You're Joking, Right?

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Over the course of these past few years, I'd been debating my place in society, especially when I joined the factory. No matter which way I turned, whatever path I lead, I'd always end up at the same obstacle blocking my way: my identity. Nobody knew a thing, so lying made everything so much worse. But yet again, if I told the truth, no one would believe me. I might even be assumed mentally ill. Which is why I continued my quest to find a way back to the present.

It wasn't easy, I'll tell you that. It got to the point where wherever I could find a ring, I'd put it on and hope to be magically transported forward in time. Alas, nothing worked. Emily and I were stuck here until a miracle happened.

But she didn't think the way I did of things. Emily engaged with the life around her as much as she could, ignoring the fact that this wasn't her timeline. She even tried flirting with people from time-to-time, which was relatively... weird.

What I'm trying to say is that I could never meet her standards; the way she cooperates is phenomenal. I just couldn't be around this same old city anymore. I needed to go somewhere, try something out of the ordinary. Maybe then we can go home. The only issue is, I doubt it'll ever work...

It's worth a try.

I opened the door to our house, greeted by a snoring Alexander. "He's been knocked out for a few hours now," Emily came in with some soup, "Thought I'd try to wake him up with this. Though, you can have it if you want to."
"No, no, it's fine!" I insisted, "Give it to him. I just... need to talk to him for a few minutes."
"Mm? What about?"
"I'll tell you after, it's nothing important."
"If you say so." She tapped his shoulder, awakening him.

"Ugh..." Alexander shook his head, squinting his eyes. "My head is killing me..."
"Then maybe you shouldn't have stayed out so late last night with those ruffians you call friends." Emily lectured. "Here." She passed him the bowl, supporting him so he didn't drop it.
"Thank you..." He inspected the spoon like it was a foreign object.

"Alexander, can I talk to you for a minute? If you don't mind?" I asked.
"Sure, sure, sit down." He moved along, allowing me to take a seat next to him. Emily gave me a thumbs up, leaving to go into the bedroom.

"S- So I've got some bad news." I stuttered.
"Such as?" Alexander questioned. Oh boy.
"So... I've kind of got fired from my job."
"You've kind of?"
"Well... No. I mean yes! I mean..." I sighed, forgetting what I'd just said. "I told Mr Cogswell that I was helping Emily to get more medicine, and I was fired."

"You're being serious?" he questioned.
"How pathetic. What a futile reason to lose a job. I'll have half the mind to go and get it back for you, don't you worry!"
"That's... mainly what I wanted to talk to you about."

Alexander pulled an intrigued look upon his face. "I've been thinking about how New Yorkers generally don't... accept me, like I'm one of them. Now don't get me wrong, Emily's in the same position! She's just... so outgoing and enjoyable to be around... She's never lost hope in herself, not once. Even with that terrible flu."
"What are you getting at here?" he questioned anxiously.
"Alexander... I want to join the army."

Alexander spat out his soup, covering his mouth with a handkerchief. The room was absorbed in tranquillity before he began to laugh. "Very funny, Y/N, very funny."
"No, I'm being serious." I announced.
"No, no, no!" he cackled. The more he thought about what I'd said, the more critical the words I'd just released were to him. "No, no! ...No, no, no, NO!"
"No, of course you're not joining the army! Are you crazy?!" Alexander argued.
"But why not?!!"

"Y/N. You're a young woman. You're not even allowed to join! You need to adapt to your studies and start a family. Even if it were legal, looking after your sister should be your main priority!"
"I don't want to hear it!" Alexander interrupted. He put his soup down, standing up fiercely. "I'm going to get your job back, whether you like it or not!" He took his coat from the coat-stand, marching out of the front door.

"Wanting to join the army, are we?" Emily emerged from literally out of nowhere, leaning against the wall.
"It's nothing, Emily." I cupped my head in my hands, facing the floorboards.
"I can help you, y'know."
"No you can't, Emily!"
"Alright then! Follow me!" She began to trail away, expecting me to follow behind. Instead, I stayed put. "Come on, I haven't got all day!"

I relented, closing the bedroom door behind me. Thankfully, Alexander was able to afford a bigger house, so that Emily and I could have a bedroom of our own. It wasn't much bigger, but at least we had a bathroom and two bedrooms now. "Sit down!" She tapped the chair in front of her mirror, gesturing for me to come over. I reluctantly sighed, doing as she'd asked.

"Now let's see..." Emily took all of my hair, hiding it behind my head. "It looks perfect!!"
"What exactly are you doi--" Emily took some sharp scissors, wiping my hair clean off. All that was left was an uneven, short hairstyle. "Emily!! Alexander's going to kill you for that!!" I felt around the back of my neck; pieces of hair were frolicking about everywhere.

"I think it suits you! Besides, you can wear a wig!" she suggested.
"I am not wearing a wig."
"Then you'll just have to explain what happened!"
"I won't do that, either!!" I sulked.
Emily leaned over my shoulder. "Hey, do you want to get into that army or not? I'm trying to help you out here, so I need you to comprehend with me. You'll need to wear a wig just for today! Then we can get you on the carriage to George Washington's camp."
"George Wash-- But won't Alexander recognise me?" I quizzed.
"With the right assistance from me, no one will suspect a thing!" Emily ensured.

"Trust me, you're gonna be popular! Now, where did you say Charles worked again?"



Lol why am I even here, it's midnight.

Also I just finished up planning this entire story out and I'm exhausted.

History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now