Our Family

661 23 117

°~2 Days Later


Eliza was sick. She had been for around a month now. She constantly wrote letters, assumably to Alexander. But neither Emily nor I could tell. Doctor Hosack paid a visit, but encouraged that all was well. He distinctively said to us, "It will come to you in time." What was he supposed to mean?

A couple of weeks ago, we visited Mr Cogswell at the factory. He already had the idea that we were never coming back, though we made it official. There was no need to work any longer; we had a new family to start. Good riddance to Edith.

Alas, stepping into the factory reminded me of David. The man who bewitched me so endearingly. I'd held the sketch every night under my pillow with no intention of looking at it. He sickened me. Yet... If there were ever a chance of finding him again, I was willing to do so. We may not have a relation with one another, but there was a possibility. And I wanted to find out.

We sat on opposite couches, sipping cups of tea. Sally lay asleep upon Emily's lap. "...So how's John?" I wondered.
"Good. He's in Philadelphia right now, for some reason he won't tell me." -She tilted her head- "Has he told you?"
"No, no... I had no idea."
"Psh, he usually tells you everything."
"We're friends, you dope. Not every man that I know is courting me!"
"Say that to Charles."

"Alright, you all need to stop with this whole Charles thing!"
"Think about it! You were best friends and then out of nowhere you're dating?!" Emily teased. She covered her mouth. "Is that what happened that day we met Thomas Jefferson?"
"Nothing happe-"
"When you two were in the back room alone?"
"Wh-?! What are you implying?!"

She raised her eyebrows, taking a quick sip.
"Oh you disgust me."
"You have no choice but to love me."
"Just because you're my sister doesn't mean I have to love you."
"Aww you do."
"I do not."

Sally pounced away from Emily when the door started rattling. Afraid of an intruder, I bolted up, only to witness Alexander come storming through. "...Alexander?!" He slouched against the wall, tossing his jacket onto the floor. We hurried to him, but he had no time for rejoice. He just stared at our feet. "Is... everything alright...?"

"Alexander!!" Eliza darted down the stairs, and Alexander's eyes flickered up for a moment. She tossed her arms upon his shoulders and kissed him affectionately. He finally decided to look at her.
"E- Eliza-"
"Come, I need to speak with you!" She grabbed his hand. "My apologies, could you excuse us for a moment?" Eliza asked us.
"Of course." She led him into the living room and I closed the door for them.

"Maybe they're... passing through again." Emily suggested. I opened the door slightly to check if her theory was correct: no other soldiers were present.
"Maybe." I closed it again. "With his face, I don't predict they are."

We perched ourselves on the stairs for the next 3 minutes. Sally scratched at the door with eagerness, whining to get in. Though eventually, Alexander and Eliza came back out. Alexander held an immense smile on his face with his hand slipped around Eliza's waist. "Eliza has been meaning to tell us all something... very important."
"Very?" Emily questioned, folding her arms.

"...I'm with child."

I pushed myself from the stairs, confronting Eliza. "You... You mean...?"
She nodded, placing a hand upon her belly. I grin spread across my face. I checked with Alexander to confirm what I was hearing, and again, he nodded.

"So you're...?" Emily made the gesture of a baby bump.
Eliza giggled. "There'll be a new addition to the Hamilton household."
"Let's hope she's not like her father!" Emily poked fun at Alexander.
"A girl? Who's saying it's a girl? He'll be an intelligent and strapping young lad, just like his father!"
"No matter a son nor daughter," Eliza intruded, "We shall raise them to be an honourable representative of our family."

Our family. All we'd ever had was a broken family. Though, with this opportunity, it'd continue to grow with the two of us involved. Besides Emily, I was crowned the eldest. I would have to teach the children how to lead their lives in a respectable manner... Children? How many were there? My memory was getting dimmer, and it was hard to determine whether this child was to be a son or daughter.

We were forgetting things. Adjusting to our lives, our family so much that the future was an alternate reality. A dream. Before long, I will have forgotten my past completely. Given up hope. If we were securing our place as Hamiltons, our family had to know who we truly are.

"Alexander, may I...?" I signalled at the dining room.
"Yes, of course." He pecked Eliza on the cheek, trailing behind me. I shut the door for him and offered a seat at the table.

"So... Congratulations." I praised.
"I hadn't any knowledge of it, not until just now." he chuckled. "But thank you."
"Is that the reason you were sent back?"
"Supposedly. Eliza begged to the General to send me home about a month ago."
"...Yes, I recall that's when she became sick."

"...You're squirming about to a great extent, are you alright?"
I noticed I'd been kneading my hands together. I struck them down to my sides. "Oh, there's just something that I need to discuss. Since... Eliza is with a child and..."
"It's perfectly normal that you're worried. I am, too-"
"It's not that I'm worried about the child. Only the consequences of it."
"...I'm sorry, I don't follow."

"You know that we're not from this time, Alexander. You. And only you."
"...That's correct-"
"What about them?" I interrogated. "What if we never go back, and we have to keep lying to them for the rest of our lives?"
He tensed up. "You... want to go back?"
"It's not that I don't like it here, because I do! And so does Emily! I mean, I've never seen her so happy before...

...But should we lie to Eliza? Your children?"
"If..." Alexander wiped a hand over his face. "If there is no way back, then you are stranded here. So what's the need in truth?"
"You've have matured into the woman you are now, and you have discarded your past. This is who you have come of age to be, Y/N. You are Sophie Hamilton. And if we tell the truth, who knows? There will be an outbreak. Accusations of witchcraft."

Alexander put his hand on my shoulder. "You and your sister mean everything to me. I won't let your lives come to any potential risk.

So nobody shall ever know."



History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now