Nobody Needs To Know

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(Alexander POV)

This child was unlike Y/N; I'm still grasping the fact that they are sisters. On the journey back from the battleground, all that escaped her mouth were complaints. Honestly, she really didn't seem frightened at all... that is unless she was using her temper as a remedy to calm her nerves.

Despite the fact that she too appeared from nowhere, this time, Washington sought no reason to have her sent to court for judgement. On realisation why he had decided on this, I thought back to the letter I had sent to him the instant I learnt about Y/N's past:


Such undefined sequences has struck me involving Y/N L/N. Y/N claims to be from a reality unlike our own, persistently disregarding the fact that we evolve around this current era. I trust you'll understand my dire need for this court to be held down; alas, I know that it cannot be provoked. Therefore, the possibility may be that Miss L/N is either accepted into a foster home or that I am willing to go forth with an adoption. It can only be successful under a forged name, and therefore I am hopeful that this secret can be kept between us.

Your humble servant,

A. Hamilton.

Of course, I'd promised Y/N to keep this a secret, but as long as she doesn't know then all will be fine. As for Emily? Taking her state into mind, there is no other option but to take her in, too. Besides, separation anxiety was likely to occur if the sisters were parted. Yet their secret was now running wild beneath the couple of people I knew.

I can't let them find out.


The day was rough, mainly for Alexander. Emily woke up around noon, and that's when things got a little tense. She'd expected to wake up back in the future, so arriving back here confused her immensely.

I tried explaining to the best of my ability, but nothing helped. So, Alexander offered to take her out to town for a bit: to refresh her memory. Emily obliged, unconcerned about me and trapped in a daze. In the meantime, I agreed to visit the dame for something to do. First stop was the court for Alexander after he'd "safely escorted me to the dame". He was going to file adoption papers for Emily, to my content. And then, a visit to Hugh for dresses.

I waved Alexander goodbye, entering the dame. I was greeted by a smiling Charles, glad to see me. "You seem happy."
"Merely appeased that you have shown up." Charles complimented. "Although you may have appeared at the wrong time, I'm afraid."
"What do you mean?"
"Charles!" Mrs Taylor called from the living room. I accompanied him, only to find a line of boys sitting on one side of the room, and girls on the opposite side.

"Ah, Sophie, dear! Come, come!" Mrs Taylor provided me with a seat next to Valentino.
"I didn't know you were coming!" Valentino whispered.
"Now," -Mrs Taylor perched herself on to a piano stool- "To clarify for Sophie, we are going to practice the art that is dancing today. The others have been shown an example, but I can assure you know how to do the Allemande, provided your age?"
"Great! Now let's get started. Everyone find a partner on the opposite side of the room!"

All of the other girls hopped up excitedly, encouraging the boys to get up. I sighed reluctantly, standing up but remaining in the corner. Charles did the exact same, and we met eyesight. I raised my eyebrows at him, implying that we may as well be partners. He shrugged, sulking over to me. "You haven't learnt this at all, have you?" Charles criticised.
"Not exactly." I grunted. "I can envisage that you surely have."
"Indeed, Miss Hamilton." Charles bowed to me as the music began to play.

"Just follow my lead." He gently took my hand, prancing around with little steps. I imitated him to the best I could, almost tripping over my own two feet. He raised our locked arms into the air, gesturing for me to do something. I observed as the other girls twisted around in a circle, persuading me to do the same. The other tutors stood at the door, clapping along. "Hopefully they don't notice us..." Charles muttered, lifting our arms up once again so that he could continue around in a circle.
"Am I that bad...?"
"N- No, not at all! Just... very unqualified for this matter."

To our delight, nobody noticed my failure. You could tell Charles was trying his hardest to encourage me to go along with it, but it just wasn't my style.

"Your arm here."
"Put your other arm here!"
"It's going to fall off if I stretch any further!"
"Well tough luck!"
"Ouch, that's my shoulder!"

To finally put an end to it, everyone in the room bowed/curtsied their partner, returning back to their rightful seats. "I am never doing that again." I told Valentino.
"I thought it was fun!" she exclaimed. "You know, you and my brother would make a good match."
"What?! No we wouldn't!"
"Ahem, yes you would! You're the same age!"
"That doesn't mean anything."

"That was well presented, children! I'm impressed!" Mrs Taylor exclaimed proudly, "Now off you go for a break. Dancing can become very exhausting!" All of the younger children, including Valentino, went outside to play. Meanwhile, the couple of people slightly younger than me and Charles went off into a different room. Charles cupped his head in his hands, clenching his hair.

"What's the matter?" I asked, taking a seat next to his. "Is it because of me?"
"No... No, it's not, don't worry." he comforted. "I'm just light-headed, that's all."
"Sophie, Charles, can you two do me a favour?" Mrs Taylor prowled over to us, handing Charles a bucket. "Go and collect some water from the well- we've run out."
"Of course." I obliged. "Hey, let me carry it." I attempted to take the bucket from Charles, but he held tightly on to it.
"No. If you're seen doing all the work, I'll be criticised for being an unworthy young man." he sighed.
"If you say so... But be careful."

The well was only a quick 10 minute walk from the dame, so it wasn't much of a struggle for Charles. Nevertheless, I helped him to retrieve the water; I'd feel bad just letting him get on with it alone. We poured the bucket of water into ours, travelling back without a word said.

"Hey... Sophie?" he started.
"Thank you."
"What for?"
"For just... always being there. You're an extremely kind lady-- I MEAN person."
I laughed at his shyness, noticing his face turn bright red. To be brutally honest, I didn't want to gain affections for people, not even Charles. What if it came to the point where I grew so attached to that special someone that we started a family together? It would ruin history. Not only that, but if people found out about my secret (well, mine and Emily's), the children would be hated exceedingly.

We could be killed.

Which is why none of us, not even Alexander, would bring it up to anyone.

Speaking of the man, we found him and Emily entering the gates to the dame. Emily was covered in a dull pink dress, matching perfectly with her eyes. "Y/N. Help." -she waddled along to me- "This corset thing is making it hard to breathe." Charles ignored the fact that she'd used my real name, going timid.
"It will for a bit." I informed.

We stood next to Alexander, and Charles went ahead with bringing the water back inside. "Mrs Taylor is inside, I presume?" he predicted.
"Yep." I answered. Seeing the new arrival, Valentino squealed out in joy.
"I love your dress!!" she expressed.
"T- Thanks?"
"Emily, this is Valentino." I introduced, "She'll most likely be showing you around once you've met Mrs Taylor."
"O- Oh... Great... I'm so confused..."
"You'll get used to it! Welcome to my humble abode." I concluded.



Sorry that this was a lil bit longer than the others, I mostly just kept rambling but meh, it's fine.

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