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(Alexander POV)

Dearest, John,

With every sun that sets, every moon that resigns beneath the mountain tops, my prayers to our Lord forever go out to you and your safety. Not once have you shifted from my mind; you're the only person that matters to me in this world of frauds. I shan't ever shift my vision from your delicate eyes, your dashing smile. Soon, I hope, shall these scoundrels free you from their pathetic excuse of a prison, and we can be reunited once more. There is so much I want to discuss you with, alas, I am only limited to words within a faulty page. Dare they be treating you unwell, I will be inclined to intrude on their territory and steal you back into my arms. You will be secure as long as I remain on this Earth.

Forever yours.



"The raven himself is hoarse
That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan
Under the battlements. Come, you spirits
That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,
And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full
Of direst cruelty! Make thick my blood;
Stop up the access and passage to remorse,
That no compunctious visitings of nature
Shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between
The effect and it! Come to my woman's breasts,
And take my milk for gall, you murdering ministers..."

"But why?" I asked.
"Why is she so... determined?"
"Well," Burr started, closing the book, "I guess she was envious for her husband's power."
"But why?" I questioned once more. "I just can't understand it..."
"You know, Miller, there are some women out there who will try to take advantage of your status. They'll use it to make themselves look robust against you. It's a perfect example of why you should live your life as you are, and not secrete yourself as the complete opposite individual.

Talking about women," he continued on, "Is it a partner you often write to? Every day I see you fondly scribbling things down onto a piece of paper."
"N- No! It- It's just family back home!" I exclaimed nervously.
"I see. My apologies."
"It's fine. I can see why you say that, though. We have... strong connections with one another. What about you?" I interrogated eagerly. "Who is it that you write to?"
Burr chuckled, his cheeks blushing ever so faintly. "Only the most smart and beautiful woman I've ever met."

It was true: I couldn't stop writing. The admiration of watching Alexander write paragraph about paragraph daily inspired me to do more. I wasn't such a fluent writer as he was, but it allowed me to improve my standards. I practiced every day, like he did. I still see him glaring at me whenever we pass by; when I'm hanging around with Hercules and Lafayette, he persuades them away, knowing that I won't follow. And therefore, I either submit to Burr for reading, or Cornelius for training.

"Psst, Charlie!" Hercules was rocking back and forth behind a tent near us, appearing like he was trying to fight something off.
"You'd better go. Don't want to disturb the secretive conversations you have together... whatever they may be." Burr packed his things, nodding his head as a goodbye.

I scuttled over, almost bumping into three horses. "You got them?!"
"Only the very best!" he stroked one of the horse's muzzle, causing its ear to twitch. Lafayette appeared from nowhere, taking out a scroll of paper. He unravelled it, laying it onto the ground to reveal a huge map.
"Before you ask, I stole it from Hamilton." Lafayette admitted proudly, tracing his finger to our location. "From what I can assume, we'll be heading for the Delaware river."
"That's near New York, right?" I questioned.
"Oui. And based on previous markings, this is where Monsieur Laurens was last seen." He pointed his finger further down the map, towards Philadelphia.

Hercules and I both knelt down to get a better look; he kept ahold of the reins. "And the nearest camp is only a short way away from there. If we're lucky, that's exactly where he'll be."
"If we're lucky." Hercules responded.
"He's there. He's got to be!" I reassured, getting back up onto my feet. Lafayette rolled the map back up, placing it into his pocket.

"We'll be leaving in a couple of hours, so you might want to tie those horses back up, mon ami." Lafayette advised Hercules.
"What?! No, I worked hard to find these!!" he argued.
"Then leave them separate!" They both argued like children, scoffing angrily. Lafayette cursed in French under his breath, wandering off.

"Huh, looks like the tents are being taken down." Hercules mentioned, observing the cluster of people ripping their tents to pieces. "I'll put these back. You go help, we'll regroup later." I nodded in acknowledgment, enlightening the scene with a small smile.


"You've really got to stop that. It can permanently damage your lungs, y'know."
Cornelius turned to me, blowing a puff of smoke from his papelate directly into my face. "I'm sure a little one once a day wouldn't hurt."
"You do it, like, ten times a day!" I exclaimed, collecting all of our tent equipment together.
"Ten times, twenty times: it doesn't matter. I'm still alive, aren't I? We all must get through this war somehow, Mr Miller."
I sighed, carrying it over to everyone else.

"Eager as always, eh?" he asked, grabbing our bags and catching up with me.
"I'm just nervous, that's all." I stated.
"Because of the journey? Or because of the fact that you plan to abandon the group in search for... oh what's his name, John?"

A shiver was sent down my spine, and I stopped in my tracks. I clutched the equipment ferociously. "H- How do you...?"
"Don't worry, nobody else knows." he informed.
"But... how?"
He tapped the tip of his nose, taking the tent supplies from me and handing me my bag. "Take care, Mr Miller."
"And... And you..."

Cornelius knew... But how? Hercules and Lafayette were the only two that knew about it, since they were the ones who agreed to come with me. They wouldn't have told anyone, and besides, Cornelius doesn't like talking to people, anyway. But he treated me differently... like we'd known each for years, yet, we'd never really bonded at all. I shrugged my shoulders, letting it slide and focusing on my main objective:

Finding John.

History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now