A Winter's Ball (Pt 2)

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Okay, so before this chapter starts, I'd like to quickly clarify the ages of the characters at this point in the story.

Some will be historically accurate, whilst others are just how I persevere them to be in the musical.

So here we go.

Y/N - 17 (I choose the age depending on the year, e.g. by 2006, she'd be 1. 2007, 2, and so on.)
Emily - 16 (Her birthday's in July)
Alexander - 23
Charles - 18
Valentino - 12
John - 21
Lafayette - 26
Hercules - 33
Washington - 42
Wilson - 59
Burr - 24
Hugh - 53
Angelica - 24
Eliza - 23
Peggy - 22

Okay carry on.



"E- Eliza?!"

I raced back over to Charles, observing the entrance. Three astonishing women entered, catching everyone's eye. Even Charles'. They were beyond any beauty I'd seen, and I gaped my mouth open.



I knew these people...

The Schuyler Sisters.

Emily greeted Eliza joyfully, as though they knew each other. "Do they...?"
"I don't know." I finished Charles, knowing that he was about to ask the same question. "If so then this can't be good." I forced myself over to them, taking Charles with me. Eliza faced us, smiling with delight.

I curtsied her, as she did back. "Sophie Hamilton, ma'am. It's a pleasure to be acquainted with you tonight."
"Elizabeth Schuyler. You must be Lieutenant Colonel Hamilton's niece, am I correct?" she predicted.
"Yes, ma'am. I can see you already know my sister."
Emily gulped. "Yeah, Sophie, we met whilst you were at waAA-away." she stumbled.

More and more guests flocked inside, the last appearing to be John, Lafayette, and both of their wives. Lafayette's wife was roughly the same height as him, with pale skin yet tender brown eyes. On the other hand, John's wife was roughly my height, and blonde hair reaching just past her shoulders. She leaned against John's arm, comforted by his presence around her.

"Lafayette!" I greeted him. I curtsied before his wife, taking in her charms. "I'm Sophie Hamilton, ma'am."
"Ah, the soldier boy?" she questioned, baring a much stronger French accent than Lafayette. "I've heard a lot of you. You're very brave for what you did."
"T- Thank you." I stammered.
"I just hope my husband didn't cause you any trouble."
Lafayette chuckled, pecking his wife on the cheek.

"Call me Adrienne." she implored, leading off in Lafayette's arm. Next up was John, whose face brightened up the instant he saw me.
"Martha, this is Sophie!" he introduced for me. "Sophie, my wife, Martha."
"I was hoping on finally meeting you!" Martha exclaimed, taking my hand. "And my, you're looking stunning tonight!"
"Thank you." I giggled.

Before I could forget, I turned to Charles. "John, this is Charles."
They exchanged the shake of a hand, John appearing sceptical. "Don't I... know you...?"
"I believe not, sir." Charles replied.
"It's just that you look... strangely familiar..." John went through a thinking process, causing Martha to giggle. "Oh, what does it matter! Let's enjoy our night, shall we?"

John led Martha over to Washington. Turning around, I found that my predictions were correct: there were four times more men than women. I'd felt as if I'd been here before, or experienced something similar. The sheer fact that the Schuyler Sisters had arrived made me think. But of what, exactly?

A memory was coming to mind, one in which I hadn't reached out to in years.

"1780, A Winter's Ball, and the Schuyler Sisters are the envy of all!"

Alexander was about to meet Eliza.

The orchestra started up, and partners gathered in the centre. "Are we...?"
"Not just yet." I interrupted Charles. "I need to find Emily."
"Again? What's... What's going on...?"
"Nothing important, we just need to talk." I weaved my eyes through the crowd, passing by all of the dancing participants. Looking back to check, Burr, Alexander and John were stood in a line, feasting upon the liveliness as they shared a drink.

Just to the side, Emily was wandering alone, fascinated by something. "You know Elizabeth Schuyler?!" I catechized.
"Mmhm." She was barely paying attention.
"Do you know wh--" I quickly glanced at Charles, finding that he was focused upon the dance.

I leaned myself closer to Emily. "Do you even know what's going to happen?"
"No..." she sighed, tilting her head and smiling.
"That lady that you're friends with? Well she is going to marry Alexander. You can't be friends with her, it'll get really weird."
"Heh, okay." Emily said in between giggles.

"This isn't funny, what's so funny?"
She pointed across the ballroom. "Who's the fellow with the curly hair?"
"...John?" I suggested. "Well, you would've known who he was if you came downstair--"
"Do you think you could bring him over?"
"What? Why?"
"Because I want to meet him, that's all."

I furrowed my eyebrows. One minute, she didn't want to know him, and the next she's determined to meet him. I rolled along with it, tapping Charles on the arm. "Hey, can you excuse me for a minute?" I asked.
"Sure. I'll get us all drinks." Charles went off around the right, whilst I took a left. I noticed Martha hanging around with the Schuylers, as Adrienne danced with Lafayette. Let's just say that he kept tripping over his own feet.

I smiled at Alexander as I passed, stopping next to John. "There's someone who I'd like you to meet." I stated, hooking his arm and directing him through.
"Who?" he asked curiously.
"You'll see."

Emily pretended not to see him, only turning around when we arrived. John immediately caught eye contact with her, the corner of his mouth twitching. "I'm Emily Hamilton, sir." She curtsied.
Still maintaining eye contact, John pressed a kiss against her knuckles. "John Laurens. You're looking fantastic tonight, Miss."
"Thank y- you..."

John faced me, a smile now stretched fully across his face. "Your sister?" he guessed.
"Correct." The ballroom clapped as the first dance came to an end. John looked around hurriedly, noticing Martha come skipping up to him. "Martha, my dear, this is Emily Hamilton."
"Another Hamilton?" Martha giggled. "I'm impressed by their succession in beauty this evening."
"Thank you." Emily replied.

"May I have your permission to accompany her in the next dance?" John asked Martha. "She seems to have nobody partnered with her, and it'd be an honour."
Emily blushed.
Frantically, Martha handed John over to Emily. "You'd better be quick; the next dance will begin soon." she announced.

"Shall we?" They took each other by the hand, strutting up to the centre of the ballroom. Martha sighed, taking place next to me.
"He's fascinating, isn't he?" she joked.
"How do you mean?"
"He could befriend anyone just by merely looking at them. I can't understand what it is that makes me adore him so very much."

With two claps of a hand, the music began. Charles avoided it, carrying over three drinks. He gave one to me, realising that Emily was gone. He suddenly spotted her on the dance floor, acting as though she knew how to dance. "Well, I suppose one wouldn't hurt for you, Miss." He gave the extra glass to Martha.
"Why thank you, kindly!" she accepted.

"She seems happy." Charles contemplated.
"I guess it's a change from being excessively annoying." I muttered.
"She's not that bad!"
"You have a younger sister yourself, you should know what it's like."
Charles laughed. "She can be a handful."

From the corner of my eye, a woman approached. She gestured closer to me. "Excuse me!"
"Yes?" I responded. Angelica Schuyler.
"You're Sophie Hamilton, am I correct?"
"You are."
"Oh, I've heard of how brilliant your uncle is! You must be proud!"
"Yes, I am."

I didn't want to freak out and almost scare her away like I'd done to Burr, so I remained calm. "You know... You might want to consider talking to your sister." I indicated over to Eliza, who was leaning against a wall. Her cheeks were bright red.
"Oh? Why might that be?"
"I don't know.

Perhaps she's got her eye upon a certain someone."

History Has Its Eyes On You ~ A Hamilton Fanfiction (Book 1, Act 1)Where stories live. Discover now