Escaping From Boredom

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My Darling Y/N,

I wish you and Mr Hamilton are well. War is a complex scheme and I would hate for you to be withdrawn into it all. So long as you feel you are within pleasant hands, I am contented.

Your sister became taciturn and morose once the carriage turned its corner. I am obliged to help her, but alas, there is little I can accomplish for her. She has never been quite as attentive towards me, and who am I to blame her? She is full of life, as I am full of woe.

Recently, I have been speculating the similarities between Mr Hamilton and I. Both orphaned immigrants in search of a better path. Though Mr Hamilton achieves his ambitions far greater and quicker than I ever will. Once you return, I shall like to be acquainted with him further. If we go forth with our association, it would be nice to know him better.

In any matter, I stand by your next letter. Even if they do not arrive regularly, I promise, Y/N, that I shall write every day. You need not worry about me, for my health is progressing and I am bound to be standing upon my feet in no time at all. And when that time comes, I would like to spend every moment of it with you.

Please be safe and write soon.

- C. Fernández

Laying on my bed, I smiled down at the letter. Only a day, and Charles had already sent a letter through somehow. I was about to set it onto the pillow. "Who's that? Charles?" Alexander cut in.
"Who else could it be?" I questioned.
"He certainly adores you."
"Isn't it obvious?"

He sat down. "You should consider marriage. Emily is already far ahead of you on that."
"And that's how it will stay."
"Come, Y/N, he's an intelligent young man. He may have little money, yet-"
"You're forgetting that's it's not about the money. Or the fact that he's... perfect." I put my hand upon the letter. "It's because I don't want him to know who I really am. I don't want there to be some... corruption in time and for him to be hauled into the mess."

"But Y/N, you're here now. This is your life now. Don't you want to be happy?"
And I did. But to marry was too much. I allowed Emily to take her own risks because she fully accountable for its consequences. She is aware of what is going on, and so am I. But I won't let that lead to a marriage where we're sent back to the future having married a corpse. "...I just want to survive this."

We'd been given access to an abandoned farmhouse, rather than one of those miniature tents. We were being treated like royalty. Except, I was advised to stay in the house when not supervised by Washington. Which was all of the time. Washington was too busy arranging our travel to England.

In conclusion, I was too bored to hang around in this house. I needed to find an escape. "I'll find us both something to eat." Alexander closed.
"Yes, I'm starving!" I exclaimed.
"We may not have much, but I will gather what I can."

I waited for the door to shut so I could form a quick plan. A tiny window was to the right side of the room. I scampered over and lifted it open. No way was I going to fit through there unless I slid on my chest. I scanned around the outside, conveniently spotting Cornelius smoking his papelate. Still the same man.

"Cornelius!" I whisper-screamed. He couldn't hear me. I leaned out a little further. "CORNELIUS!"
He rapidly spun around, instantly met with confusion. "Miss Hamilton?"
"Come over here!"
He followed as I ordered. "Are you alright, Miss...?"

"I need help getting out of here!"
"Out of... the window?"
"Can't you use the door?"
"No-- I'm not supposed to be out here!"
"I don't understand, then why are you trying to get out?"
"Because I'm bored!!"
"...You're bored."
"Yes, now will you help me?!"

He took another puff whilst investigating the window. "Will you be able to make it through?"
"If you help me, yes, but we have to be quick because Alexander will be back any moment!!"
He shrugged. "Okay."

I gripped the outside ledge of the window and pulled myself through. The ground was a meter or so below, and I was relying on Cornelius to catch me in case I died.

My chest was through. Cornelius didn't know what to do, like he was afraid to touch me. "Here, take my arms." I grabbed onto his shoulders. He hesitated for a second, but did as I asked. He continued to tug me through.
"This looks... overly suspicious, Miss Hamilton."
"Oh nobody's watching!"

Finally, I wriggled out, quickly shutting the window behind me. With no further reaction, Cornelius latched onto my shoulder and wrenched me to the ground. "Wh-?!!" He held his finger against his mouth. He glared up to the window; once a dozen seconds had passed, he let out a heavy sigh.

"Mr Hamilton passed by." he admitted. "You are aware that this will cause you trouble, Miss Hamilton?"
"I know. I'll say you had nothing to do with it."
"No, I'll take credibility. You have a craving for amusement, like most women of your age typically do."

Cornelius stood back up and presented his hand out to me. "Oh no, I'm fine, you've helped enough-"
He took my hand anyway to help me up. "I'm afraid that will not suffice."
"SOPHIE!!" Alexander shouted from the front of the house.
"This way." Cornelius heeded.

We jogged around to the back of a barn, remote from the other surroundings. Whilst I panicked, Cornelius took it as no big deal at all. He checked to make certain that we were away from potential discovery, and apparently, we were.

Cornelius held his hands behind his back, inviting me to walk along with him. "It is my duty to make sure that you feel safe and content, Miss Hamilton." he began.
"Let me guess, because I'm a woman?"
"Partially. But not entirely. The day you arrived, you struck me as abnormal. I usually don't interact with others, but by being your tent mate, I felt I could know more of you."
"You wanted to be my friend?"
"No. You just intrigue me."

I accidentally tripped over something, being too distracted. Cornelius caught me before I could fall to the floor. I glanced back to see what I had fallen over, noticing a shoe. A man. A soldier, holding a book.


History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now