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"One moment he was there, and the next gone!" I explained to Lafayette.
"You say he was stranded in a river, non?"
"Yes. Like... He couldn't swim."
"Do you recall what this man looked like?"
"Early thirties, had to be. Fair, brown hair, the most extroadinary blue eyes... No doubting that he was an American, he carried the accent."

"Was he a man of affluence?"
"Seemed so. But he did act... strange."
"How so?"
"He kept repeating... Oh what was it again... 'God have mercy on my soul' and 'Just bring me back'. The peculiar thing was that the park was entirely empty prior."
"Bring him back to where?"
"Exactly. Then he turned directly to me and said, 'God have mercy on you'."
"He knew you?"
"Well I don't know him."

"There must be some conclusion to this..." Lafayette rose to his feet to pace. "You are certain that you have never met him?"
"I'm certain. Other than a week ago at the docks, remember that man I ran into?"
"Well he looked like him." I was brought to realisation. "The instant that both of them saw me... They were bemused."
"Therefore you suggest that it was the same man."
"In all likelihood."

Eric had escorted me home from the park. I'd abandoned the basket, for the sheer thought of that man was an enigma. Eric declined any entry into the house, for Lafayette would have to turn to overprotective husband mode.  And though he was a fairly persuasive actor, he would possibly frighten Eric into never speaking with me again. It wasn't that he was of any use for this spywork (as he himself fought for the colonies), but I needed a temporary companion to talk to whilst I was here. Eric proved trustworthy.

I'd changed from the damp dress that reeked of river water and into evening dress. We weren't venturing to anywhere fancy for the night, like on the night of the masquerade: only to a little bar at the centre of the city. Lafayette proposed that there would be many notable members there as the bar was popular for those among the rich folk.

"Well we shouldn't fret about it at this moment in time." Lafayette fiddled around with the cuffs at the ends of his sleeves. "We have drinks that we must resume to."
"You do, not me." I corrected him.
"Lighten up, mon ami, a sip won't hurt!" he exclaimed.
"Not until you have liver failure."


The bar was compact, indeed. Prostitutes surrounded the outskirts, making us sure that there would be wealthy men inside. "With luck, Mr Monroe will attend." Lafayette stated.
"Oh please no."
"I understand your reluctance, but know that if anything happens, I'll assist you."
"I... I know. He's just another drunk... Well, as proposed by his friends."

He held the door open for me. Thanking him, I slid through the rather crammed entrance and waited to take his arm again. We hovered around for quite some time, avoiding the stares, before we spotted a table for two. We sat opposed to one another.

A gambling table was evidently located to my left. Of course, people were drawn to it. A whole crowd, in fact. Men sat on chairs, tossing a dice with women on their laps. Disturbing, really.

And to the least of my hopes, there was Mr Monroe.

I covered the side of my face with my hand, though luckily he was too... occupied to notice me. "So... A womanizer." Lafayette drew the conclusion. "This... could be a grievous problem."
"What did I tell you?! He's a creep!" I spat.
"Again, Madmoiselle, it means that you can entice him."

"Remind yourself of what I told you. Men like it when women make them feel vulnerable. He is of no dissimilarity."
I peeked the corner of my eye through the gap between my fingers; Rufus skimmed his hands up and down the woman's waist. "I am not doing that, if that's what you're suggesting."
"Not at all! I only trust that, if you can allure him, he will submit to you."
"...He'll do anything I say."

"Exactement. Using him, we will transfer information in no time."
I looked again. Nonetheless, now he had identified me. I sharply glared at Lafayette. "Repeat what we did at the masquerade, but stall for a bit." I whispered with a surge of confidence.
Lafayette grinned. "You've got this, mon ami."

Rufus leisurely rose from his seat in time with Lafayette, pardoning the woman. He slithered to the table with the unexpected kiss of my hand as he snatched it from my side. "What a sight to behold on an evening like this..." he seduced.
I cleared my throat. "Good evening, Mr Monroe."
"I am moved by your comprehension to recall my identity."
"What yearning and irreproachable woman could forget?"

He claimed the seat for his own. "I was galvanized into action from observing your tender face once more... It's a shame that your husband does not take supremacy over it. He's leaving you to run wild for other men to take their turn."
I chuckled. "Would that not be a good thing, then? Besides, I treasure the thought of being seized by someone of your likelihood."

Did I really just say that.

But it worked, at least. Rufus smiled and bit his bottom lip. "I would gladly do it. I would pleasure you as much as you may require it. And with no thought of myself, although it is within a man's nature to become... aroused over the submission of a woman."

This was the way that I did not want it to go.


"My husband only appraises himself. I am used as his personal commodity."
Rufus leaned forward. "No commodity of mine, Miss, you would be a Queen." he pursued. He carefully poked his head around to my ear. "And night after night after night, it would be in my very honour to fill you with self-gratification. To make you tremble under my hand."

His breath stank strongly of alcohol. So strong that I could feel him edging towards my neck. Rapidly, I pulled away, staring intensely into his drunken eyes. He took my hand again and began to caress it. "In a little under two weeks, there is a ball. The 21st. I plead that you attend."
I did not want to. At all. I'd had enough of this guy already. Yet I knew that he had become my secured option, and I had no choice. "O- Of course."

He kissed my hand once. Then a second time, but with passion. "I shall see you there, Olivia."


Hola mi amigos.

So a few days ago, I decided to make the decision to construct an original piece of writing. Yes, that means that I am in the making of another book. And no, that does not mean that this will be going on break. I just want to inform you all, because I have seriously high hopes in it and it's going to take a very very long time to plan.

I intend for it to be a series. Due to this being a fanfiction, I'm not as... sophisticated with the language I use when writing, and I must always reach a minimum of 1000 words per chapter. However, for this, I'm aiming for a strong 4000 words, and I must get myself into the habit of writing for that long.

In any case, this story will be from 1793 onwards. It will deal with very realistic problems that were present during that time, and will be like a multi-story kinda thing. For example, there will be one initial main character, however the story will jump from one perspective to another. Like in Poldark.

Nevertheless, I am thoroughly excited for its release! Depending on how quickly my brain can conjure up a plotline, I'll begin to write. Presumably in a good year. But I just wanted to let y'all know.



History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now