Saving John Laurens

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We packed our things into bags, hauling them over our shoulders in prepare for the leave. The sun was just only on the horizon, vanishing behind the clouds. We'd rode a little bit closer towards the camp, therefore if anything goes wrong we can swiftly retreat until we get another opportunity.

We walked on, rubbing off chunks of grass from our boots onto the ground; kicking stones to test how far they could travel. Suddenly, Lafayette ducked down, grabbing my collar to drag me along with him. The three of us hid behind a carriage, making as minimal movement as possible. "What?" I whispered.
"Redcoats." Lafayette replied. "If we're caught we'll be captured."
"Isn't that kind of what we want?"
"What? Of course not!" Lafayette studied them from the side, and I followed his lead: there were three of them, all making their way towards the carriage.

"So here's the plan: we kill them." Lafayette suggested.
"What?!" I whisper-screamed.
"Are you out of your mind, that's a terrible idea!" Hercules protested. "We can strangle them. They'll pass out, giving us just enough time to take their clothes and find John."
"You're both insane!!"
"Watch and learn, Monsieur." Lafayette cracked his knuckles, inserting his index fingers into his mouth and blowing to create a whistle.

"WHAT THE FFF--" Lafayette kept a steady hand over my mouth, edging forward with Hercules to go in with an attack. They instantly took out their muskets, knocking two of the three clean in the head with the butt (yes, the end of a musket is called a butt). They unconsciously fell to the ground, blood stained along their foreheads.

The other redcoat, however, appeared relatively young. Around my age, perhaps. He bared no medals, no rank of any kind: a new recruit. Frantically, he pulled out his musket, accidentally dropping it onto the ground in the process. "Ammo... Goddammit, where's the ammo??!!" he grunted.
"No ammo, mon ami?" Lafayette chuckled. The frail boy looked up, only to be met with the butt of the musket in his face. "Au revoir!" He slammed it into his head, and he collapsed onto the grass.

((The way I imagined that scene in my head, omg I can't stop laughing help me))

"You did not need to do that." Hercules tutted.
"Do what? The boy was taking too long!"
"Good thing I'm on your side, otherwise that probably would've been me." I sighed.
"Don't get yourself down, Monsieur Miller! Now, let's see what we've been gifted."

Lafayette inspected their shoulders, observing their military ranks. "A colonel... a captain... and an officer cadet."
"I tax colonel!" Hercules expressed joyfully.
"I unfortunately have to bare with the cadet, which means you get the captain, Miller." Lafayette informed me.
"Captain Miller... I think it suits, actually." I contemplated.


We stripped the redcoats down to their underwear, which was, to say the least, embarrassing. To undress, I took cover behind the carriage, my breasts still binded by the piece of fabric. It hurt like heck, but it seemed to be working so far; my chest was flattened to the best of its ability.

I ruffled my jacket, admiring my new look. I shunned my old clothes away into the bag, appearing out from my hiding spot. "Charming, Monsieur Miller, charming!" Lafayette teased.
"Oh shush, our main focus is on getting into that camp undetected."
"Charlie's right. We shouldn't get sidetracked." Hercules defended.
"My my, you're such the character today!" Lafayette sighed. "What about these three?"
"Leave them here. We'll use the carriage to load the soldiers, depending on how many there are."
"An escape route, eh? I like it!"

We prepped ourselves up, making our way slowly towards the camp. From a distance, it was apparent that they'd set up a humongous hut, likely where John was being held. A dozen tents were scattered around, suggesting that it wasn't such a big camp. I straightened out my uniform, appearing as smart of possible. A guard noticed us from the distance, scuttling over.

"Time to shine, boys." Hercules muttered to us. The musket at the guard's side was presumably loaded, as a bayonet was already equipped.
"Who are you?" he pondered, stopping a short step away from us.
"And who are you not to know my name?!" Hercules ordered.
The boy glanced at the military rank Hercules held, his face immediately flushing. "I- I'm sorry, sir! We must all be cautious, sir, you never know wh--"
"You're still questioning me?!"
"No, sir!"
"Good! I would think not!"

We marched past without another thought, the boy returning to his post. "Hercules! Since when could you become such a beast?" Lafayette questioned, patting has back.
"I have my perks." He smiled victoriously, and we all instantaneously directed ourselves to the hut.
"You think that's it?" I wondered.
"Gotta be."

Once again, a redcoat guarded. They were definitely hiding something important, otherwise there wouldn't be so much security. Hercules approached without any signs of hesitation, intimidating Lafayette and I both. "Evening, sir." the redcoat greeted. Taking in his features, he furrowed his eyebrows, not recognising us.
"Evening." Hercules responded, observing the hut in awe.
"What might your business be here, sir?"
"I've come to inform you that the General seeks your presence. Something to do with the cowards you hide in here."

My eyes widened; what if nobody was actually in there? I placed my foot behind myself, preparing to flee. Alas, the redcoat only snickered at Hercules. "You're not wrong." he laughed, striving away.
"Easy as that." Hercules brushed off, placing one hand onto the door. The building was made completely from straw, which only explains how little they cared for their prisoners.
"You have no idea how much you scared me..." I sighed, clasping my chest.

At that very second the door creaked open, my heart fell. All along the sides, American soldiers were restrained with rope tightly cutting around their wrists. There were at least thirty, their faces drained and skin pale. They didn't even have the energy to look up at us, holding their heads down low in shame.

Except for one.

"...Hercules? Lafayette?"


I'll probably be updating quite a bit in these next 2 weeks, as we're off for the Easter holidays and I don't have much to do

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