Honesty And Jealousy

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The arena was dark; nothing could be seen throughout the abyss. I stared into the endless void, feeling around the warm air. A consumption of greed and turmoil smote the land, filling it entirely with grief.

Though, emerging from the shadows were two sources of light. I don't know how, but I could just tell that the one on the left represented honesty, whereas the right was jealousy. The two only hovered, facing each other. I tried to move, mustering every inch of my body to cooperate, and yet they couldn't. I could only watch.

Honesty shined brighter than jealousy, though, jealousy was more impatient than honesty. Whatever these sources were up to, it was something crucial. I began to hear mumbled noises, like humming. But it was no tune that they were singing- it was like a declaration. The hums became more suspenseful, subtle in the way they were delivered.

At the final hum, honesty glimmered, piercing through my eyes. I covered them to shield myself, but as soon as I did, the light faded rapidly. Instead, jealousy shone brighter, whilst honesty deteriorated. The final conclusion was the destruction of honesty, shattering to a million fractions across time and space. As for jealousy? It resigned from its overwhelming power, fading away...

I released myself from this dream, debating how this scenario could possibly be affecting my mind. Perhaps it was just playing tricks on me to think I'm crazy. Nevertheless, I had bigger priorities to think about than a silly old dream. Trailing along the hallway, I found Alexander sitting by the girl.

"She's been asleep all night, hasn't woken up." he informed me.
"Should we be worried?" I asked.
"If she ceases to worsen, then I'll consider calling a doctor."
"Why don't I try to wake her up?" I offered. I don't know how, but this girl knew my real name, implying that I may have known her from the future. I just... really couldn't remember.
"Knock yourself out." Alexander made way for me to sit next to her.

"Em... Hello?" I tapped her shoulders with the back of my hands. She made grumbling sounds, like she didn't want to get up. "Hello?" I shouted a little louder. She darted up like lightning, alarmed by my voice. Once again, she stared.
"No..." she whispered. "But you're... you're dead..."
"I'm dead...? Wh--"
"Who is he?" the girl interrupted me. "Tell him to go away."

I revolved to Alexander, who kindly nodded his head and left. "Y/N, I've missed you so much!" she cried, hugging me forcefully.
"I'm sorry but... Who are you?"
Her cheeriness dimmed down, like she couldn't believe a word she was hearing. "You... don't remember me?"
"I'm afraid not," I sighed, "Do I know you?"

"W- Why are you talking like that?!" she proclaimed.
"Like what?"
"Like you're one of them?! News flash, genius, you're not! Look at yourself! You even dress like them!!" She almost broke down, but stopped herself as she looked me in the eye. She was so upset by my manner, I just didn't understand. Were we close friends? No, I don't remember having any friends, other than...

"You can't remember anything, can you?"
"Just tell me who you are, and perhaps I will."
She took deep breaths in and out, a lot like I used to when I was scared. "I'm your sister, Emily. How could you forget that?"

How could I forget that?! Since I came here, my past was pushed to the back of my mind, so that I never had to remember them. I forgot their faces, though, the individuals stuck with me personally. If only I'd remembered Emily's face, then this would've been much easier. "Emily?! Wh-- How did you get here?!" I asked frantically.
"No, how did you get here?!" Emily repeated back.
"Quite possibly the same way you did!"  -I looked at her hand- "Anything to do with a ring?" Emily nodded realising that it wasn't there.

"I- I thought it was some jewellery that mum had bought me or something a- and I put it on and now I'm h- here." she stuttered. "Where is this, anyway...?"
"You're in 1777, there's a war going on." I informed her.
"Wait... Time travel?"
"I thought it was just teleportation and this is just some weird... weird place in the world somewhere."
"Well, we are in America."
"Wait what??!"

She pinched her temples, trying to process it all. "So how do we get back?" Emily wondered.
"About that... I don't think we can."
"You're joking."

And, with that, chaos rained. Emily started screaming, sending the household into submission. I covered her mouth to mumble the noise. "Be quiet, otherwise Alexander is going to come in!" I silenced. She made that sort of 'Hmm??!!' sound, and as predicted, Alexander came gushing in.
"What's wrong?!" Instead of answering, Emily held up her middle finger at him. "I don't understand, what does that mean?" Alexander asked me.
"It's umm... a way that people show you their gratitude in a more... negative way." I responded.

"I don't think you take much of a liking to me." he admitted to Emily.
"Heck yeah I don't!" she argued, "You and all these people are crazy! The only sane one here is Y/N!"
"She knows your name?" Alexander queried.
"My sister." I stated.
"Oh. Oh dear."

"Yeah I'm her sister! And who are you?!"
"Alexander Hamilton, miss. Though I do believe I already told you that last night."
"No you're not! He's that guy from that creepy musical that Y/N loved!"
"Musical?" he questioned.
"Nothing." I blurted. "Emily, Alexander Hamilton's a real person. He's not a fictional character."
"I CALL LIES!!" she screamed.

"I can guarantee that this is just a dream! Yeah! A dream!" she concluded.
"Then get some sleep, and you'll wake up all refreshed by the morning." Alexander agreed. Emily smacked her head on to a pillow, dozing off.
"You know she's going to wake up and realise--"
"I know." Alexander interrupted me. "I just want her to come to her senses before we do anything."
"Hmph. Okay then."



That chapter was so bad sorry lol I've had no sleep

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