The Masquerade (Pt 2)

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"Good evening to you, Miss."

"Good evening." I chuckled.
"What such a man would leave a ravishing woman unattended?" he questioned. My instincts told me to get out of there before he did anything weird, but I could not. I had to play along.
I giggled at his comment. "One such as my husband, sir."
"A husband of dishonour, I can see." he challenged.

"You are rather peculiar, I do not believe I have seen you here before. Do you visit often?" he asked.
"We recently moved to these parts, in fact."
"Ah. Work?"
"My comrades and I travelled from London up to 5 months ago. Members of Parliament, you see."
"...How interesting."

He sniggered. "Of course, you women would not have any engrossment in that." he assumed. He offered his hand across the table. "Captain Rufus Monroe." He subtly kissed my hand. I drew it away from his slowly.
"Captain?" I wondered.
"I fought in the First Anglo-Maratha War from 1775 to 1778. Then I foolishly resigned to politics."

Rufus tilted his head. "I am sincerely sorry, but I was unable to catch your name previously?"
"Olivia Hurst."
"Olivia..." he breathed out disturbingly. "I would propose the first dance, although your husband would take opposition of it."
"And so he shall." -I leaned over- "But why not tease him a little?" 

I couldn't believe the words that were pouring out of my mouth. Rufus gave a lascivious grin. "Mr Monroe!!" Another man stumbled over, tripping over his own feet various times.
"Mrs Hurst!" Rufus stood up, so I followed his lead. "Allow me to introduce one of my colleagues, Samuel Fludyer."
"You've picked one for yourself 'ere, haven't you, Monroe?" Mr Fludyer joked, kissing my knuckles.
"Indeed I have."

Emerging from the crowd, Lafayette brought back two drinks. "You must leave, my husband is returning." I hurried.
Rufus peeked back, hastily taking Mr Fludyer's shoulder. "May we meet again, Olivia."

Just in time, Lafayette placed our glasses upon the table. "So." He took his rightful seat again. "How did it go?"
I slouched back onto my chair with a heavy sigh. "Good."
"It doesn't appear good, Madmoiselle."
"He's a creep."
"But you suppose you'll be able to obtain information from him?"
"Then that is good."

From the utmost alarming stress, I instantly began to chug, unaware of how bad it would taste. I scrunched up my face, rolling my head around to force myself to swallow. "Not so used to drink anymore, are you?" Lafayette smirked.
"I never was, you all just forced me to drink with you." I said with my eyes squinted.
"You should be."

Suddenly, I heard the chime of glass, catching our attention. A plump man, around his 50s, tapped a spoon against his glass. "If I may have your attention, please!" he called. The ballroom fell silent within an instant. The man cleared his throat. "Good evening, everyone! And welcome! Tonight is a night for us to celebrate our success in the war, as plenty of you will already know!"
"Oh here we go..." Lafayette mumbled.

"We reflect on those pitiful rabbles who scream revolution, unaware of our determination to conquer!"
The ballroom cheered in encouragement.
"Compared to us, they have nothing! They have betrayed our King, our Monarchy! And as one, we unite to deter them back!"
"God Save the King!!" someone shouted out.
"What a bunch of fools..." I contemplated, clapping along in order to blend in. Lafayette refused.

"Now we defend our throne and claim what is rightfully ours!" He settled himself down. "For tonight, we show them what British blood is capable of! And we rejoice, my friends! Through song, dance, and of course, drinks!" He cocked his head to the side. "Lads, the bar is over to my right if you're in need of a quick pint."
Male laughter echoed across the room.

"Our first dance shall begin shortly!" he concluded.
Lafayette rose up almost immediately. "This is our time, mon ami."
"But I seriously can't dance-!"
"You must impress that man, and this is the most faultless moment to do so." He took my hand, hauling me over to the dance floor where many others prepared.

"Lafayette, I know the Allemande, and that's it." I confessed. "What do I do if-!"
"Trace the movements of the other women."
The introduction of the music commenced rapidly. Lafayette bowed to me, so I assumed that I was required to curtsey.

"Take my hand." he whispered. We stood together with our arms at a 45° angle. "Once you hear the music begin, go."
"When does th-"
Everyone frantically started skipping about. I followed the lady in front of me, my dress flying about everywhere. What where small hops seemed to me like giant leaps.

Lafayette struck as a natural expert. He'd memorized every exact movement. Meanwhile, I waved my hands and feet about like a bird unable to fly.

Drastically, everyone started following their partner in a circle. That was easy enough. But then they started doing some sort of... jig. I hid my dress over my feet as much as I possibly could, jumping out of control.

More of the hopping and disorderly foot movements and I was already worn out. "When does this end?" I panted, travelling around in yet another circle.
"Not much longer, mon ami, not much longer."

Whilst I continued to spin, Lafayette stood in the middle waving his hands. Except he knew what he was doing. I inspected the other women, finding that they were piveting around their partners. My face swelled up from exhaustion and embaressment.

Now we were tap dancing, apparently. Urging my hands not to fall onto my hips, I checked over and saw Rufus staring at me. I widened my eyes and instantaneously looked away. "He's staring right at me." I warned Lafayette.
"Don't lose focus, we're almost there."

Interlocking our hands together, we finalized the dance. Our audience clapped, including a smiling Rufus. "I've... never wanted to throw up so much... in my life..." I heaved.
"Negativity, mon ami."
"Right... Sorry..."

Praying I wouldn't be the last one left, I fled back to my seat with my head held down. I gripped the edge of my seat. "I'll buy more drinks." Lafayette agreed.

Hopelessly assuring myself that nobody was watching, I peeked upwards. Mere metres away from me, a boy with familiar, curled hair gazed back. Although covered with a mask, it was easy to recognise him.

Eric wandered over and grinned in surprise. "Miss Olivia! What a delight!"
"Eric, I... didn't think I'd be seeing you here!"
"Nor I!" He scanned his eyes over my dress. "And my, you look exquisite. As a woman, I'd be envious."
I chuckled. "Thank you."

"Oh!" Eric outstretched his hand to a passer-by. "This is my brother, Cedric!"
Cedric raised an eyebrow at me, but was content enough to kiss my hand. "Pleasure."
"I'm afraid I cannot persist, your husband will be furious."
"I appreciate your thoughtfulness." I flatteted.

"Well... Goodnight."

Eric led Cedric away, ruffling his hands into his pockets.

(Third Person POV)

"That's her, isn't it?" Cedric questioned. "The girl?"
"I had my doubts." Eric mumbled. "But it could well be."
"Then what shall we do?"
Eric peered back upon her. He hadn't felt such curious adoration for a woman in his life.

"If it is her... We wait.

I want to see what she is truly capable of."

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