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°~1st October, 1781~°



"Why would General Washington want me to go on lookout?"
"Well you stated that you were bored, did you not?"
"Yes, bu--!!"
"No buts, be grateful that I have spared you from the misery of drowning in endless pits of mud!"

Alexander had his musket armed. "What are we even supposed to do out here? There's nothing to talk about!"
"Stop complaining, woman, and lighten up! Sing a song or... something, anything!"
I thought. "Um..." 18th Century songs were rather bland, had no taste to them. I tried to remember any song from my time. "...Hey," I began to sing, "I was doing... fine before I met you. I drink too much and that's an issue but I'm o-"

"What sort of horrific song is this?" Alexander critisized. "You drink too much?"
"You told me to sing something!!" I proclaimed. "Hey, you tell your friends it was nice to meet them but I hope I... don't ever see them again!" I swayed my musket from side-to-side, happy that I was able to recall the lyrics. "I know it breaks your heart, moved to the city in a broke down car and four yea-"

"A car?" he questioned.
"Yes, Alexander, a car."
"What is that?"
I sighed. "It's a carriage but not pulled my horses. You push a pedal and it moves on its own."
"If it is involuntary then how will you control where you are travelling to?"
"You turn a steering wheel in the car and that changes the direction of the wheels moving it around."
He raised his eyebrow.
"...It doesn't matter."

"Your future, it is very peculiar..." Alexander contemplated. "What else is there to know?"
"Oh, so you are suddenly intrigued?"
"Of course, this is 200 years of advanced development!"
"Then why haven't you asked me this before?"
He shrugged. "I have only thought that it is no different from now. Alas, you have proven me wrong."

I smirked. "For a start, nobody writes letters anymore. At least, not with a quill and a jar of ink."
"But how else do we communicate?"
"Remember that thing you broke on the floor years ago when you tried to get those reporters away?"
His face dropped. "Yes...?"
"We used that to call people. It would connect to another phone somewhere far away and you could talk without being directly in each other's presence."

"That's preposterous!!" he declared.
"We also had 'texts'. Letters and numbers would be displayed on your phone and you would use those to write a message. When you send it, another phone will receive it and they could respond back."
"So I could talk to someone from across the ocean?"
"...Holy s--"

We were distracted by a man running towards us. He yielded his hands straight into the air upon our approach. A black trenchcoat stretching down to his ankles and just beneath, the uniform of a Redcoat. We drew our muskets out at him. "Please, I come as a volunteer!!" he begged. "I- I left hoping to join the Continental Army! I want to help!!"
"How do we know that we can trust you, boy?" Alexander pointed his musket further outwards.
"I c- can tell you all that you need to know!! Please, Sir!!"

He was in need. I didn't lower myself down, of course, but kept my eyes firmly locked on him. "Alright." Alexander slid off of his horse; he aimed the musket. "Hand over your weapons!"
The man did as asked, tossing Alexander a musket and a knife.
"Is that all?" he checked.
"Yes, Sir!!"
"I'll blow your damn head off if y--"

"That's it, Sir, that's all I have!!" The man collapsed onto his knees with his hands still in surrender. "Uh here!!" He rummaged into his pockets and picked out some coins. "Take them!!"
"I don't want your money, you fool!" Alexander took the money and discarded it away into the ground beneath us with his foot. I aided Alexander by coming to his side and retrieving the weapons. "...Get on the horse.

The General will wish to have a word or two."


"Another Redcoat?" Wilson questioned. "Hamilton if we get any more of these scums, we'll have to start killing off the weak ones!" He took the stolen knife and held it at the man's neck. "Do you want to be killed, boy?" Wilson teased.
"No, no Sir!!" he shrieked.
"Wilson, that's enough!" Washington announced. Wilson put the knife down and stepped aside.

Alexander had a grip on the back of his hands, restricting him from much movement. Meanwhile, I observed from the sidelines as the interrogation unfolded. "Why have you come here?" Washington asked.
"General, I see that there is no salvation for us as an army a- and I don't want my family to disapprove of me fighting in a war that could never be won!"
"You have a family?"
"A wife and two beautiful children, Sir."

Washington shrugged. "That is one reason not to abandon you." -He stood up- "So you have chosen to betray your country, your monarchy in ordee to aide us into victory?"
"Yes, Sir." he admitted, "We stood no chance, Sir, no chance."
"Then you must know something that we don't."

"Yes, Sir. The British are improving their defences at this moment, their artillery is slim. We've had no food, water... The only way that we have been able to preserve it is by killing our horses, Sir."

Good thing that Hercules wasn't here to hear this.

"You speak like you are already one of us. I do not recall making decision yet, do you, Hamilton?"
"No, Sir, I don't think I do!" Alexander twisted his arm, causing a cracking sound.
"Please, General, I- I just want to live!! M- Maybe when we have won the war, I can bring my family and raise them in ou- your glorious nation!!"

"How about you shut up?!" Alexander slapped him across the head.
"Hold yourself, Hamilton." Washington warned. "...I see no reason to trust you, nor one to let you go." Washington looked around in thought. It was true, there were other volunteers that had came to us over the past several days. Some had, unfortunately, been shot, whilst others were kept in a confinement.

"...You can stay with the others." he concluded. "General Wilson will train you and if you even consider going against your word-"
"I won't, Sir, thank you, Sir!!" the Redcoat exclaimed. Washington dismissed Alexander with his hand and he dragged him away. Wilson followed by after him.

"I am sorry about this, Sophie." Washington murmured as I too was about to depart. "You shouldn't be the one to see all of this."
"It is nothing that I should not expect, Sir." I smiled at him. "You want to keep your people safe and happy. That's the way things are, I'm afraid."
"...My people." he repeated. "Yes..." Washington nodded frantically.

"My people."

History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now