girl of 13.

"So what do we do?" Lafayette questioned, hands on his hips.
"Ready our artillery and follow them!" Rochambeau exclaimed, throwing his hands up into the air.
"I do not think that that would be a wise idea, General..." Doctor James McHenry intruded. He crossed his arms and stood beside Lafayette. "The wind is too strong f-"
"What would you know, Doctor? You're not the General here!" I had never witnessed this man become genuinely angry- it was a sight to behold. "Absolu bouffon..."

"Let's not quarrel here, the Doctor is correct, General." Washington strode around to his desk. "Havoc rains out there. The British will not be able to cross that river unless they want to lose half of their men."
"So they will come back?" Alexander appeared at my side.
"Most definitely. But we have new artillery pieces on the line: we'll outgun them."

"Then should we not prepare immediately?" I requested. "If that is their decision, to turn back, then they will certainly try to attack at any second. They think that we believe that they have crossed the river. So, they will use stealth to reach us."
Washington nodded. "Precisely." He pushed past everyone else present in the room, heading for the exit. "We need as many men on that field as we can."

I followed Washington, and Alexander followed me. Wilson fled past us in the opposite direction, as though he were searching for something. "Sir, what's our plan?!" Alexander enquired, panting to keep up.
"Get our men out of these trenches and kill the bastards." he growled. Things sure we're escalating, for the most unlikely men were enraged today. "Hamilton, you'll be up front with me. Sophie, find Lieutenant Colonel Jackson and stay near the trench."
"Yes Sir!"

"Now if you dare let anyone lay I damn finger on her, I'll skin y' alive, got it?" Wilson dragged Cornelius over to me by his shoulder.
"Yes, Sir-" He stumbled forward at Wilson's shove, instinctively using my own shoulder to gain his stability back.

"Here." Wilson tossed us both a loaded musket. "And don't get yourselves killed." He climbed out over one of the canons, charging towards the oncoming Redcoats.

"Lay your head low, alright?" Cornelius forewarned me. He scaled the walls of the trench for himself, offering me a hand to haul me up with him. I used my feet and spare hand to secure my grip, automatically racing for an abandoned horse carriage.

"WATCH OUT-!" A cannonball blasted right above us; Cornelius covered his hands over my head, simultaneously ducking his head low. It hit just beyond the trench, giving rise to a ferocious explosion of dirt.

"Keep a sharp eye, soldiers could be anywhere." He aimed his musket through the top of the slightly overturned carriage and shot. I aimed from the left, distinguishing a Redcoat running straight for us. My precision had worsened, so of course, my shot didn't kill the man. It passed straight through his left arm, painting blood across the battlefield. Cornelius finished my dirty work off with a bullet to his head. "Nice shot, Hamilton."

"...Okay, come on." Cornelius shielded me on his right as we ran to our next obstacle, firing away at the same time. I wanted to replicate his savage behaviour, just to prove that I was capable of defending myself. A soldier that he hadn't discovered stood metres from us- I was sonehow able to shoot him in the chest. This man fell flat upon his face, lifeless. Never would I have thought to rejoice over murder, but I felt accomplished for once in my life.

Diverted by the surge of hyperactivity with being submerged into a real battle, I hadn't recognised the other Redcoat, hiding behind his friend. He fired a bullet, barely scraping at the right side of my neck. The burning sensation made me cover it over with my hand; I could feel the blood oozing its way out.

We stopped behind a boulder: Cornelius' opportunity to briskly check on me. "Sophie-!" I fell to a sitting position, my legs parallel to the floor. Cornelius removed my hand, his eyes widening from the outpour of blood. "Oh no-" His chest rose and fell quicker than the gunfire itself.
"I'm fine, Cornelius, it's just a scratch, let's--"
"If anyone finds out that you've been hurt I'll--"

He scanned around frantically, alike a vulnerable target of prey scouting for a place to hide. He laid his eyes on the cluster of trees centred to our right; we could easily make a run for it.

"Come!" Cornelius forced my right arm over his shoulder whilst I still clutched the wound with my hand. It wouldn't be enough to kill me. That is, of course, unless it became infected, which was a high chance. Nevertheless, Cornelius trailed onwards. You could almost feel his body shaking.

"We're going to help you, okay?" he reassured.
"Cornelius, please, it's ju-!!"

"Don't. Fucking. Move."

Cornelius twisted us both around.

Wilson had followed.

He held his musket out. "Where do you think you're going?"
Cornelius must have hesitated, but suddenly strangled his arm around my neck. He pulled out a pistol and held it firmly to my head. "Come any closer and I'll shoot." he threatened. What was he doing?
"Cornelius, p- please-!" I pleaded. My beg for help caused him to squeeze tighter, the blood flowing onto his sleeve. "Stop-!"

Wilson shot.

Not a single bullet fired.

He was out of ammo.

"MOVE!!" Cornelius screamed, digging the pistol further into my head. This man, who I had came to trust, now terrified me more than ever. I wanted to cry for Wilson to save me from this monstrosity that had me captivated, where if it had been a year ago, it would have been the opposite. Whatever had gotten into him, it was not pleasant at all.

And I was terrified.

Nonetheless, Wilson did not save me.

He dropped his musket to the ground, apparently just as terrified as I was.

He ran.

Once out of sight, Cornelius released me. I gasped for breath, placing my hand back onto my neck. "W- What were you doing?!!" I screeched, backing away from him.
"Y/N, I-!" He clenched his fists and narrowed his eyes, realising what he had just said. "...Shit."

"What did you just call me?" I insisted for him to repeat.
"Y/N, please, just listen-"
"How do you know that name?!!"
He came closer. "Pl--"

"I can help you, you j-!"
"Get away from me."

Cornelius drifted his hand over my face, sending everything to darkness.



History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now